Hi Nic,

On 15.04.23 19:35, Nick Wood wrote:
Hello all,

I have recently enabled HTTP/2 on our HAProxy server by adding the following to the bind line:

alpn h2,http/1.1

Everything appears to be working fine, apart from our custom error pages.

Rather than serving the custom page as before, browsers just report an error. In Chrome its ERR_HTTP2_SERVER_REFUSED_STREAM. In Firefox its a more generic response about the data being invalid.

Here is the content of /etc/haproxy/errorpages/503.http:


I've searched the archives but not found anyone else with this issue - apart from someone who didn't have the correct HTTP headers defined at the top of their error file - but mine look OK. I've tried using HTTP/1.1 instead of HTTP/1.0 and also removing the Connection: close header, but nothing makes a difference.

Any clues as to what I'm doing wrong would be much appreciated.

Please can you share the haproxy version `haproxy -vv`.

What is your configuration? Include as much configuration as possible, including global and default sections. Replace confidential data like domain names and IP addresses.



Best regards

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