IRAN 15390 VoIRIB Tehran is the only big SW station which carries Ebri-Hebrew language program to Israel. Noted Nov 2nd at 1200-1227 UT on 15390KAM, S=9+30dB powerhouse, excellent arm-chair reception and superb audio in the clear too, \\ 13740SIR also 500 kW Telefunken tx unit, slow fade S=9+10 ... to +25dB signal strength.

IRIB's morning service in Ebri-Hebrew at 0430-0457 UT via 9820KAM and 11925SIR tx centers, both 500 kW units in use.

The only PRW Warsaw Poland outlet in Hebrew on RMP7265 kHz 1900-1930 UT, 500 kW of power.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Nov 2)

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