
On 8/22/22 17:37, Shawn Heisey wrote:
The same problem also happens with 2.6.4, built with the same options as the dev version.

HAProxy version 2.6.4 2022/08/22 - https://haproxy.org/

I have documentation for the problem details in another project's bug tracker:


Does this happen with only HTTP/3.0(quic) or also with http/1.1 and http/2.0 ?

Are you able to capture the response coming from solr where haproxy sends wrong error ?

Testing with (2.6.4)+curl and this config (http/2 / http/1.1 only):
frontend test
    bind ipv4@ alpn h2,http/1.1 ssl crt somecrt.pem

    errorfiles myerrors
    http-response return status 404 default-errorfiles if { status 404 }
    http-response return status 403 default-errorfiles if { status 403 }
    http-response return status 500 default-errorfiles if { status 500 }
    http-response return status 502 default-errorfiles if { status 502 }
    http-response return status 503 default-errorfiles if { status 503 }
    http-response return status 504 default-errorfiles if { status 504 }
    default_backend test_be

backend test_be
    server srv1 id 1

listen responder
    bind ipv4@
    http-request deny deny_status 503

And I receive the correct error file.


Jarno Huuskonen

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