Le 1/30/23 à 16:20, Jason Grammenos a écrit :
Hello Christopher

Here is a gist with the ubuntu crash log (is this the right thing? If not could 
you link to instruction on setting up gbd)
Along with a "minimal" reproduction configuration (not_working_haproxy.cfg)


It is an apport crash report. You can unpack it to get the core dump using apport-unpack:

  apport-unpack file.crash /path/to/extract

Then you can run gdb to get the backtrace:

  gdb /usr/sbin/haproxy /path/to/extract/CoreDump
  (gdb) t a a bt full  <<== It is the gdb command to get a full backtrace

Otherwise, you can install apport-retrace and use it with the -g option to launch gdb.

But first, you must take care to install the debug symbol:


I will note that the working_haproxy.cfg does start up correct on 2.2.27, and 
that the only difference in the configs is

listen haproxy_https
     bind *:443 ssl crt /etc/ssl/private/redacted_combined.pem crt 
     log global
     mode http

That's strange, the config is fairly simple. Thanks for the info !

Christopher Faulet

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