
On 2010.05.04 17:30, Alex Strickland wrote:
Maybe this small test will help someone to see how easy it is to read
and write non DBF files using netio RPC.

The primary purpose of NETIO was file sharing, so, it supports this functionality even without RPC and without any Harbour level overhead.

Here is a sample code, how I copy data.dbf to MEMIO for a much faster report generation using memory file instead of (possibly remote) file. If you change "data.dbf" to "net:data.dbf" you'll have a function to NETIO file to MEMIO file.

pFile = hb_fileExtOpen( "data.dbf", NULL, FO_READ | FO_DENYNONE | FXO_DEFAULTS, NULL, NULL );
   if( pFile )
if( hb_fileLock( pFile, 0, ( HB_FOFFSET ) -1, FL_LOCK | FLX_EXCLUSIVE ) )
pFileTo = hb_fileExtOpen( "mem:data.dbf", NULL, FO_READWRITE | FO_EXCLUSIVE | FXO_TRUNCATE | FXO_DEFAULTS, NULL, NULL );
         if( pFileTo )
            ulPos = 0;
            pBuffer = hb_xgrab( 1048576 );
while( ( ulCount = hb_fileReadAt( pFile, pBuffer, 1048576, ulPos ) ) > 0 )
               hb_fileWriteAt( pFileTo, pBuffer, ulCount, ulPos );
               if( ulCount != 1048576 )
               ulPos += 1048576;
            hb_fileClose( pFileTo );
         hb_fileLock( pFile, 0, ( HB_FOFFSET ) -1, FL_UNLOCK );
      hb_fileClose( pFile );

If your next question is about, why IO API is not directly accessible via Harbour level functions, the answer is: because IO API functionality is not as wide as all Harbour level functions. So, many Harbour functions could not be redirected via IO API.

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