QTH:    Kabul, Afghanistan
RX:     WinRadio G303e
Ant:    100m longwire
Acc:    Palstar MW-550P Preselector for mediumwave

Well, I finally got a power supply for the Palstar MW-550P and am very
pleased with its performance.  Now if I could just get a Wellbrook loop
phased array on the roof here, I'd have it made for mediumwave!

531     IRAN, R. Iran with female DJ in Farsi and pop music heard at 23.05
on 23 Oct.  Excellent signal strength.  Not sure if Azarshahr at 500kW or
regional station at Iranshahr with 600kW because the regionals supposedly
relay R. Iran from Tehran overnight.

540     IRAN, R. Iran // 531 kHz with female DJ and pop music at 23.14 on 23
Oct.  An even better signal with only 200 kW from Mashhad.

684     IRAN, IRIB Regional relaying Tehran program // 531/540, heard at
23.23 on 23 Oct.  Good sigs and 200kW.

702     OMAN, BBC relay heard in AR at 18:12 with YL talk on 23 Oct.  Fair
signal in spite of a combative Chinese station on freq.  800 kW.

873     SRI LANKA, SLBC with Tamil Commercial Service playing subcontinental
music at 23.32 on 23 Oct.  Fair signal, but with fluttery deep fades.

954     INDIA, AIR Najibabad, heard 16.49 on 23 Oct. in Hindi with both
arabic and subcontinental music with short announcements in between.  Never
did catch an ID, until 17;30 when they broke into English news as AIR.  Only
100 kW but consistently on top of the frequency pile.  No evidence of Qatar
with 1500 kW on the same freq!

972     TAJIKISTAN, VoA R. Aap Ki Dunyaa in Urdu with interview between
female announcer and male who kepts breaking into English at 16.05 on 23
Oct..  Lots of talk about Pakistan, the economy, World Bank, and inflation.
Pounding signal at S5 with an occasional deep fade.

1134    CHINA, CNR1, Golmud heard in a massive pile-up starting at 15.00 on
23 Oct.  Standard light music, PSAs and jingles.  Listed as 1200kW, but
fighting with AIR External service and a couple of others.  Fair reception
but very deep fades and occasisonal surfacing as is wont with these

1143    INDIA, AIR Ratnagiri and AIR Rohtak in severe graveyard pile-up with
two distinct programs fading in and out with two pieces of subcontinental
music going on.  One is in the western district and one in the southern
district.  Heard at 14.40 on 23 Oct.  Signals were about equal in strength,
i.e. fair with a fluttery fade.  Unfortunately, impossible to distinguish
between the two without a loop, so I will check again later or maybe build a
loop! ;-)

1152    PAKISTAN, PBC Rawalpindi, Urdu with current affairs network at 14.20
on 23 Oct w/many mentions of Pakistan with female newscaster.  Good signals
with 100kW.  No sign of co-channel Iran R. Farhang, also with 100kW.

1161    IRAN, VOIRI, External Service in unid lang at 14.00 on 23 Oct.  Good
sigs and news/talks with many mentions of Iran.  Supposedly 600kW!

1251    TAJIKISTAN, VoR relay in RU at 13.32 with usual news/commentary
between man and woman announcer on 23 Oct.  Signal fair with an occasional
deep fade

5010    INDIA, AIR Thiruvanathapuram (say *that* five times fast!), heard at
14:10 on 22 Oct. with talk in Hindi, subcontinental music and announcements
and PSAs.  Excellent signal

5040    INDIA, AIR Jeypore heard at 14.50 on 22 Oct. with subcontinetal
music and IDs.  Good signal into Kabul.

73s de Al

"The People are the masters of both Congress and courts, not to
overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert
 - Abraham Lincoln

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