>>> use <(db)> => dbusearea(,,linux(<(db)>),...)
>> Such modification is still only workaround for the problem which
>> is hardcoded in some other place. You should switch to "/" or use
>> hb_osPathSeparator() if you want to eliminate any filename conversions.
> yes, unfortunately it is just a workaround, but its advance is that, once 
> developed, is immediately applicable to all other, yet not ported apps

The only thing some may wonder is why such workaround 
is good for you, when you can get much better coverage 
for the problem by adding 1-2 lines of .prg code. You can 
add it even in a new .prg as INIT PROC and simply link 
it to your app, so only the make file have to changed by 
adding this one new .prg.


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