Here are a few logs including SWRA and RTD "me too"

3310, BOLIVIA, (P)R. Mosoj Chaski, 0009-0032, Mar.22,
Portuguese-?, Om and YL in language b/w musical bits,
Horn blast at 0018 followed by ballad. More music and
talks thru 0030. Poor/weak but improving. No ID noted.

4780, DJIBOUTI, RTD, *0300-0344, Mar.22, Vernacular,
Big OC prior to *0300 w/ Horn of Africa music, OM w/
s/on annmts but no ID noted. Call to prayer followed
by lengthy talk by OM from 0307-0328. Nice HOA
pop-like tune until ID at 0330. News/commentary w/
several mentions of "Kofi Annan". Music at 0343. Good
at s/on w/ increasing prop. QRN as the hour
progressed. Always a treat to log a new SW country. 

11705, "ZIMBABWE" SWRA via Rampisham(?), 1744-1759,
Mar.18, Vernacular/English, Talks b/w 2 OM in lang, 2
YLs at 1751 w/ EG interview re "female perspective" of
Zimbabwe. Blown out at 1759 by co-channel RFI sign-on.
Fair w/ unid. station at t/in eventually slipping
under dominant SWRA. (Barbour-NH)

11995, "ZIMBABWE" SWRA via Rampsiham(?), *1800-1814,
Mar.18, English/Vernacular, Continuation of EG
interview noted on 11705. OM and YL w/ full ID, SW
frequency and MW-1197, 24 hr. phone-line: 023-275030
and [EMAIL PROTECTED] PSA re "importance of your
vote" and March 31 election. Candidate prg. at 1810 w/
OM in EG and lang. w/ "My name is Jeffrey (last
name?), I am the candidate for the MDC". Fair, best
listening in LSB. (Barbour-NH) Wonder what happens to
these broadcasts after Mar.31?

12140, "SOMALIA", (P)R.Horyaal, *1730-1743, Mar.21,
Vernacular, Whisper-quiet OM and YL at s/on,
Ko'ran-like chanting followed by talks over and
between Horn of Africa  musical bits. Poor w/
occasional peaks over ute QRM. (Barbour-NH). 

Scott R Barbour Jr-Intervale,NH-USA
R75, 200' Beverage antennas.

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