Hi Przemek,

It's great. I hope we can nail the watcom tricks and .def file 
"chaos" in the future.

I've successfully tested olesrv2 with oletst2.

Then I tried to access olesrv2 from jscript/vbscript. Since 
I'm using Win7 x64, first I built olesrv2 with msvc64, 
and registered it, which went OK. msvc64 compilation showed 
these warnings:
   ..\hbolesrv.def : warning LNK4104: export of symbol 'DllRegisterServer' 
should be PRIVATE
   ..\hbolesrv.def : warning LNK4104: export of symbol 'DllUnregisterServer' 
should be PRIVATE

With these scripts:
--- tst2.jscript
   var tst2 = new ActiveXObject( "MyOleTimeServer" );

   WScript.stdout.WriteLine( tst2.TIME() );
--- tst2.vbscript
Dim tst2 : Set tst2 = WScript.CreateObject("MyOleTimeServer")

WScript.stdout.WriteLine tst2.TIME()

Both worked when run from 'cscript'. They also worked with 
(default) 'wscript' when using GUI output function:
--- tst2.vbs
Dim tst2 : Set tst2 = WScript.CreateObject("MyOleTimeServer")

WScript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Popup tst2.TIME()

The only thing I noticed is that "TIME()" is case-sensitive, 
so probably a HB_HSETCASEMATCH() call would be needed in sample 

Great job!


On 2010 May 26, at 00:04, dru...@users.sourceforge.net wrote:

> Revision: 14593
> http://harbour-project.svn.sourceforge.net/harbour-project/?rev=14593&view=rev
> Author:   druzus
> Date:     2010-05-25 22:04:04 +0000 (Tue, 25 May 2010)
> Log Message:
> -----------
> 2010-05-26 00:03 UTC+0200 Przemyslaw Czerpak (druzus/at/priv.onet.pl)
>  * harbour/contrib/hbwin/Makefile
>  + harbour/contrib/hbwin/hbolesrv.c
>    + added inproc OLE server implementation. It allows to create OLE/ACTIVEX
>      COM server in Harbour. Such OLE server allows can be used by programs
>      written in any languages supporting OLE automation (also in other
>      Harbour applications)
>      User ole server code should be linked as DLL which later can be
>      register in MS-Windows by regsvr32.exe program, i.e.:
>         regsvr32 myolesrv.dll
>      The OLE server code should contain DLLMAIN() PRG function which
>      is executed just after loading OLE inproc DLL server as server from
>      other application and also by regsrv32.exe during registration and
>      unregistration procedure. It has to initialize at least OLE server
>      ID and name usinf WIN_OleServerInit().
>    + added new PRG function which intitialize OLE server:
>      WIN_OleServerInit( <cClassID>, <cServerName>, ;
>                         [ <hAction> | <oAction> | <bAction> | <sAction> ], ;
>                         [ <lHashClone> | <lAcceptAll> ] ) -> <lServerActive>
>      <cClassID> is registered OLE server class GUID
>      <cServerName> is OLE server class name
>      <hAction> is optional parameter with hash array containing messages
>      and instance variables used by OLE server. The keys in hash array
>      are strings with message names and values are actions. Codeblock
>      and symbol items means that given message is a method call and
>      any other value means that it's variable.
>      By default the same hash array is shared between all objects
>      created by registered server. It's important when hash array
>      contains values which are neither codeblock nor symbol items
>      so they are not used as method but rather as instance variables
>      because such instance variables are shared between OLE objects.
>      Setting 4-th parameter <lHashClone> to .T. causes that each
>      objects receives it's own copy of <hAction> item so instance
>      variables inside hash array are also local to OLE object.
>      Alternatively programmer can use <bAction> or <sAction> to create
>      seprate copy of hash array for each object, i.e.:
>         bAction := {|| hb_hClone( hValue ) }
>      When hash array contains symbol item (@funcName()) then when it's
>      executed by OLE object message it's possible to access the hash
>      array bound with given OLE object using QSelf() function. It maybe
>      useful if hash array contains instance variables and programmer
>      wants to access them.
>      Please remember that using hash array which was initialized to keep
>      original assign order by HB_HKEEPORDER( <hAction>, .T. ) before
>      adding its items you can define strict message numbers (DISPIDs), i.e.:
>         hAction := {=>}
>         HB_HKEEPORDER( hAction, .T. )
>         hAction[ "OPEN" ]  := @myole_open()     // DISPID=1
>         hAction[ "CLOSE" ] := @myole_close()    // DISPID=2
>         hAction[ "SAVE" ]  := @myole_save()     // DISPID=3
>         hAction[ "LOAD" ]  := @myole_load()     // DISPID=4
>         hAction[ "PRINT" ] := @myole_print()    // DISPID=5
>      (see example in olesrv2.prg)
>      <oAction> is optional parameter with Harbour object which is used
>      as base for all newly created OLE objects. All messages (method and
>      instance variables) supported explicitly by <oAction> object (except
>      ONERROR message redirecting) are inherited by OLE objects. Each
>      newly created OLE object uses the same <oAction> object so its
>      instance variables are shared between all of them. If programmer
>      wants to create separate Harbour object for each OLE object then
>      he should use <bAction> or <sAction>, i.e.:
>            bAction := {|| myClass():new() }
>      <bAction> is optional parameter with codeblock executed when new
>      OLE object is created. It should return hash array or Harbour object
>      which will be used as base for newly created OLE object.
>      <sAction> is optional parameter with function symbol. This function
>      is executed when new OLE object is created and should return hash
>      array or Harbour object which is used as base for newly created
>      OLE object.
>      If the 3-rd parameter is <oAction>, <bAction> or <sAction> then
>      it's possible to also set 4-th parameter <lAcceptAll> to .T. and
>      in such case <xAction> parameter is used in different way. Newly
>      created OLE object accepts any massage names invoking for each
>      of them EVAL() message which is sent to <xAction> with OLE message
>      name inserted as the 1-st item to OLE object parameters.
>      It allows to create OLE server which will accept unknown messages
>      redirecting them to some other code, i.e.:
>         if netio_connect( cServer,,, cPasswd )
>            WIN_OleServerInit( cClassID, cServerName, @netio_funcExec(), .T. )
>         endif
>      initialize OLE server which redirects all messages to default netio
>      connection establish by netio_connect().
>      If 3-rd parameter is not given then all HVM functions becomes
>      OLE methods and HVM memvars (public and private variables) are
>      OLE object instance variables so they are shared with all OLE
>      objects created by this interface. It works just like xHarbour.com
>      OLE server described at
>      http://xharbour.com/index.asp?page=add_on_oleserver&show_sub=7&show_i=1
>    ; TODO: add support for MT RPC servers. Current implementation cannot
>            be safely used in MT programs creating OLE objects and executing
>            their methods simultaneously in different threads without
>            additional user code which will serialize these operations.
>    ; TODO: replace message handler API in WIN_AxGetControl()/
>            __AxRegisterHandler() which uses only fixed method IDs
>            and do not support method names with above one so user
>            can easy create activex controls which support message
>            names. This modificaiton will force updating user and 3-rd
>            party code but IMO should be done. Current interface is
>            simply too much limited to keep it.
>    ; Possible TODO: add support for user defined fixed message numbers
>                     (DISPIDs) which are not continuous small numbers so
>                     users cannot easy use hash arrays with strict order.
>                     Is such functionality necessary? Can someone with
>                     ActiveX experience say sth about it?
>                     Above implementation has undocumented feature:
>                     it supports hash arrays with keys using numbers only
>                     which can be used like in __AxRegisterHandler() but
>                     I haven't decided yet I should keep, extend or remove
>                     such functionality.
>    Please make real life test.
>    I do not have any practice with MS-Windows and OLE and most of above
>    code I wrote using only documentation so I'm very interesting in real
>    test results and user opinions about it. If some important functionality
>    is missing then please inform me about it.
>    BTW There are some 3-rd party activex implementation for [x]Harbour, i.e.
>    xharbour.com or FiveWin ones. Maybe someone familiar with them can create
>    PRG compatibility layer for Harbour. I cannot do that myself because I
>    do not know that products and their PRG API used in OLE/COM/ActiveX
>    implementations but if someone can describe it then I can help in such
>    implementation.
>  + harbour/contrib/hbwin/hbolesrv.def
>  + harbour/contrib/hbwin/hbolesrv-mgw.def
>  + harbour/contrib/hbwin/hbolesrv-ow.def
>    + added .DEF link files which are necessary to correctly export
>      inproc OLE server DLL functions. It's possible that other compilers
>      or even different versions of the same compilers may use different
>      a little bit different .DEF files. I tested above with BCC5.5,
>      MinGW 3.4.5 and OpenWatcom 1.8.
>  + harbour/contrib/hbwin/test/olesrv1.prg
>  + harbour/contrib/hbwin/test/olesrv1.hbp
>  + harbour/contrib/hbwin/test/oletst1.prg
>  + harbour/contrib/hbwin/test/oletst1.hbp
>    + added example of NETIO-RPC OLE server code with Harbour (PRG) client.
>      This server redirects all messages sent to its OLE objects to remote
>      HBNETIO server as function calls. It understands the following
>      messages:
>         CONNECT()    - creates connection to the server, parameters like in
>                        NETIO_CONNECT() and NETIO_GETCONNECTION() functions
>         DISCONNECT() - closes current connection
>         PROCEXISTS() - works like NETIO_PROCEXISTS()
>         PROCEXEC()   - works like NETIO_PROCEXEC()
>         PROCEXECW()  - works like NETIO_PROCEXECW()
>         FUNCEXEC()   - works like NETIO_FUNCEXEC()
>      All other messages are redirected directly to RPS server as function
>      calls.
>      CONNECT() message should be executed by client to create
>      connection to the server. Each NETIO-RPC OLE object uses its own
>      connection which should be initialized. If CONNECT() is executed
>      more then once the current connection is closed.
>      DISCONNECT() is executed automatically when OLE object is destroyed
>      so it's not necessary to call it explicitly.
>      Please use hbmk2 and olesrv1.hbp to compile OLE server. OLE inproc
>      servers have to export some DLL entry functions which are defined
>      in .def files which have to be passed to linker.
>      Before client code can be tested the server has to be registered.
>      The server can be registered in given MS-Windows system using
>      regsvr32.exe command. To register the server use:
>         regsvr32 olesrv1.dll
>      and to unregister:
>         regsvr32 /u olesrv1.dll
>  + harbour/contrib/hbwin/test/olesrv2.prg
>  + harbour/contrib/hbwin/test/olesrv2.hbp
>  + harbour/contrib/hbwin/test/oletst2.prg
>  + harbour/contrib/hbwin/test/oletst2.hbp
>    + added very simple example of OLE server using hash array with
>      strict item order (associative hash array) to define OLE objects
>      with fixed message numbers (DISPIDs)
>      Remember about registering the server by 'regsvr32 olesrv2.dll'
>  + harbour/contrib/hbwin/test/olesrv3.prg
>  + harbour/contrib/hbwin/test/olesrv3.hbp
>  + harbour/contrib/hbwin/test/oletst3.prg
>  + harbour/contrib/hbwin/test/oletst3.hbp
>  + harbour/contrib/hbwin/test/oletst3.bas
>    + added example of OLE server code with Harbour (PRG)
>      and Visual Basic (BAS) clients.
>      This server redirects all messages sent to its OLE objects to HVM
>      functions and messages to HVM memver (public and private) variables
>      This server should work as xHarbour.com OLE servers described at:
>      http://xharbour.com/index.asp?page=add_on_oleserver&show_sub=7&show_i=1
>      The server and clients code are nearly the same so users can easy
>      compare them.
>      Remember about registering the server by 'regsvr32 olesrv2.dll'
> Modified Paths:
> --------------
>    trunk/harbour/ChangeLog
>    trunk/harbour/contrib/hbwin/Makefile
> Added Paths:
> -----------
>    trunk/harbour/contrib/hbwin/hbolesrv-mgw.def
>    trunk/harbour/contrib/hbwin/hbolesrv-ow.def
>    trunk/harbour/contrib/hbwin/hbolesrv.c
>    trunk/harbour/contrib/hbwin/hbolesrv.def
>    trunk/harbour/contrib/hbwin/tests/olesrv1.hbp
>    trunk/harbour/contrib/hbwin/tests/olesrv1.prg
>    trunk/harbour/contrib/hbwin/tests/olesrv2.hbp
>    trunk/harbour/contrib/hbwin/tests/olesrv2.prg
>    trunk/harbour/contrib/hbwin/tests/olesrv3.hbp
>    trunk/harbour/contrib/hbwin/tests/olesrv3.prg
>    trunk/harbour/contrib/hbwin/tests/oletst1.hbp
>    trunk/harbour/contrib/hbwin/tests/oletst1.prg
>    trunk/harbour/contrib/hbwin/tests/oletst2.hbp
>    trunk/harbour/contrib/hbwin/tests/oletst2.prg
>    trunk/harbour/contrib/hbwin/tests/oletst3.bas
>    trunk/harbour/contrib/hbwin/tests/oletst3.hbp
>    trunk/harbour/contrib/hbwin/tests/oletst3.prg
> This was sent by the SourceForge.net collaborative development platform, the 
> world's largest Open Source development site.
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