i've always thought of IPVS and DSR as a poor man's anycast.  for stateless protocols (DNS, NTP, RADIUS, Kerberos, Syslog) i have anycast setup.  for MariaDB, OpenLDAP and other stateful protocols, i use HAProxy.  for HTTP, which is stateless but is being driven towards stateful-ness with TLS, session maintenance, etc, i do use HAProxy as the intelligence and connection reuse capabilities make for a lot of performance and scalability gains.



On 11/4/22 12:33 PM, Lukas Tribus wrote:
On Fri, 4 Nov 2022 at 16:50, Szabo, Istvan (Agoda)
<istvan.sz...@agoda.com> wrote:
Yeah, that’s why I’m curious anybody ever made it work somehow?
Perhaps I should have been clearer.

It's not supported because it's not possible.

Haproxy the OSS uses the socket API, haproxy cannot forward IP packets
arbitrarily, which is required for DRS.

This is a hard no, not a "we do not support this configuration because
nobody ever tried it and we can't guarantee it will work".


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