4904.97, CHAD,  N'djamena, 2122-2132, Jan 5, French. Ancr w/ talk; hi-life & FR 
rap mx; fair. (Barbour-NH)

4965, ZAMBIA, CVC Lusaka, 2103-2115, Jan 5, vernacular/English. M ancr in 
unidentified lang w/ phone number; talk; "R. Christian Voice" ID at 2106 into 
choral mx & contemporary EG relg pops; fair w/ increasing band QRN. I've heard 
heavily accented English here before but never talk in a (presumably) native 

6055, RWANDA, presumed R. Rwanda Kigali, 2028-2101*, Jan 6, French. Ancr over 
lite instrumental mx w/ what sounded like a call-in prg; pulled the plug 
mid-sentence at 2101; poor under increasing band QRN by ToH. (Barbour-NH)

7255, NIGERIA, V. of Nigeria Ikorodu, 2146-2201, Jan 5, French/listed Hausa. M 
& W ancr w/ talk & mx bits; familiar VON theme mx at 2158; talking drums at 
2159 into Hausa service; fair-good. (Barbour-NH)

7260, MONGOLIA, Mongolian Radio HS-2 Ulaanbataar, 1145-1200, Jan 5, listed 
Mongolian. Snatches of exotic mx & talk; poking thru band QRN; distinct IS at 
1158; v. poor. (Barbour-NH)

7320, RUSSIA, FEBA Radio Novosibirsk, 1156-1218, Jan 6, Mandarin. Transmitter 
tones at t/in; IS & s/on ancment at 1200; M ancr w/ lengthy talk; break for 
ballad at 1214; poor-fair w/ constant ute of sorts; sounds like rhythmic 
tapping on a metal pipe. (Barbour-NH)

9750, MALAYSIA, V. of Malaysia Kajang, 1202-1225, Jan 3, Indonesian. M ancr w/ 
talk & pop mx/ballads; "Saura Malaysia" ID jingle at 1204; fair-good! First 
Malaysian logged here in quite some time. (Barbour-NH)

11875, RWANDA, FEBA Radio Kigali, 1621-1630*, Jan 6, listed Afara. M ancr w/ 
talk; W b/w musical bits at 1628; M ancr w/ s/off ancment; filler mx & IS at 
1630; weak talk continued on freq after 1630; presumably BVB in listed Nuer to 
Sudan via Juelich. (Barbour-NH)

15190, EQ. GUINEA, presumed R. Africa Bata, 1554, Jan 6, English. In the clear 
but very weak w/ M ancr preaching the gospel; choral mx at 1601 then silence 
until something at 1603 tho too weak to determine what; poor. (Barbour-NH)

Scott R. Barbour Jr. Intervale,NH-USA

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