Le 29/12/2023 à 20:05, Ilya Shipitsin a écrit :
more spell fixes

Ilya Shipitsin (1):
   CLEANUP: assorted typo fixes in the code and comments

  addons/promex/service-prometheus.c |  2 +-
  dev/patchbot/README                |  2 +-
  doc/configuration.txt              | 24 ++++++++++++------------
  include/haproxy/connection-t.h     |  2 +-
  include/haproxy/quic_tx.h          |  2 +-
  include/haproxy/server-t.h         |  2 +-
  src/h3.c                           |  2 +-
  src/mux_quic.c                     |  2 +-
  src/proto_rhttp.c                  |  6 +++---
  src/server.c                       |  6 +++---
  10 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)

Nerged now. Thanks !
Christopher Faulet

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