word() mentions that delimiters at the start and end are ignored, but it does
not mention that consecutive delimiters are merged.

May be backported as far as the patch applies.
 doc/configuration.txt | 7 ++++++-
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/doc/configuration.txt b/doc/configuration.txt
index 324cce1325..981e4dcb62 100644
--- a/doc/configuration.txt
+++ b/doc/configuration.txt
@@ -17726,6 +17726,7 @@ field(<index>,<delimiters>[,<count>])
   Example :
+      str(f1_f2_f3__f5),field(4,_)    # <empty>
       str(f1_f2_f3__f5),field(5,_)    # f5
       str(f1_f2_f3__f5),field(2,_,0)  # f2_f3__f5
       str(f1_f2_f3__f5),field(2,_,2)  # f2_f3
@@ -18939,17 +18940,21 @@ word(<index>,<delimiters>[,<count>])
   Extracts the nth word counting from the beginning (positive index) or from
   the end (negative index) considering given delimiters from an input string.
   Indexes start at 1 or -1 and delimiters are a string formatted list of chars.
-  Delimiters at the beginning or end of the input string are ignored.
+  Empty words are skipped. This means that delimiters at the start or end of
+  the input string are ignored and consecutive delimiters within the input
+  string are considered to be a single delimiter.
   Optionally you can specify <count> of words to extract (default: 1).
   Value of 0 indicates extraction of all remaining words.
   Example :
       str(f1_f2_f3__f5),word(4,_)    # f5
+      str(f1_f2_f3__f5),word(5,_)    # <not found>
       str(f1_f2_f3__f5),word(2,_,0)  # f2_f3__f5
       str(f1_f2_f3__f5),word(3,_,2)  # f3__f5
       str(f1_f2_f3__f5),word(-2,_,3) # f1_f2_f3
       str(f1_f2_f3__f5),word(-3,_,0) # f1_f2
       str(/f1/f2/f3/f4),word(1,/)    # f1
+      str(/f1////f2/f3/f4),word(1,/) # f2
   Hashes a binary input sample into an unsigned 32-bit quantity using the WT6

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