** ALBANIA. Checking the new frequency for R. Tirana, English to North America, 
Mon-Sat 1430-1500, 13755: March 30 at 1427 open carrier is on at S9+15, no 
adjacent or co-channel interference, and equidistantly far enough from the 
Cubans on 13740 and 13770. Only slight normal fading. 1428:30 the IS starts, 
and 1430 crossfade to sign-on, the first two minutes with musical background, 
as always taken up by announcing the complete English schedule, which has been 
accurately updated for A-10:

UK: 1845-1900 13640 7520, 2000-2030 on 7465.
USA: 1430-1500 13755; 2000-2030 13640; 0030-0045 9860; 0145-0200, 0230-0300 and 
0330-0400 on 7425. Mon-Sat, except to NAm Mon-Sun.

This does not mean it`s 7 days a week to NAm, merely that the first broadcast 
of the week is on Monday at 1430 and the last until 0400 UT Sundays!

Then program summary including news, press review, interview with experts, and 
into the news (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake March 30: only found on 8400 and very poor at 1338 (Glenn 

** CHINA [and non]. 13710, CRI English on new frequency at 1412 March 30, about 
two sex behind // 13740 via Cuba, and way over AIR GOS in English already on 
13710 at 1330-1500; could barely hear its music underneath // 9690. In fact, 
the AIR sesquihour is now totally blocked by CRI via Kashgar, EAST TURKISTAN, 
to Europe at 13-14 French, 14-15 English. Bangalore aims in opposite direxion 
to SE Asia, Indonesia, Philippines, so theoretically no problem in targets. 
However, as real SW listeners know all too well, SW transmissions are NOT 
unidirexional but go off the back and to a large extent the sides of a beam too.

CRI 13710 also blox the leapfrog from Cuba of 13770 over another CRI relay on 
13740, which dumped off the air for less than a minute at 1414, uncovering 
something in Russian, i.e. BBC via CYPRUS (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** CUBA [and non]. 7405, R. Martí with no jamming at all, March 30 at 0531, 
good but somewhat `hollow` signal from Greenville at this hour. DentroCuban 
Jamming Command must be confused. Still heavy jamming on 6030, and no RM 
audible there. Also residual pulse jamming against nothing on 7365, an RM 
channel only at 00-04. 

6010, as I tuned across March 30 at 0535, weak signals clashing, assumed to be 
Mexico and Colombia with RHC missing again --- but no, RHC is still on there, 
with giveaway news sounder, in English, but remarkably weak. // 6060 much 
stronger but ACI from Spain 6055, // 6140 stronger and clearer still, but 
undermodulated. So all three RHC English frequencies are defective in one way 
or another.

5040, RHC in Spanish at 0539 March 30. This frequency is from the squealing 
transmitter, // synchronized 6150 and an echo apart from // 6120.

13680, missing at several chex lately, back on with big signal March 30 at 1410 
with RHC Voces de la Revolución hoary speech. During Fidel pauses, can tell 
it`s a squealing transmitter. 13680 is necessary in order to produce the 
leapfrog over // 13780 landing on 13880, audible again (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 
LISTENING DIGEST) See also CHINA [and non]

** INDONESIA. 9526-, VOI with Exotic Indonesia remote from Banjarmasin, since 
it`s Tuesday, March 30 at 1341 with a lexure about the place, but hard to copy, 
with hum, heavy flutter, and only fair modulation. 1354 song reminiscent of 
Bee-Gees. 1356 other announcers easier to understand discussing chocolate, but 
1357 blasted by big het and shortly prélude from CRI on proper 9525.0 about to 
start DV Russian via SZG site also USward (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** NEW ZEALAND. 6170, RNZI great to hear with no more co-channel QRM, which 
they took no steps to avoid during the entire B-season, March 30 at 1330 with 
Pacific news. Contrary to my previous remark, still good signal today at this 
hour, but no doubt will be losing out to more absorption as our sun rises 
earlier and earlier. 

Try alternate Mondays from April 5 for Mailbox at 1329. On April 4, domestic 
relay times shift one UT hour later with the end of DST DU (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** PERU. 6019.3, R. Victoria dominating at 0603 March 30, ID with Beethoven`s 
Fifth music bed, plugging Semana Santa events, such as siete palabras de Jesús, 
which I guess would have been ``Padre, perdónalos, que no saben qué hagan``, 
had Spanish been invented a bimillennium ago. But did this really work out to 
be seven words in Aramaic?? At first no het at all, then barely one from some 
station properly on 6020.0.

6019.3 must have just been cleared as in A-10, CRI via Sackville is on 6020 at 
04-06 (and also via Albania at 00-04), plus REE via Costa Rica at 00-04.
Third harmonic 18059.7 also JBA in Spanish at 1423 March 30 (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** ROMANIA [and non]. 7310, BBCWS with African news in English, March 30 at 
0532, 328 degrees via SOUTH AFRICA, would have been good here, were it not for 
the bane of QRDRM from 7305 RRI, now in 0530-0600 English to Europe, 300 
degrees via Galbeni, so also USward, and the noise spreading 7300-7310. Way to 
go, frequency coördinators! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA. 15425, VOR in English to NAm back on an A-season frequency, March 30 
at 0332 interviewing someone about the Moskva subway bombings; fair signal. 

Looking for the complete A-10 schedule, starting at http://www.ruvr.ru you have 
to go about five layers down to finally get to this:

The frequency schedule is for the A-season but the program sked grid below it 
is still for the B-season! Frequencies for N & LAm:

North America    
 9665 23.00-00.00 
 9665 00.00-01.00 
 9665 01.00-02.00 
15425 02.00-03.00 
15425 03.00-04.00 
13775 04.00-05.00 
13775 05.00-06.00 
Latin America 
 9665 02.00-03.00 
 9665 03.00-04.00

VOR is under the mistaken impression that they are on 9665 before 0200, while 
Joe Hanlon et al., report that Radio PMR is being heard until 0200, and it is 
the Pridnestrovye relay site. Note that only ONE frequency is allegedly on the 
air at any hour for us now, but is it ZERO before 0200 or somewhere else than 
9665?? Remember the good old days of Radio Moscow with 15 or 20 frequencies at 

After 0500 I could just hear a trace of 13775, but both that and 15425 should 
improve as solstice oncomes. They are both hitting us from the northwest, DVR 
sites, 250 kW Pet/Kam on 15425 and 100 kW Vladivostok on 13775 (Glenn Hauser, 

** TURKEY. 5975, V. of Turkey new frequency for English to N America at 
0300-0350v: sufficient March 30 at 0330 check during music. // 6165 for Asia is 
totally blocked by RNW Spanish via Bonaire, and the Canadian relay originally 
planned for 7325 has been deleted. 

Note that the DX Corner starting as early as 20 minutes into the hour, on this 
transmission should now be heard fortnightly on UT Saturdays instead of 
Sundays, per announcement on latest show, the next to be on April 10 (Glenn 

** U S A. WTWW has been off the air a lot lately, rather than 24 hours, but 
March 30 at 1340 it was back on 9480 with PPP. Seems to have been more active 
on night channel 5755 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. 15530, weak VOA English at 1417 March 30 plugging voanews.com 
where you may sign up for free e-mail news summaries, and then American Global 
College Forum at this minute every Tuesday, about an exchange student in 
Oklahoma. I assume it`s this Mongolian who has asterisks pasted on her face, 
tho A.G.C.F. is not mentioned: 
15530 is via Biblis, GERMANY at 14-16. It was running a couple words behind 
Tinang, PHILIPPINES on better 9760 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###


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