Last night on the 20th ,I was hearing a station on 4939.63 Khz using LSB
mode around 0900 to past 1000 GMT. The announcers spoke Spanish and had
one female at times and one male at times. They played an  awful lot of
Spanish language songs. The audio had a bit of echo to it,not too loud
or distorted.At no time did I hear anything remotely sounding like an ID
from either announcer. I figured at first if it was Radio Nacional from
Quito I would at least hear Quito somewhere in there around the hour
,but nothing was heard at all. Any ideas on who this is? I have two
listings that have the stations running on this frequency of sorts at
variable frequencies.One from Venezuela,one from Bolivia.Tonight at 0809
on this same frequency I can just tell something is there.I hear the het
but not much of anything else.Every so often a bit of audio pops in
mostly music.
I am using the RX320 and the 50 ft south wire to hear this.
Dx'ing in  Kentucky  using the Drake R4a,Ten-Tec RX320,
50 ft  end-fed wire @ 160 degrees,150 ft end-fed wire @ 75 degrees
Nothing but RedHat 7.3 used  on this machine.

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