Hello Cedric,

On Mon, Nov 28, 2022 at 8:46 AM Cedric Paillet <c.pail...@criteo.com> wrote:
> As described in github issue #1312, the first intention of patch 42d7c402d
> was to aggregate haproxy_server_check_status. But we aggregated
> haproxy_server_status instead.
> To fix that, rename haproxy_backend_agg_server_check_status to
> haproxy_backend_agg_server_status and use right data source for
> haproxy_backend_agg_server_check_status.

Thank you for looking into this. This has been on my todo list for too long.
I am fine with those changes as long as we backport them until the
version where this was introduced (this was introduced in v2.5 and
then backported in v2.4 if my checks are correct).
I understand that's a breaking change, some people started to build
tooling on top of that can't deal with behaviour change between
versions (I am thinking about dashboards in my case where we deal with
different versions). In that regard, I believe it can be ok to have to
do a one off change to fix this past mistake. If we are not aligned
with a backport, we will need to find another name.

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