I think I updated the manual correctly. Please let me know i'm missing
└─# git commit -a
[master f5af1ea98] Adding example for track
Committer: root <root@HAproxylaptop.>
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git config --global user.name "Your Name"
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git commit --amend --reset-author
1 file changed, 8 insertions(+)
# git format-patch -k -1
Kind regards,
Kurtis Miller | Support Engineer
HAProxy | www.haproxy.com
On 10/26/2023 12:20 PM, Kurtis Miller wrote:
Please add the following examples:
backend A
server a1 track B/b1
server a2 track B/b1
backend B
server b1 check
this will help customers to better understand how the track function
Kind regards,
HAProxy Technologies
*Kurtis Miller
* Support Engineer
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Kind regards,
HAProxy Technologies
*Kurtis Miller
* Support Engineer
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