
HAProxy 2.7.8 was released on 2023/05/02. It added 1 new commit after
version 2.7.7.

This version is released just a few days after the previous one with a
single fix only. Its purpose is to solve an issue in the QUIC submodule.
This bug is present since the 2.7.7 only and never affected the 2.8
development tree. It causes the haproxy process to crash on each new
connection accepted by a QUIC listener. This means that all those who
use QUIC with 2.7.7 should upgrade to 2.7.8. Otherwise, there is no need
to upgrade on this new version.

This issue has been introduced along the mechanism to balance QUIC
connections accross threads on accept. This feature relied on a commit
which itself was not backported thus causing the unexpected behavior.

Despite our care, maintaining stable branches and backporting specific
commits is still a tedious process. In most cases, our regression tests
helps us to detect the most glaring issues. However, for QUIC we are
still at loss here due to the young ecosystem and the lack of testing
tools. We're still investigating on how to improve this. If anyone is
interested here, do not hesitate to participate on it.

Anyway, thanks to our community who spotted this issue and help to
quickly resolve it.

Please find the usual URLs below :
   Site index       : https://www.haproxy.org/
   Documentation    : https://docs.haproxy.org/
   Wiki             : https://github.com/haproxy/wiki/wiki
   Discourse        : https://discourse.haproxy.org/
   Slack channel    : https://slack.haproxy.org/
   Issue tracker    : https://github.com/haproxy/haproxy/issues
   Sources          : https://www.haproxy.org/download/2.7/src/
   Git repository   : https://git.haproxy.org/git/haproxy-2.7.git/
   Git Web browsing : https://git.haproxy.org/?p=haproxy-2.7.git
   Changelog        : https://www.haproxy.org/download/2.7/src/CHANGELOG
   Dataplane API    : 
   Pending bugs     : https://www.haproxy.org/l/pending-bugs
   Reviewed bugs    : https://www.haproxy.org/l/reviewed-bugs
   Code reports     : https://www.haproxy.org/l/code-reports
   Latest builds    : https://www.haproxy.org/l/dev-packages

Complete changelog :
Willy Tarreau (1):
      MINOR: listener: remove the now useless LI_F_QUIC_LISTENER flag

Amaury Denoyelle

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