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Today's Topics:

   1. Logs (Zacharias Liangas )
   2. Glenn Hauser logs November 7-8, 2010 (Glenn Hauser)
   3. Radio Hami (Andree Bollin)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 08 Nov 2010 19:11:43 +0200
From: "Zacharias Liangas " <>
To: <>
Subject: [HCDX] Logs
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

Logs for 6/11 

15330 RHC 1630 with ID etc A prg in Spanish on 163130  S0 142x2 
17700 NO SRS on 1632 !!!! but : 
11548 SRS  1634 with HoA song . OM mentioning  Qitab (holy script is I am 
correct ) with Sudan R Service  and talks in Arabic . talks by YL  followed  
Bad modulation and carrier S7 
15620 ?? VoA?? 1644 a phone in discussion in  a strong manner    in a afro 
Arabic language 'bernemig kula' London Also mention of Obama. S4-7  
15420 WBCQ the planet on 1712 with  QRM by BBC in same freq 
9340  R Pakistan a1715 with talks by OM in Urdu/Hindi. Garbled audio. S5 
max retune 1725  signal gone off
9526 VoI Jakarta 1727 wuith Spanish program S8 
4845.2 Culutra Ondas Tropicais (p)2235 undermodded  with  talks in PP  
Signal S6 over S3 QRN level !!!!!
7105 CNR-1 double jammer  with S4 signal 
6250 was not // to 6398 for Pyogyang Pangsong Both with signal S5 
6030 R Marti 2247  with full ID in Spanish S8 42x2  QRM with Arabic lang 

Logs for 7/11

7610 R Amica 0825 with music and then ID S5 ON 1217 again with S5 
17680 Bar Kulan??? 0848 with folk songs 0856 with talks . Continued and 
after 0900  Eibi says IRIN 
11885 Xinjiang PBS  playing a Hindi song !!! then  a Turkic song is played 
9870 Vivid Bharati 1058 with 70s of Bolly songs. S8 45434
9720 CRI in Tagalog ! with nice Chinese pop songs S4 

Please read and distribute this 15 year research article 

Please read my article on SINPO at
________________________ (radio monitoring site plus audio clips ) MAIN SITE (replacement of geocities)  (radio tech , gadgets, grk ethics)     some videos (Litohoro) 321199/Tinos    pictures upload  (social 
news )  (my social 'bookmarks' )
Zacharias Liangas , Thessaloniki Greece 
greekdx @ otenet dot gr  ---  
Pesawat penerima: ICOM R75 , Lowe HF150 , Degen 1102,1103,108,
Tecsun PL200/550, Chibo c300/c979, Yupi 7000 
Antenna: 16m hor, 2x16 m V invert, 1m australian loop 


Message: 2
Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2010 09:26:03 -0800 (PST)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs November 7-8, 2010
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

** ALASKA. KNLS` English still using only one transmitter, per DXLD 10-44 is 
now at: 10-11 and 12-13 on 9615, 15-16 on 9655, contrary to their original 
doomed plan to use 7300 halfway into the 40m hamband. Surely another 7 MHz 
frequency would have been better in the cold, dark, winter, than in the summer 
on 7355 at 12, but no 7 MHz channels at all are now in use. 

I previously sought 9615 in the 12 UT hour without success, and likewise 9655 
at 1500 Nov 8, altho it seems like something in Chinese is there. HFCC and Aoki 
both claim KNLS is really in Chinese during this frequency-hour, contrary to 
KNLS itself at
but what do they know? The only other listed thing at 1500 is Romania in Arabic 

** ANTARCTICA. 15476, Monday Nov 8 at 1411, carrier and some music with heavy 
beat detectable from LRA36, S9 peaks. During this semihour, nothing on adjacent 
15480 to interfere or compare with (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ARGENTINA. 15345.1, Nov 7 at 2310, Spanish, poor with flutter; since it`s 
Sunday, this is LRA Radio Nacional relay rather than RAE. RAE has put out 
notices that the powers that be want to close RAE down at yearend rather than 
repair or replace the ailing transmitter, and requests listener support to 
prevent this. Try for English M-F at 18-19 on 15345v, probably still colliding 
with Morocco, and Tue-Sat 0200-0300 on 11711v (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** CHINA. Firedrake Nov 8: at last hearing them again like old times:
 8400, S9+25 at 1350, heavy flutter
10500, S9+18 at 1350, heavy flutter
11100, S9+18 at 1358, heavy flutter
No others found up to 18 MHz before 1400, and at 1447 check the above three 
were gone. My last log of 8400 was Sept 28; 10500 Nov 1; 11100 Oct 5 (Glenn 

** CHINA [non]. 13650, Nov 7 at 2304 had Brazilian Portuguese, i.e. CRI via 
Habana, atop a weaker oriental language, listed as R. Japan direct to Thailand, 
making a slow SAH (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. Some previewed RHC frequency changes have gone into effect Nov 8: not 
monitoring before 1300 when 6095 and 6000 are now scheduled, but at 1342, 6140 
is on // 11760 et al., with Ch?vez speech. 6140 is the new all-day frequency to 
N, C, SAm, so nondirexional, at 11-05 replacing 6110. Still on and audible at 

RHC also on new 12040, Nov 8 at 1403 fair vs WEWN 12050; scheduled 11-24 for 
Central America. And new 15390, Nov 8 at 1412, Despertar con Cuba // stronger 
15360 and even stronger 15120. 15390 and 15360 an echo apart. 15390 is 
ex-15380. Now it QRMs Spain`s Sephardic show Mondays 1425-1455 on 15385 from 
the other side. At 1440, seems there is some CCI on 15390 as RHC opens science 
program, but nothing listed; then I decide it is just talkover by RHC 
produxion, never a good idea on SW where there is enough QRM already. 15390 is 
the new all-day frequency to ``Buenos Aires``, 11-23, and 00-05.

Some other new or reactivated on the B-10 schedule version sent by Arnie Coro 
to Wolfgang B?schel, cleaned up and excerpted with our comments:

Antillas      9820 2030-0000 [ex-9660; goodbye 9 de Julho, Brasil!]
Buenos Aires  9770 0000-0500
Chile        12010 2300-0500 [ex-12020]
Europa       11770 2100-2400 [ex-15370]
Chicago       6050 0700-1100 [goodbye HCJB from its *0830]

AL? PRESIDENTE [they forgot to specify only Sundays, occasionally, and times 
vary widely, usually not before 1530, and well after 1800] [complete]

Chicago        13750 1400-1800
Centro Am?rica 13680 1400-1800
Antillas       11690 1400-1800
Buenos Aires   15370 1400-1800 [new, ex-12010]
R?o de Janeiro 17750 1400-1800

Norte, Centro  6150 0500-0700
y Sudam?rica  11760 2000-2100
New York       6060 0500-0700
San Francisco  6010 0500-0700
Chicago        6050 0100-0700 [goodbye, HCJB until its 0500*]
W?shington     6000 0100-0700
Banda Tropical 5040 0000-0100

11770 to Europe:
Franc?s     1930-2000
Portugu?s   2000-2030
?rabe       2030-2100

TRANSMISIONES EN IDIOMA ESPERANTO [complete, except forgot to specify Sundays 
Norte, Centro y Sudam?rica 11760 1500-1530
Am?rica Central            11760 2100-2130 [ex-1900]
Sudam?rica                 15370 2230-2300 [new; ex 0000+]
San Francisco               6010 0700-0730

** CUBA. 11880, plus/minus 5, DCJC pulses against nothing, Nov 8 at 1403, 
probably spur/bleed from the wall of noise on 11930 against R. Mart?. See also 

** CYPRUS. 13875-13905, OTH radar pulses, presumed from here, quite strong Nov 
8 at 1457, obliterating the RHC leapfrog on 13880 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** CZECHIA [non]. Altho WRMI dropped R. Prague in English at 10 am ET daily 
more than a month ago, now on the schedule is R. Prague en fran?ais, M-F at 
1430-1500 (exc Tuesday 1430-1445 a gospel huxter in English). So that`s why I 
was hearing French on 9955, Nov 8 at 1451, and no jamming except bleedover from 
DCJC`s WON on 9965 vs R. Rep?blica. 9955 much weaker than music on 9950, i.e. 
one of the JCI clandestines from Japan via PALAU to Korea North (Glenn Hauser, 

** EGYPT. 13580, Nov 8 at 1457, open carrier, tones with heavy flutter; 
timesignal ends at 1459:14 as if it were already 1500! And R. Cairo opening in 
Albanian; distorted, muffled modulation as usual. Are any Shqiptars willing to 
put up with that? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MOROCCO. 15341.1, RTM back on this off-frequency again, Nov 8 at 1414 with 
Arabic music, no het today altho HCJB Australia is on 15340 until 1530 (Glenn 

** OKLAHOMA. 1580, KOKB Blackwell, which was off the air Nov 7, is back on Nov 
8 at 1503 UT check with sports talk, about one semisecond behind // 1020, KOKP 
Perry, as if a satellite feed of more than one hop (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** PERU. 18058-, Nov 8 at 1419 JBA carrier with some audio from R. Victoria, 
6019+, third harmonic (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** POLAND [non]. 11905, poor Nov 8 at 1453 hear `polska` mentioned, so presumed 
PRES in Polish, but HFCC scheduled 1430-1630 in Ukrainian via Woofferton UK; 
while VTC B-10 shows White Russian the first hour, Ukrainian the second hour 

** PRIDNESTROVYE. Since 6240 was off the air Saturday Nov 6 at 2320, I figured 
that Radio PMR was still operating Mon-Fri on their new schedule of 18-24 UT 
--- but it was back on the air Sunday Nov 7 before 2300 with music fill, then 
3-pip timesignal about one semisecond late, into French, and after 2330, 
German, same as weekdays. 

Then I remember that when it was operating after 0000 UT, it was clear that 
``Monday-Friday`` to this station means local time, i.e. starting at 2200 UT = 
local midnight now. So at least the 22-24 UT segment for Am is still in terms 
of UT, Sunday-Thursday, presumably. Does that mean it is not on the air until 
2200 on UT Sundays, and goes off the air from 2200 UT Fridays? (Glenn Hauser, 

** PRIDNESTROVYE. 7565, Nov 8 at 1348 open carrier, cuts off and back on; 1356 
tones on and off; 1400 YFR theme, opening in S Asian language. Registered as 
Kishinov at 14-16, 300 kW, 116 degrees, and comprehensive YFR schedule in DXLD 
10-44 shows Urdu via Moldova (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 17740, huge S9+25 carrier with hum, Nov 8 at 1418 but off a few sex 
later. No doubt Greenville tuning up again for the 1700 VOA Portuguese 
transmission on same (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Yes, WWCR has started using 3255, the frequency it tested in October 
later in the evening, as from Nov 7. At 2259, 7465 announced frequency change 
to 3255, and off promptly. But it took until *2301:37 for them to come up on 
3255, joining some program in progress. Why not 3215 as previously for WWCR-1 
on 90 meters? Because WWRB has dibs on that from 2300, but was even later 
turning on than WWCR. Finally noted at 2316 with caller to Brother Scare. 

At 2319, WWCR 3255 was rather distorted and splattering up to 10 kHz above and 
below. At 2342, the usual spurs were audible on 3269.5 and 3241.5 not only with 
carriers, but some modulation to match.

Furthermore, WWCR has resumed 5070. There it is at 2330 Nov 7 with paranoid ad 
for Maine Military.

WWCR is now waiting until the last moment to put up their revised frequency 
schedule. Earlier on Nov 7 the expired one was still the only one on the 
website, but by 0548 UT Nov 8 we have the new B-10:

WWCR A10 [sic] Schedule November 7, 2010 to March 12, 2011

Transmitter #1 - 100 KW - 46 Degrees
12:00 AM-04:00 AM 0600-1000 3.215 MHz
04:00 AM-06:00 AM 1000-1200 9.985 MHz
06:00 AM-03:00 PM 1200-2100 15.825 MHz
03:00 PM-05:00 PM 2100-2300 7.465 MHz
05:00 PM-08:00 PM 2300-0200 3.255 MHz
08:00 PM-12:00 AM 0200-0600 3.215 MHz

Transmitter #2 - 100 KW - 85 Degrees
12:00 AM-07:00 AM 0600-1300 5.935 MHz
07:00 AM-10:00 AM 1300-1600 7.490 MHz
10:00 AM-03:00 PM 1600-2100 12.160 MHz
03:00 PM-05:00 PM 2100-2300 9.350 MHz
05:00 PM-07:00 PM 2300-0100 5.070 MHz
07:00 PM-12:00 AM 0100-0600 5.935 MHz

Transmitter #3 - 100 KW - 40 Degrees
12:00 AM-07:00 AM 0600-1300 4.840 MHz
07:00 AM-07:00 PM 1300-0100 13.845 MHz
07:00 PM-12:00 AM 0100-0600 4.840 MHz

Transmitter #4 - 100 KW - 90 Degrees
12:00 AM-06:00 AM 0600-1200 5.890 MHz
06:00 AM-08:00 PM 1200-0200 9.980 MHz
08:00 PM-12:00 AM 0200-0600 5.890 MHz

** U S A. WWRB frequency change, sign-on times are always flexible. 3215 was 
not on at 2300 UT Nov 7, but was at 2316 check, Brother Scare taking a caller. 
Then at 2317 I find 3185 in open carrier, 2317:30 ID by Dave,  with a ``special 
broadcasting announcement`` saying prime airtime has been reserved at 30 
minutes for $30 or 60 minutes for $60, new customers only, phone 931-728-6087. 
2318:30 into big band music so this is obviously one of the times available. At 
2329 I find 5050 in // with same big band music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** U S A. Area 51 scheduling must have changed: when I was getting WWRB and 
WWCR on 5+ MHz, nothing on 5110 from WBCQ, Nov 7 at 2334. Did not get around to 
rechecking later, but the Area 51 website says:

``Sunday, November 7, 2010: Daylight savings [sic] time ends, so all our 
programming shifts one hour earlier.
    * 0000 UTC (7pm) 5110: Radio Jamba International (live)
    * 0100 UTC (8pm) 5110: Radio Newyork International
    * 0300 UTC (10:00pm) 5110: Pirates Week with Ragnar Danesjkold
    * 0330 UTC (10:30pm) 5110: International Radio Report
    * 0400 UTC (11pm) 5110: Sign off``
I expect the Saturday hours will be different as usual (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. 11715-, Nov 8 at 1455, S9+20 but just barely modulating, can make out 
boring catechisms in English, an exercise in piety. But at 1458 modulation 
level has been turned up for singing ``Ora pro nobis``. The sporadic 
transmissions of KJES should now all be one UT hour later since DST has been 
turned off at The Lord`s Ranch (and everywhere in New Mexico, nay the USA, nay 
North America). That has always been its pattern, making one UT hour shifts 
back and forth depending on local DST, but it seems their frequency manager and 
the FCC are unaware of it!

HFCC B-10 does not show any such, just a single schedule effective 31 Oct to 27 
March, and daily rather than sporadically! 
 7555 0100 0200 2,3      50 335 
 7555 0200 0230 3,4,9    50  20 
11715 1300 1400 3,4,9    50  70 
11715 1400 1500 2,3      50 350 
15385 1800 1900 55,58,59 50 270 
15385 1900 2000 11       50 100 

Furthermore, it shows the morning broadcast reduced from three to two hours. 
None of this is correct, for at 1610 recheck Nov 8, 11715 is still on, YL 
singing Spanish with guitar. The correct times should really be: 
 7555 0200-0330 
11715 1400-1700 
15385 1900-2100
The 70-degree beam is the one right at us, really at 1400-1500, assuming KJES 
is following its own azimuth plan with the rotatable log-periodic unstuck 

** VENEZUELA [non]. 13680, Nov 7 at 2305 a bit of English at first thought RHC 
on very good signal, but must be RNV relay; then switched to Spanish but 
modulation level dropped way down, same thing on // 15250. These transmissions 
usually don`t make any seasonal changes, but should be reconfirmed just in 
case, ignoring the years-out-of-date schedule announced on every broadcast 

UNIDENTIFIED. 6934.5 approx., Nov 7 at 2337, music on USB, cuts on and off and 
difficult to center-tune without carrier; a fitful pirate (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 



Message: 3
Date: Mon, 08 Nov 2010 20:14:40 +0100
From: Andree Bollin <>
Subject: [HCDX] Radio Hami
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15; format=flowed

has anybody get a qsl from Radio Hami?? Are there  any plans for 
73 ABo

End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 95, Issue 9

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