On Thu, Dec 29, 2022 at 11:33:03AM +0500, Ghufran Shahzad wrote:
> Yes, sure, I make 2 azure vms, and install mysql server and use load
> balancer , mysql percona clusters , then i install ha proxy on both vms but
> when i access them it is not working, can you please give me a solution?

You realize that there is almost no info here ? What's your configuration,
which ip/ports are each service bound to and do the correspond to what is
in the config, what do you see in your logs, are the backend servers checked
or not, and if so are they reported up ? What does "is not working" mean in
your situation, does it mean you get a "Trying..." which would indicate that
you are connecting to the wrong address, or "Connection refused" that means
that you're probably connecting to the wrong port, or does the connection
establish and nothing happens, which could mean that the connection with the
backend server isn't in a good state ?

You will hardly get more help if you're not doing at least some minimal
homework, particularly on the elements we cannot guess for you.

Hoping this helps,

PS: please keep the list in Cc when you respond.
PPS: please avoid top-posting, it generally indicates that responses
     are not read, and makes it more annoying for others to respond.

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