Hello Martin and Bjarne,

> 4) On/off timer (capability to automatically switch the recorder on
> and off at given times)

but at least for point 4 there is a simple workaround:
The recorder has a possibility named "Music SYNCH", which is available
via the remote-control only. In this mode the machine is in stand-by
and starts to record as soon as it gets any audio.

So, I'm setting the timer on my AR7030 for the night, and put the
MD-deck into Music SYNCH afterwards. As soon as the receiver comes to
life the recording starts. Dead simple.

yes, a clever workaround, but it doesn't work with all units: I've got a Sony MZ-R909, whose Synch mode is active only with digital input from a CD player and anyway switches automatically the recorder off after 5 minutes of silence :-(

Anyway, a recorder with a Synch mode such as yours (instead of a timer) and the other three features I need would be perfectly acceptable for me!

I studied the www.minidisc.org site, but it doesn't list all the features of all the units and therefore I couldn't find the MD recorder of my dreams: that's why I'm asking for help from others in the know.

Thank you anyway, it's already a step beyond!



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