>-----Original Message-----
>From: Pritpal Bedi [mailto:bediprit...@hotmail.com] 
>Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2009 1:16 PM
>> Have you a wrapper #include for test xbase parts with harbour?

How can I build demowvg with OpenWatcom ?
I see in cntrib\gtwvg only make_b32.bat and make_vc.bat, and in
c:\harbour\contrib\gtwvg\tests\ only bld_b32.bat, bld_vc.bat,
hbmk_b32.bat, hbmk_vc.bat. HBMK_B32 says that GTWVG.LIB is not found
etc. How can I build librares from contrib folder ?

Marek Horodyski
Harbour mailing list

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