A few logs for the week ending 25 Mar 06
Equipment used.
NRD 535d, PR-150, Timewave 599zx, T2FD

3,291.2, GUYANA, Radio Guyana 2, 0434-0445, Mar 22, English, Male announcer
in EE at tune in with news program in progress.  Nice clear audio at S8
level.  Some fades and static crashes heard but totally audible.  Talks
about schools and missionarys of the 50's.  Several different comments
and interviews. (Montgomery,PA)

4,775.0, SWAZILAND, Trans World Radio, 0413-0419, Mar 22, German, Excellent
reception at tune in. Some fades but strong at S9 level.  Male annoucner
in German at tune in.  Sounded like news items at 0415 but mentions of
Germany.  Very nice reception.  Choir with tune at 0417. (Montgomery,PA)

4,910.0, ZAMBIA, Radio Zambia 1, 0422-0428, Mar 22, Vernacular, Two male
annoucners in conversation at tune in.  Joking around with rapid talk.
S8 signal level with slight fades.  Very audible and fairly nice copy.
Talks about HIV aids in EE at 0424 by one of the announcers.  Id is tentive.

4,930.0, BOTSWANA, Voice of America, 0426-0430, Mar 22, English, Male 
in EE with news items.  Mostly news of Africa.  S7 signal level with QRM.
Id as "News Now", Daybreak Africa at 0428.  Time in History at 0428 with
talks about the American Revolution. (Montgomery,PA)

4,930.0, BOTSWANA, Voice of America, 0426-0430, Mar 22, English, Male 
in EE with news items.  Mostly news of Africa.  S7 signal level with QRM.
Id as "News Now", Daybreak Africa at 0428.  Time in History at 0428 with
talks about the American Revolution. (Montgomery,PA)

4,960.0, SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE, Voice of America, 0430-0434, Mar 22, 
Id by male annouocner with program, Daybreak AFrica. Female and male 
with news items about Charles Taylor.  appears to be // to 4930.  S8 level.

5,010.0, INDIA, All India Radio, 0115-0145, Mar 19, Hindi, Weak but audible
copy at S 3 signal level.  Male announcer in Hindi language with possible
news items.  Female joining in on occassion.  To local music by 0132 and
back to female with long talks at 0141.  Signal level dropped slightly.
Id is tentive (Montgomery,PA)

5,500.0, ETHIOPIA, Voice of Tigray Revolution, 0358-0410, Mar 22, Tigrinya,
Intrumental piece of music heard at tune in.  At 0359, female with brief
announcement, station ID and back to short music piece till 0400, male
annoucner with short comments for 1 minute, more music.  Female back at
0403 with short comments again and back to music at 0404.  S7 signal level
with some fades.  Noticed female announcer is not the same as heard last
fall.  Music rather interesting too.  Music continued past 0410 

5,840.0, UKRAINE, Radio Ukraine International, 2232-2245, Mar 18, English,
Mail bag program at tune in.  Male and female hosts with letters from
listeners.  A bit of qrm and fades at S7.  A bit weak but audible.  Program
in EE.  2234, tune "I feel good".  2237, back to letters. 2238, male host
thanking everyone for listening and info for qsl card and pennant info.
More music at 2239.  Rtty qrm at 2244.  Still audible but marginal at
this time. (Montgomery,PA)

6,613.0, ZIMBABWE, ZBC Harare, 0418-0422, Mar 22, Shona/Ndebele/..., Female
at tune with news items in EE till 0419 then male announcer in local 
with more news items. Africa mentioned several times during the talks
by male announcer.  S 9 signal level with slight fades. (Montgomery,PA)

6,925.0, UNITED STATES, WTPR, 2350-0000, Mar 25, English, Id several times.
Only on for short time and off at 2357 with id heard very clearly at
2355. Played mostly pop mx. (Montgomery,PA)

6,925.0, UNITED STATES, WTPR, 2350-0000, Mar 25, English, Id several times.
Only on for short time and off at 2357 with id heard very clearly at
2355. Played mostly pop mx.  Program with warnings not to listen to the
radio due to "Flat Tire Warning".  People listening to the radio get flat
tires. George Zeller with 4 flats as he left 7 Eleven as he had not heeded
the warning.  The pain of low tire pressure but few pay attention to the
warning and continue to listen to the radio.  Please check your tire 
WTPR will strike and you will have 4 flats.  The whole time we where
listening to the program, the tires are going flat.  Don't be a vctim
of WTPR, don't listen. (Montgomery, PA)

6,940.0, ETHIOPIA, Radio Fana, 0409-0415, Mar 22, Amharic, Rather weak
at S5 with rapid fades or flutter noted. Male announcer heard at tune
but too weak.   Noted // 6210 a little better at S6 level.  Some fades
but not as bad as 6940.  Tentive news items with long talks by male 
at this time. (Montgomery,PA)

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