Hi there,

Not sure if this mailing list supports the lower ascii, but we're having a
lot of problems getting the → character to show up in Win32 apps on Windows.

On the very same computer, sometimes it shows the box character (anyone
who's used notepad and it cannot display a char correctly knows what I
mean).  Other times, it shows the arrow key character perfectly!

I believe these keys have something to do with the ESC key, or are near it
on the ASCII table.

My question:  Simply put, can I just make it alwasys show the cute

If nothing can be done, perhaps I can get it by enabling Unicode on Harbour
and doing something like CHR(unicode val for arrow).

But for Win98 users, would that mean I would have to include unicows.dll in
the Harbour-generated .EXE path?



smu johnson <smujohn...@gmail.com>
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