Relays via MV Baltic Radio on 6140 khz in 2008  
        Schedule from January to march 2008

          1st Sunday of every month                

              (VIA T-SYSTEMS ON 6140 KHZ)                 

           13.00 to 14.00 MV Baltic Radio 

          3rd Sunday of the month

             (VIA T-SYSTEMS ON 6140 KHZ) 

          13.00 to 13.30  EMR (Jan - Mar

          13.00 to 14.00  EMR ( Feb 

             4th Sunday of every month                                     

          (VIA T-SYSTEMS ON 6140 KHZ)                                           

          13.00 to 14.00 Radio Gloria

 EMR Programme Schedule 3rd Sunday Transmissions in 2008            

      Dates     Times -UTC        Programme Schedule

 20th January   1300 -1330 -Tom Taylor (Music and EMR info for 2008)            

 17th February 1300 -1400 - (1300) Tom Taylor (1315) Mike Taylor (mail box)     

 16th March      1300 -1330 - Paul Graham (Golden oldie programme)   

Happy Christmas to all our Listeners from European Music Radio !

>From Mike Taylor-Tom Taylor-Paul Graham and all the staff of EMR
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