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Today's Topics:

   1. Glenn Hauser logs May 26, 2011 (Glenn Hauser)
   2. on the air now (Robert Wilkner)
   3. Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA (Stewart MacKenzie)
   4. May 26 Logs (


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 26 May 2011 10:34:02 -0700 (PDT)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs May 26, 2011
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

** ANTARCTICA [and non]. 15476, LRA36 is back May 26 after 2.5 days off for 
National Day. Started monitoring at 1230 but nothing yet. With usual BFO set to 
15475 by zero-beating on 9475 R. Australia, heard very weak carrier cut on 
15476 at *1235:40, S4-S5 about equivalent to the noise level. 1241 still too 
weak for any audio. 1258 now S7-S8 and some audio; 1319 S7-S9+10 with music, 
1323 XYLs chattering, so today it`s peaking later than before. 

But from 1330, more ACI than usual from 15480 which is much stronger today, 
Polish Radio in Belorussian, 250 kW, 80 degrees via Rampisham UK, quite a jump 
in signal level from the previous semihour, PRES in Russian, 125 kW, 75 degrees 
via Woofferton UK. 

At 1356 and 1405, S7-S9 with music, but still below 15480 QRM which lasts until 
1430 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** BRAZIL. 9675, May 26 at 0600, tnx to absence of WYFR 9680, Portuguese in the 
clear, good signal talking about pecadores (sinners), then Lord`s Prayer and 
Ave Maria; it`s R. Can??o Nova, Cachoeira Paulista (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** CANADA. 9625, open carrier, good signal May 26 at 0602, no doubt CBC NQ 
Sackville wasting watts again an hour after sign-off, becoming obvious after 
Spain/Costa Rica closed 9630 a few minutes earlier (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** CHINA. Firedrake May 26, reflecting mostly the activity of Sound of Hope, 
which Must Be Jammed, lest Falun Gong depose the Commies:

 7970, fair-good at 1147
10970, good at 1153; fair-good at 1224
12270, good at 1156 with flutter; not usual 12240
12600, good at 1222
13130, poor at 1158; fair-good at 1222; fair at 1256
13850, fair at 1220, not earlier, ACI from WWCR 13845; good at 1254 and now 
none in the 13.9s
13920, fair at 1156
13970, fair at 1156
14700, fair at 1220; poor at 1256
14950, good with flutter at 1220; fair at 1256
15430, fair at 1357
15545, poor at 1246, het 15548 V. of Tibet presumed target; can Firedrake 
transmitters not operate on split frequencies??
15970, very poor at 1159; very good at 1257, 1333 and 1355
16100, very poor at 1159; good at 1227; very good at 1334, 1358
16980, very poor at 1227

** GERMANY [non]. 13730, May 26 at 1218, after Vatican [q.v.] via Canada had 
closed, only hearing a continuous 1 kHz tone instead of DW in French via 
PORTUGAL; lost feed? The Sines relay is doomed, so maybe already starting to 
close down, phase out? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also 

** GUINEA. 7125, RTG absent May 26 as late as 0615, checked since Mauritania 
[q.v.] had reactivated 7245 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MAURITANIA. 7245, ORTM is back! Had been missing from SW (not 4845 either), 
since last log Feb 8 by Graham Bell, South Africa, in DXLD 11-08. It was 
certainly active in January, per several reports, but the last time I bothered 
to log it was Dec 27.

7245, May 26 at 0605 with characteristic chanting we always heard before at 
this time; by 0615 had started talking. Good signal, better than adjacent 
Vatican 7250. Also heard now by David Sharp, NSW, and Wolfgang B?schel via USA 
remotes (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MICRONESIA. 4755.4, May 26 at 1134, PMA The Cross, characteristic 
off-frequency carrier just barely detectable, compared to WTWW 5755.0, as PMA 
is still staying on the air later than before, but too much noise and too weak 
now. Better chance would be 09-10 UT area if I were ever awake (Glenn Hauser, 

** PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 3385 with music, and 3205 carrier, May 26 at 1137, but 
already too late with local sunrise now 1118 UT, almost to its earliest of 1113 
in early June. No Aussie on 3210 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ROMANIA. 15210, May 26 at 1141, RRI with Romanian folk music, English 
announcement for ``The Bagpipers``, axually vocal music; fair (Glenn Hauser, 

** TURKEY. 17770, fair May 26 at 1359, VOT IS, ID, 1400 accurate timesignal, 
opening Arabic; brief dropoff in the first minute (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. 13750, Thursday May 26 at 1158 surprised to find open carrier from 
VOA Greenville, instead of Spanish; at 1159, 15590 was in Yankee-Doodle-Dandy 
sign-on, and from 1200 // with `Estudio 45` news program. 

Does this mean the 1130-1200 M-F `Enfoque Andino` has been dropped? The 
language schedule at
still shows on air from 1130 M-F, also on 9885, but the program list
does not mention it, and apparently not replaced with anything else at 1130 

** U S A. 9330-CUSB, dead air from WBCQ supposedly carrying Good Friends Radio 
Network / Radio 2:11, May 26 at 0558, still 0613; and at next check 1151 --- 
was it that way all night? By 1250 modulation had resumed, ``Just Talking`` 
segment, interviewing an apologist(?) about Syria, Robbie Zacharias. Ever get 
the impression WBCQ is unattended much of the time? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. 15795, WWRB, another entrant in the dead-air sweepstakes: May 26 at 
1317, but by 1333 check, Brother Scare was underway (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. 17775, KVOH still missing Thursday May 26 at 1525 (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** U S A. 13570, another station missing today, WINB, May 26 at 1255. Normally 
is on until 1314v*; come to think of it, did not hear it either on 9265 in 
earlier tunebys (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. WYFR programming seems to have been disrupted as a result 
of recent non-events. May 26 at 0600, 9680 was missing, but 9715 was still on; 
English and Spanish scheduled respectively. 

At 0603, we found all these with music in //, at the moment instrumental 
``Amazing Grace``: 9985, 9715, 9505, 9385, 9355, 7730; and at 0607 also found 
6875 // 5985 music. But three other frequencies were in English preaching, not 
Camping: 5850, 7520, 11530.

According to the A11 schedule, the last three are indeed English, but other 
languages at 0600 should have been: 5985, 9505 and 9715 Spanish; 6875 
Cantonese; 7730 Romanian; 9355 and 9385 French; 9985 Italian. 

Where have all those gone? Could it be that many foreign-language staff have 
quit in disgust? Sinking-ship-syndrome? Lawsuits are in the air; and FR may 
face a major reduxion from the 60+ languages previously claimed. 

Incredibly, FR had just added another, Luba, on May 18, according to DX Mix 
News, 1700-1800 on 17545 ASC 250 kW / 085 deg to EaAf Luba, that hour 
previously having been occupied by English. What`s on it now? 

More // gospel music frequencies at 1211: 11520, 11535, 11570: sound the same 
but not synchronized. All missing from the Okeechobee and HFCC skeds, since 
they are all TAIWAN, per Aoki, three different languages from three different 
11520 1200-1300 TWN FAMILY RADIO Ind Paochung 1-7  
11535 1200-1300 TWN FAMILY RADIO Chi Yunlin   1-7  
11570 1200-1300 TWN FAMILY RADIO Bur Hu Wei   1-7  

At 1212, on 11725, different music; that`s scheduled for Chinese via 
Petropavlovsk, RUSSIA.

Also at 1212, Okeechobee frequencies had different music on 11970 // 13695 // 
13800. Supposed to be Spanish/French/Spanish at this hour.

At 1407, 15130 // 15770 with ``Battle Hymn of the Republic`` on piano and 
organ, supposed to be Spanish, Portuguese respectively.

A report in Spanish via Yimber Gavir?a says Harold Camping has ``left Family 
Radio``, did not show up for work on Monday, and that he ``made a mess`` of 
things. I`ve yet to find this in English or confirmed elsewhere that he has 
definitely `left`, but I haven`t heard his voice lately on what remains in 
English. See
and lots of stories about FR and what may happen next at:
I cannot vouch for the accuracy of any of this (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1566 monitoring: first broadcast confirmed 
Thursday May 26 after 1500 on WRMI webcast; only a SAH with Taiwan audible on 
9955 at 1525. WRMI repeats are: Thursday 2100, Friday 1430, Saturday 0800, 
1730; Sunday 0800, 1530, 1730. On WWRB: UT Friday 0330v on 5050. On WWCR: 
Friday 2030 on 15825, Saturday 1600 on 12160, Sunday 0630 on 3215. On IPAR: 
Saturday 1800 on 7290. On SiriusXM 120: Saturday & Sunday 1730, Sunday 0830.

WBCQ re-aired WOR 1565, Wednesday May 25 at 2130 on 7415 webcast, after two 
episodes of Amos `n` Andy, altho I had asked WBCQ a few hours before to run 
#1564 which had been missed on WBCQ (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VATICAN [non]. 13730, Vatican Radio via CANADA, May 26 at 1201 in English 
news, clips of Obama saying Q`daffy must go; and of his address to 
Parliament/Westminster, as VR tries to sound like a secular news source! Fair 
signal with SAH but no audio from DW via PORTUGAL; see GERMANY [non].

BTW, I just noticed in HFCC that an earlier semi-hour in Portuguese has been 
added to this relay, 1055-1130, 100 kW, 163 degrees, besides Spanish from 1130, 
100 kW, 189 degrees (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 15270, May 26 at 1226-1227*, 1 kHz tone much like that on 13730 
from presumed Sines, Portugal non-DW relay, which continued past 1227; but 
nothing scheduled now on 15270 per HFCC, Aoki and EiBi (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 


Message: 2
Date: Thu, 26 May 2011 19:38:45 -0400
From: Robert Wilkner <>
To: *Cumbre <>, *DXPLORER
        <>,     *HCDX <>,
        *NASWA <>
Subject: [HCDX] on the air now
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

2335 GMT

4878.64 tentative  Brasil Rdif Roraima, Boa Vista RR  1000 noted 26 May 
and 2335

5580.2 Bolivia  Radio San Jos?, San Jos? de Chiquitos noted with music 
at 2330

Pompano Beach, South Florida


Message: 3
Date: Thu, 26 May 2011 17:53:50 -0700 (PDT)
From: Stewart MacKenzie <>
To: Anker Peterson <>, Arnie Coro
        <>, BCL NEWS <>, Duane Fischer
        <>,    Hard Core DX <>,
        Marie Lamb <>, Maryann Kehoe <>,
        Prime Time Shortwave <>,      SWL QTH
Cc: Adrian Peterson <>, Allen Graham
Subject: [HCDX] Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

AUSTRALIA?? Radio Australia-Shepparton?? 17795? 2320 GMT? English? 444? May 25? 
Asia Pacific program with YL and OM with comments on CHINA Monotory Funds. 
//15560[444] Shepparton.??? MacKenzie-CA..

CANADA?? Radio Canada Intl-RCI?? 15455? 2350 GMT? Spanish? 444? May 25? YL ancr 
with vocal music groups plus an OM with comments 2352 GMT. //11990[333].??? 

CUBA?? Radio Havana Cuba-RHC?? 15370? 2355? Portuguese? 444? Ma7 25? Cuban Band 
music and RHC ID 2359 GMT. YL with comments 0000 GMT in Quechua language. OM 
with comments 0002 GMT.??? MacKenzie-CA..

KUWAIT?? Radio Kuwait?? 17550? 2332 GMT? Arabic? 444? May 25? OM with comments 
and some Banjo music.

MARIANAS, North?? Radio Free Asia-RFA? 15585? 2344 GMT? Chinese? 444? May 25? 
and OM with comments plus some music. //15430[444].??? Mackenzie-CA..

NEW ZEALAND?? Radio New Zealand Intl-RNZI?? 15720? 2338 GMT? English? 433? May 
25? YL and OM with comments on workers and employees.??? MacKenzie-CA..

UNITED STATES, Tennessee?? WTWW?? 12.100? 2340 GMT? Language Unknown? 444? Mat 
23? OM with comments up to 0300 GMT. ID in English then OM in Spanish at 0305 
GMT.??? Mackenzie-CA..

UNITED STATES, Florida?? Radio Taiwan Relay-RTI?? 17725? 2324 GMT? Spanish? 
May 25? YL with comments plus some band music. Tis? a Noisy frequency.

Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, United States of America
Rcvrs: Kenwood R5000 and Grundig Satellit 650
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"


Message: 4
Date: Thu, 26 May 2011 21:00:10 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [HCDX] May 26 Logs
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

** BOLIVIA. 6134.82, Radio Santa Cruz, *0859-0925, May 26, sign on
with opening Spanish ID announcements. IS/ID sequence at 0901.
?Santa Cruz? song at 0904. Bolivian music. Poor in noisy conditions.
(Brian Alexander, PA) 

** BRAZIL. 15189.98, Radio Inconfid?ncia, 0050-0105, May 26,
Portuguese talk. Local pop music. Weak but readable. Fair on peaks.
// 6010 - weak, poor with adjacent channel splatter. (Brian Alexander, PA) 

** ERITREA. 9830.04 NF, Voice of the Broad Masses of Eritrea, 
*0258-0315, May 26, New Frequency. Sign on with IS. Vernacular 
talk at 0300. Local Horn of Africa music. Weak but readable. Weak 
// 7235. Good on // 7175. (Brian Alexander, PA) 

** MALI. 5995, RTVM, *0556-0630, May 26, sign on with local guitar
IS. National Anthem at 0559. Flute IS at 0600 and opening French 
ID announcements. Rustic local music at 0602. Vernacular talk.
Poor. Weak in noisy conditions. (Brian Alexander, PA) 

** NIGERIA [non]. via Germany, 9610, Hamada Radio International,
*0530-0550, May 26, sign on with local music and opening ID
announcements. Talk in Hausa. Some local music. Good. 
(Brian Alexander, PA) 

** YEMEN. 9780.13, Republic of Yemen Radio. San?a, 0417-0457,
May 26, traditional Arabic music. Arabic talk. Poor to fair in noisy 
conditions. Irregular. Covered by Spain DRM on 9780 at their 0457 
sign on. (Brian Alexander, PA) 

Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg, PA, USA  
Equipment: Icom IC-7600, two 100 foot longwires 

End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 101, Issue 27

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