** ECUADOR [non]. 12160, WWCR2, Sat Feb 26 at 1731 with `DX Partyline`, 
confirmed on lofi webcast. Having lost the `DX Block` timing a few weeks ago, 
apparently it was off WWCR for a few weeks; Rumen Pankov heard it last week at 
this time, right after 1700 WORLD OF RADIO. DXPL still does not appear anywhere 
on the WWCR program schedule, instead `Calvary Hour` [sic] at 1730-1800 Sats, 
but presumably DXPL will be added to the March update in a few days. 

Like everything else, will shift one UT hour earlier from March 13, due to 
silly DST, i.e. starting March 19 at 1630. So in effect, we have a new ``DX 
Block`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ETHIOPIA [and non]. 7235, Feb 26 at 1431, after hearing the MADAGASCAR 
long-path het on 6135, I check here for Ethiopia`s always-off-frequency 
transmitter, and there it is, a het of a different pitch, against VOA Korean 

** GUINEA. 7125, RTG shows up again, Feb 26 at 0646 check in French with 
drumming, about Libya; no QRhaM at the moment, as the AROs avoid this AM 
intruder in astonishment (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ITALY [non]. 9435, again Sat Feb 26 at 1850, just barely audible carrier 
presumed from IRRS test via secret site. Should include WORLD OF RADIO 1553 at 
1900. Would monitors circa Europe please check and compare reception with 6090 
via Slovakia, if still on, and speculate on the site; also on MW from Italy 
itself 1368, 1566 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** LIBYA. While VOA from the GJ jumped to 21660 yesterday, on Feb 26 it`s back 
on 21695, which is just as well since on weekends Portugal is running on 21655. 
Tune-in at 1435 to poor signal in English. At 1436, I find 17725 is a bit 
better but tough copy due to undermodulation and fading. Talking about 
legislation, then Beethoven`s Ninth riff, so it`s the `Problem of 
Democracy/Green Book` segment, ID. Then African geographical statistics; their 
almanac must really be getting worn. Such as longest river of 20,000 km --??? 
Maybe adding up all the Niles? Still seems too much. Then about bananas, mangos 
for us ``Dear listeners``. 1500 reception improves on 21695 with music; 1529 
it`s better than 17725 with reggae. 1544 stuff about Mali, Ivory Coast. 1557 
still geographic, weakening. 1559 has already switched to French, and now 17725 
is better. At 1638 no more 21695, and 17725 still undermodulated. At 1659 
clashing with UGANDA [non], q.v. (Glenn Hauser, OK,

** MADAGASCAR [and non]. 6135, Feb 26 at 1428 a het between two weak stations 
on slightly different frequencies. This is prime-time for longpath from E 
Africa, and correlates with report from Ron Howard in California 24 hours 
earlier that RTVM was on 6135.28 ex-6134.9, the other station being BBC 
Singapore, just starting at 1427 on 6135.0 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** MOROCCO. 15345v, RTVM missing Feb 26 at 1548, nor on 15341v. I must have 
caught them during QSY, much later than nominal 1500, since at 1555, 15345 was 
on in Arabic, with echo, long-path or at least multi-path (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** PHILIPPINES [non]. 15350, Feb 26 at 1549, RVA in Tagalog talking about this 
and that ``bishop`` (English word), interspersed with video game ``firing`` 
SFX, sending the wrong message? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See 
also SAUDI ARABIA [and non], for the other RVA VATICAN relay

** PORTUGAL. 15520, RDPI, Feb 26 at 1554 Portuguese song // much stronger 
15560. 15520 is registered Sat/Sun only at 08-17, 300 kW, 144 degrees, while 
15560 is to NAm (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SAUDI ARABIA [and non]. 15435, Feb 26 at 1456, CCI and SAH between BSKSA on 
early in Arabic, and tail of R. Veritas Asia in Urdu via VATICAN. From 1457 
BSKSA alone; had some nice seemingly secular music later in the 1500 hour and 
still buzzless (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** SPAIN [non]. 17850, as expected, RFI is buried by REE via COSTA RICA, 
Saturday Feb 26 at 1640. REE is playing contemporary classical music // direct 
15385, 17595, 21570, 21610, with RFI just barely audible underneath. RFI is 
daily 16-17 in French from Issoudun, while REE starts 17850 at 1600 on 
Saturdays, 1500 on Sundays, 1800 M-F. With plenty of free frequencies on 16m, 
e.g. 17860, why does RFI subject itself to this? Yes, targets are very 
different, REE to NAm, RFI to Af, but that`s no excuse (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** SRI LANKA [and non]. 11905, SLBC, have been wanting to catch this service 
others have been reporting: Feb 26 at 1605, S Asian music over CCI, good with 
lite flutter, then romantic crooner, in Hindi? And other pop music. 1615 YL 
announcement sounds like Hindi. 1625 she abruptly switches to English but I 
don`t realize at first since the accent still sounds like Hindi intonation. Is 
interviewing guest, ``thanks for being here today``, 1626 OM replies in English 
about a sillyballgame involving ``runs`` so probably cricket. Got the 
impression SL is doing well vs Pakistan. 

Still conversing when cut off the air rudely at 1628:05* uncovering weak 
co-channel station which itself went off at 1629:33*. That would be Poland in 
Ukrainian via Woofferton, which most of the time is blocking SL which starts at 
1530. If this were not a weekend, we would then be hearing on 11905, VOA to 
Sudan, or is it Ethiopia, via Wertachtal, Germany, which is M-F only from 1630 

** SRI LANKA. After catching 11905 from here, I tuned up to 19m and the 
15209.3v off-frequency relay of YFR via Ekala, Feb 26 at 1632, just in time to 
hear ``Family Radio``, mentioned, then open carrier to 1636:13*. Meanwhile with 
BFO on, I heard the frequency shift slightly. WYFR Okeechobee blox this until 
1600, Camping on the same frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** UGANDA [non]. 17725, checking for weekly 15-minute clandestine R. 
Y`Abaganda, via Issoudun, FRANCE, Saturday Feb 26 at 1659 tone mixing with 
Libya, 1700 mixture of music and French, hard to sort out, but RYA surely needs 
to avoid Libya which has extended past previous 1600* and the source of French 
QRM others have reported previous weeks (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** U K [and non]. 11770, Feb 26 at 0642, poor signal in African English, about 
Nigeria, Ivory Coast, Zimbabwe. I briefly entertained the idea of V. of Nigeria 
reactivating this frequency, but 0645 BBCWS ID. Scheduled as via Meyerton, 
SOUTH AFRICA, 05-07, 100 kW, 335 degrees USward.

17780, Feb 26 at 1532, sports(?) commentary in African language, over crowd 
yelling, whistling and singing, but thank animist gods, no vuvuzelas. Good 
signal, same stuff an hour+ later at 1639. Wonder what it`s really about. This 
is a Saturday-only Hausa broadcast from BBCWS at 1430-1700, 500 kW, 169 degrees 
from Rampisham (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also USA [and non] 

** U S A [and non]. 17952-USB, Feb 26 at 1538, ``New York Center``, 
air-traffic-control YL contacting various planes, most of which were inaudible, 
assigning flight levels, taking position reports. One contact heard was with 
Alitalia 630. 1540 selcalls, automated CW ID went past (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A [and non]. 15420-CUSB, Saturday Feb 26 at 1455, WBCQ IS and ID loop, 
which I have never encountered on any of the other three frequencies; do they 
ever run it on them? There is a het on the low side, circa 15418: suspect V. of 
Tibet and/or jamming, which used to operate around here altho currently not 
shown by EiBi or Aoki on any 15 MHz channels. 

I assumed WBCQ would join Brother Scare`s Sabbath Service as usual, but tuned 
on before 1500. Maybe they did, but at next check at 1551, WBCQ was off 15420, 
audiblizing weak BBC in Saturday sports, still with het. BBC is via Cyprus at 
14-17. Meanwhile BS was nominal with S.S. on WWRB 9385 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A [non]. 15460, Feb 26 at 1635, fair signal in VOA Spe-cial Eng-lish 
news. Is via Lampertheim, GERMANY, daily 16-17 only, 100 kW, 132 degrees (Glenn 

** U S A. 9955, WRMI, with WORLD OF RADIO 1553 at 1850 check Saturday Feb 26, 
poor signal but not jammed. Next WRMI chances are Sun 0900, 1630, 1830; WWCR, 
Sun 0730 on 3215. See also ECUADOR [non]; ITALY [non] (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

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