however, our reason to migrate to HAproxy is adding gRPC
compliance to the stack, so H2 support is a must. Thanks for the
workarounds, indeed interesting, I'll check them out.

From a cursory look at the gRPC spec it seems like you would indeed really need the GOAWAY to get anywhere

trigger the GOAWAY H2 frames (which isn't possible at
the moment, as far as I can tell)

*Is this a valid feature request for HAProxy?*
Maybe, we can provide "setting CLO mode" via the "http-request" directive?

I can't make that call, but at least it sounds quite useful to me indeed.

And in particular, being able to set CLO mode is likely a little bit nicer in the long run than something like a hypothetical 'http-request send-h2-goaway', since CLO mode can account for future protocols or spec changes transparently as those eventually get added to HAProxy.

Interesting problem either way!


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