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Today's Topics:

   1. KBC-Tests 6095 Wertachtal 9-16 UT (Wolfgang Bueschel)
   2. Re: [dxld] Myanmar 7290 ? (Wolfgang Bueschel)
   3. ERI / ETH (Wolfgang Bueschel)
   4. Glenn Hauser logs October 7-8, 2011 (Glenn Hauser)
   5. Re: [dxld] ERI / ETH (Wolfgang Bueschel)


Message: 1
Date: Sat, 8 Oct 2011 14:52:51 +0200
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <>
To: "DXLD" <>, "HCDX"
Subject: [HCDX] KBC-Tests 6095 Wertachtal 9-16 UT
Message-ID: <810E97A943A44184A259A6E7B4C4E492@HNPC2>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" >
To: "Glenn Hauser_actual" >
Sent: Friday, October 07, 2011 11:55 PM
Subject: KBC-Tests 6095 Wertachtal 9-16 UT

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" Sent: Friday, October 07, 2011 11:44 PM

KBC-Tests start tomorrow a music program via Wertachtal 6095 kHz at
0900-1600 UT, in Winter season 1hr later at 1000-1700 UT, saturdays and

&& puzzle in MBR.
NGO - unknown bc organization. Is meant for Nippon Hoso Kyokai foreign 
relays ?
Domestic Yamata called KDDI transmitter organization..


B-11 period (30/10/2011 - 25/03/2012)

Tentatively B-11 operational DTK schedule of October 07th, 2011.
Times are in UTC.

frq   star-stop ciraf     loc pow azi type  day    from-to     broadc

17725 1700-1715 48SW      ISS 250 140 217 7       301011-240312 ABA
 5975 0400-0430 28E       WER 100 120 201 1234567 301011-240312 AWR
 6100 1600-1630 28E       WER 100 120 201 1234567 301011-240312 AWR
 7315 0300-0330 48        WER 250 135 215 1234567 301011-240312 AWR
 7370 0300-0330 48        WER 250 135 217 1234567 301011-240312 AWR
 7370 0330-0400 48        WER 250 135 215 1234567 301011-240312 AWR
 9535 1900-2000 37,38W    NAU 100 215 216 1234567 301011-240312 AWR
 9595 1730-1800 37,38W    WER 100 210 217 1234567 301011-240312 AWR
 9610 1000-1100 28W       NAU 100 180 216 1       301011-240312 AWR
 9805 2000-2030 37,38W    WER 100 210 216 1234567 301011-240312 AWR
11760 1900-1930 37,38W    WER 100 210 216 1234567 301011-240312 AWR
11760 1930-2000 37,38W    WER 100 210 216 1234567 301011-240312 AWR
11795 1730-1800 48        WER 250 135 217 1234567 301011-240312 AWR
11860 1900-1930 46W       WER 250 210 217 1234567 301011-240312 AWR
11975 0700-0800 37,38W    WER 100 210 217 1234567 301011-240312 AWR
15125 0800-0830 37,38W    WER 100 210 217 1234567 301011-240312 AWR
15145 0800-0830 37,38W    WER 100 210 217 1234567 301011-240312 AWR
15145 0830-0900 37,38W    WER 100 210 217 1234567 301011-240312 AWR
15255 1500-1530 41N       WER 250  75 217 1234567 301011-240312 AWR
15255 1530-1600 41N       WER 250  75 217 12347   301011-240312 AWR
15255 1530-1600 41N       WER 250  75 217 56      301011-240312 AWR
15270 1500-1530 41N       WER 250  90 217 1234567 301011-240312 AWR
15270 1530-1600 41N       WER 250  90 217 1234567 301011-240312 AWR
15480 1300-1330 42,43W    NAU 250  70 218 17      301011-240312 AWR
15480 1300-1330 42,43W    NAU 250  70 218 23456   301011-240312 AWR
15480 1330-1500 42,43W    NAU 250  70 218 1234567 301011-240312 AWR
17510 1200-1230 41NE      NAU 250  85 218 1234567 301011-240312 AWR
17510 1230-1300 41NE      NAU 250  85 218 1234567 301011-240312 AWR
17575 1630-1700 48        ISS 250 125 217 1234567 301011-240312 AWR

 5950 0400-0430 39NE,40   WER 100 105 205 127     301011-240312 BVB
 6030 1900-1915 28,29     WER 100  60 215 56      301011-240312 BVB
 6030 1915-1945 28,29     WER 100  60 215 7       301011-240312 BVB
 6030 1900-1930 28,29     WER 100  60 215 3       301011-240312 BVB
 6030 1900-2000 28,29     WER 100  60 215 1       301011-240312 BVB
 6100 0500-0530 3738,4647 NAU 125 195 216 1234567 301011-240312 BVB
 6110 1800-1900 39,40     WER 100 120 215 7       301011-240312 BVB
 6110 1830-1900 39,40     WER 100 120 215 1       301011-240312 BVB
 7220 0800-0830 27,28N    WER 100  ND 926 1       301011-240312 BVB
 7220 0800-0845 27,28N    WER 100  ND 926 7       301011-240312 BVB
 7325 0300-0330 39S       WER 125 120 201 1234567 301011-240312 BVB
 7355 1715-1800 39,40     WER 100 120 215 246     301011-240312 BVB
 7365 1830-1900 39,40     WER 100  90 215 1       301011-240312 BVB
 7365 1800-1830 39,40     WER 100  90 215 246     301011-240312 BVB
 7365 1800-1900 39,40     WER 100  90 215 35      301011-240312 BVB
 7365 1800-1815 39,40     WER 100  90 215 7       301011-240312 BVB
 7395 0030-0100 41        WER 250  90 215 123456  301011-240312 BVB
 7395 0030-0115 41        WER 250  90 215 7       301011-240312 BVB
 7410 0500-0515 39,40     WER 250 120 201 6       301011-240312 BVB
 7410 0500-0530 39,40     WER 250 120 201 5       301011-240312 BVB
 9440 1700-1730 39S       WER 125 120 217 1234567 301011-240312 BVB
 9460 1630-1915 39,40     NAU 100 130 216 1       301011-240312 BVB
 9460 1645-1800 39,40     NAU 100 130 216 7       301011-240312 BVB
 9460 1645-1715 39,40     NAU 100 130 216 6       301011-240312 BVB
 9460 1645-1700 39,40     NAU 100 130 216 24      301011-240312 BVB
 9460 1645-1745 39,40     NAU 100 130 216 5       301011-240312 BVB
 9460 1645-1720 39,40     NAU 100 130 216 3       301011-240312 BVB
 9460 1800-1900 39,40     NAU 100 130 216 3       301011-240312 BVB
 9470 1915-1945 39,40     WER 250 105 205 1       301011-240312 BVB
 9470 1900-2000 39,40     WER 250 105 205 7       301011-240312 BVB
 9715 1900-1930 3738,4647 WER 125 180 217 1234567 301011-240312 BVB
 9925 1630-1830 39,40     WER 100 105 205 1234567 301011-240312 BVB
11875 1630-1730 47,48     WER 100 150 217 1234567 301011-240312 BVB
11915 1700-1720 39,40     WER 250 120 217 2356    301011-240312 BVB
11915 1700-1735 39,40     WER 250 120 217 4       301011-240312 BVB
11965 1530-1545 39,40     WER 250 105 211 1       301011-240312 BVB
13670 1515-1530 40,41     WER 100  90 217 7       301011-240312 BVB
13670 1515-1600 40,41     WER 100  90 217 6       301011-240312 BVB
13670 1530-1600 40,41     WER 100  90 217 45      301011-240312 BVB
13740 1500-1515 41,49NW   WER 250  90 217 1       301011-240312 BVB
13810 1600-1830 3839,4748 ISS 100 131 206 16      301011-240312 BVB
13810 1630-1830 3839,4748 ISS 100 131 206 7       301011-240312 BVB
13810 1630-1800 3839,4748 ISS 100 131 206 34      301011-240312 BVB
13810 1600-1800 3839,4748 ISS 100 131 206 25      301011-240312 BVB
15470 1400-1430 41        WER 250  90 217 1st Sun 301011-240312 BVB
15470 1430-1500 41        WER 250  90 217 1       301011-240312 BVB
15470 1430-1500 41        WER 250  90 217 7       301011-240312 BVB
17545 0900-1000 38,39     WER 125 135 217 6       301011-240312 BVB

 5960 1900-2000 28E,29    WER 100  75 205 7       301011-240312 CHW
 6055 1130-1200 27,28     WER 125  ND 926 17      301011-240312 EMG
 9605 1600-1630 29,30     WER 250  60 217 7       301011-240312 EMG
13730 1200-1230 19-26     NAU 250  45 216 7       301011-240312 EMG

 7215 0030-0130 40E,41NW  WER 250  90 217 1234567 301011-240312 GFA
 7240 2330-0030 41,43,49N WER 250  75 217 1234567 301011-240312 GFA
11645 1530-1630 40E,41NW  WER 250  90 217 1234567 301011-240312 GFA
15235 1330-1530 41,43,49N WER 250  75 217 1234567 301011-240312 GFA
15285 1230-1500 41        NAU 250  89 218 1234567 301011-240312 GFA

 6045 1000-1100 27E,28    WER 100  ND 926 1st Sun 301011-240312 HLR
 7375 2300-0400 11-16     WER 100 240 215 1234567 301011-240312 HRT
 7375 0000-0200 6-10      WER 100 300 215 1234567 301011-240312 HRT
 7375 0200-0400 2-4,6-10  WER 100 315 215 1234567 301011-240312 HRT
 7375 0400-0600 2-3,6-7,10WER 100 325 215 1234567 301011-240312 HRT

 5930 1500-1530 30S       WER 250  75 226 1234567 301011-240312 IBB
 6105 0400-0600 28E,29W   WER 250  60 206 1234567 301011-240312 IBB
 6120 0400-0500 28E,29W   WER 250  60 216 1234567 301011-240312 IBB
 7220 1600-1800 ?         WER 250  60   ? 1234567 301011-240312 IBB
 7260 1600-1700 30SE      WER 250  75 206 1234567 301011-240312 IBB
 7265 0230-0330 40        WER 250 105 226 1234567 301011-240312 IBB
 7390 1600-1700 29SE      WER 250  90 226 1234567 301011-240312 IBB
 9485 1730-1800 48        NAU 100 140 216 23456   301011-240312 IBB
 9485 1800-1900 48        NAU 100 140 216 1234567 301011-240312 IBB
 9485 1900-1930 48        NAU 100 140 216 23456   301011-240312 IBB
 9495 1830-1900 29SE      WER 250  90 226 1234567 301011-240312 IBB
 9520 1700-1800 29S       WER 250  90 226 1234567 301011-240312 IBB
 9565 1400-1500 40E,41NW  WER 250  90 216 1234567 301011-240312 IBB
 9595 1400-1500 30S       WER 250  75 206 1234567 301011-240312 IBB
 9760 0500-0600 39N,40W   NAU 100 105 216 1234567 301011-240312 IBB
 9770 1530-1730 40E,41NW  WER 250 105 226 1234567 301011-240312 IBB
 9780 2030-2100 46,47     WER 250 180 216 23456   301011-240312 IBB
 9805 1800-1830 47,48     WER 250 150 216 1234567 301011-240312 IBB
 9815 1700-1800 29SE      WER 250  90 206 1234567 301011-240312 IBB
 9815 1900-1930 47,48     WER 250 150 216 1234567 301011-240312 IBB
11675 1800-1900 48        WER 250 135 206 1234567 301011-240312 IBB
11765 1500-1600 29SE      NAU 250 103 216 1234567 301011-240312 IBB
11790 1500-1530 30SE,31SW WER 250  75 216 1234567 301011-240312 IBB
11905 1630-1700 47,48     WER 250 150 216 23456   301011-240312 IBB
11905 1730-1800 48        WER 250 150 206 23456   301011-240312 IBB
11995 1400-1500 30S       WER 250  75 226 1234567 301011-240312 IBB
13580 0500-0900 40E,41NW  NAU 250  94 156 1234567 301011-240312 IBB
13580 1400-1500 39N,40W   WER 250 105 226 1234567 301011-240312 IBB
13635 1630-1700 47,48     WER 250 150 216 23456   301011-240312 IBB
13680 1230-1600 40        WER 250 105 226 1234567 301011-240312 IBB
15535 0430-0700 40        WER 250 105 226 1234567 301011-240312 IBB
15620 1630-1700 48        WER 250 135 206 1234567 301011-240312 IBB
15670 1630-1700 46,47,52  WER 250 180 216 6       301011-240312 IBB
17895 1600-1700 ?         WER 250 150 226 1234567 301011-240312 IBB

 6095 1000-1700 18,27-2837WER 100  ND 930 17      301011-240312 KBC? <<<<
 9800 1830-1900 46S,47SE  WER 500 180 217 1234567 301011-240312 LWF
 6045 0900-1100 27E, 28   WER 100  ND 926 3rd Sun?301011-240312 MSM+
 6140 1400-1500 28        NAU 100 126 156 1       301011-240312 MVB
 6140 1000-1100 27,28     WER 100  ND 926 1       301011-240312 MVB
 6055 1200-1215 27,28     WER 250  ND 926 1       301011-240312 MWA
 9620 2200-2300 38,39,40  WER 500 135 217 1234567 301011-240312 NHK
15445 1700-1900 38,39,40  WER 250 135 217 1234567 301011-240312 NHK

 6040 1930-2000 37,38     WER 250 150 201 1       301011-240312 PAB
 6040 1930-2030 37,38     WER 250 150 201 7       301011-240312 PAB
13645 1400-1430 41        WER 100  90 217 1       301011-240312 PAB
13645 1415-1430 41        WER 100  90 217 234567  301011-240312 PAB
13645 1430-1445 41        ISS 250  83 217 1       301011-240312 PAB

15535 1529-1627 47-4852-53WER 500 150 217 1234567 301011-240312 PNW%
 7350 0530-0600 46SE      WER 100 180 215 23456   301011-240312 RMI
11760 1600-1630 47E,48    WER 500 135 217 1       301011-240312 RMI#
11865 1930-2000 46SE      WER 100 180 217 1234567 301011-240312 RMI
 5955 0657-0757 27,28,37N NAU 500 220 146 1234567 301011-240312 RNW

 5955 0757-1100 18S,27,28 WER 500  ND 930 1234567 301011-240312 RNW
 5955 1559-1757 ?         WER 500  ND 930 1234567 301011-240312 RNW
 6120 0859-1100 27S,37N   WER 500 240 215 23456   301011-240312 RNW
 9750 1559-1657 28S,38,39NNAU 500 143 146 1234567 301011-240312 RNW
 9830 0559-0657 28S,38,39NWER 500 120 201 1234567 301011-240312 RNW
 9895 0657-0800 27,28,37N NAU 500 220 146 1234567 301011-240312 RNW
 9895 0800-0900 27,28,37N NAU 500 220 146 1234567 301011-240312 RNW
 9895 1559-1757 36E,37    WER 500 240 216 1234567 301011-240312 RNW

11810 1700-1800 38E,39S,48NAU 100 144 216 14      301011-240312 SBO
 9460 1400-1500 18,27,28  WER 100 300 216 1234567 301011-240312 TOM
13810 1500-1600 28-2938-39NAU 100 130 218 1234567 301011-240312 TOM
17580 1500-1600 38        WER 100 165 217 1234567 301011-240312 TOM

 5915 0645-0700 28        ISS 100  60 146 1234567 301011-240312 TWR
 6105 0800-0850 27        NAU 100 285 216 1234567 301011-240312 TWR
 6120 1100-1130 28        WER 100 105 201 7       301011-240312 TWR
 6120 1629-1659 28        WER 100 105 201 7       301011-240312 TWR
 7220 0645-0700 28        ISS 100  60 146 1234567 301011-240312 TWR
 7300 1500-1530 28,29,30  WER 100  60 215 2       301011-240312 TWR
 7300 1500-1530 28,29,30  WER 100  60 215 3456    301011-240312 TWR
 7300 1500-1600 28,29,30  WER 100  60 215 17      301011-240312 TWR
 9430 0930-1000 28        ISS 100  85 146 1234567 301011-240312 TWR
11700 1629-1659 29S,39N   WER 100  90 217 23456   301011-240312 TWR

 7335 0200-0500 6,7,8     GUF 250 318 156 1234567 301011-240312 VOR
 9875 0000-0200 12,14,16  GUF 250 195 151 1234567 301011-240312 VOR
11605 2200-2400 12,13     GUF 250 181 151 1234567 301011-240312 VOR

 5960 2200-2300 37,38W    NAU 250 210 216 1234567 301011-240312 YFR
 6010 2100-2200 37,38W    WER 250 210 215 1234567 301011-240312 YFR
 7305 2100-2200 46E,47,52NNAU 500 180 216 1234567 301011-240312 YFR
 7360 2200-0100 12,13,15  GUF 500 170 151 1234567 301011-240312 YFR
 7395 0000-0100 12, 14    GUF 500 215 146 1234567 301011-240312 YFR
 9465 2300-2400 12, 14    GUF 500 215 146 1234567 301011-240312 YFR
 9465 2200-2300 12, 14    GUF 500 215 146 1234567 301011-240312 YFR
 9500 1900-2000 37E,38    WER 250 150 201 1234567 301011-240312 YFR
 9515 2000-2100 37,38W    NAU 250 210 146 1234567 301011-240312 YFR
 9595 2000-2100 46E,47,52NNAU 500 180 216 1234567 301011-240312 YFR
 9695 1900-2000 37,46     WER 500 210 217 1234567 301011-240312 YFR
 9800 1700-1800 40        NAU 500  95 216 1234567 301011-240312 YFR
 9810 1700-1800 39        WER 250 120 216 1234567 301011-240312 YFR
 9840 1800-1900 37E,38    WER 250 150 217 1234567 301011-240312 YFR
 9925 1900-2200 46,47,52  WER 500 180 217 1234567 301011-240312 YFR
11665 1800-1900 46SE      WER 500 180 217 1234567 301011-240312 YFR
11690 1700-1800 37,38     WER 100 180 217 1234567 301011-240312 YFR
11885 1600-1700 40        NAU 500  95 216 1234567 301011-240312 YFR
11935 1500-1600 41SE      NAU 500  94 217 1234567 301011-240312 YFR
11995 1600-1700 39        WER 250 120 217 1234567 301011-240312 YFR
12140 1800-1900 57        WER 500 165 217 1234567 301011-240312 YFR
13605 1400-1500 30S,40N   WER 250  75 217 1234567 301011-240312 YFR
13630 1500-1600 41E       NAU 500 100 217 1234567 301011-240312 YFR
13655 1400-1500 41S       WER 500  90 217 1234567 301011-240312 YFR
13655 1500-1600 41S       WER 500 105 217 1234567 301011-240312 YFR
13660 1600-1700 48        ISS 500 125 167 1234567 301011-240312 YFR
13700 1400-1600 41        NAU 500  95 218 1234567 301011-240312 YFR
15160 1600-1700 47,48     ISS 500 131 227 1234567 301011-240312 YFR
15315 1400-1500 41S       WER 500 105 217 1234567 301011-240312 YFR
15325 1400-1500 41E       WER 500  90 217 1234567 301011-240312 YFR
17510 1300-1500 41E       NAU 500  85 218 1234567 301011-240312 YFR
15470 1500-1600 41NE,41S  WER 500  90 217 1234567 301011-240312 YFR

*) 1st Sunday of the month
Day 1 = Sunday ... Day 7 = Saturday

List of Broadcasters which are using MEDIA BROADCAST technical

ABA = Radiyo Y'Abaganda (Ababaka)
ADM = internal name (not "Abu Dhabi Media Company")
AWR = Adventist World Radio
BVB = High Adventure Gospel - Bible Voice Broadcasting
CHW = Christliche Wissenschaft
CVC = Christian Vision - deleted
DVB = Democratic Voice of Burma
EFD = Ethiopeans For Democracy
ELF = Eritrean Liberation Front
EMG = Evangelische Missionsgemeinden in Deutschland
FEB = Feba Radio UK
GFA = Gospel for Asia
HCJ = Voice of the Andes - deleted
HLR = Hamburger Lokalradio
HRT = Hrvratska Radio Televizija
IBB = International Broadcasting Bureau
KBC = internal MBR customer
KBC?= Dutch-based KBC Radio <>
LWF = Lutheran World Federation
MBR = MEDIA BROADCAST (ex Deutsche Telekom, DTK)
MSM = internal name, MBR customer
MSM+= probably XVRB Radio - The Music Museum, see below.
MVB = Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Baltic Radio
MWA = Missionswerk Arche
NGO = &&
NHK = Nippon Hoso Kyokai
PAB = Pan Am Broadcasting
PNW% {"Press Now". <>  wb.}
PRW = Polskie Radio Warsaw - deleted
RHU = Radio Huriyo (Xoriyo) - deleted
RMI = Radio Miami International
RMI# [Voice of Oromo Liberation Front]
RNW = Radio Netherlands World Service
RRP = Radio Reveil Paroles de Vie - deleted
RTR = Radio Traumland (Belgium)
SBO = Sagalee Bilisummaa Oromoo, Voice of Oromo Liberation.
TOM = The Overcomer Ministry
TWR = Trans World Radio
VOR = Voice of Russia
WRN = World Radio Network - deleted
YFR = WYFR Family Radio

Michael Puetz
Order Management & Backoffice
Josef-Lammerting-Allee 8-10
D-50933 Cologne, Germany

Please send your inquiries and reception reports to:
E-Mail:  <QSL-Shortwave @>

%  "Press Now"
Witte Kruislaan 55
1217 AM Hilversum
The Netherlands, Europe
T +31 35 62 54 300
website:  <>   E-mail:  <info @>

?  For reception reports please mail to
<KBC531 @>
or write to
The Mighty KBC
Argonstraat 6
6718 WT Ede
The Netherlands, Europe.

+  XVRB Radio - It's The Music Museum, see <>
E-mail: <xvrbradio @>  <>
not marked correct, probably 3rd Sunday of the month?

(MBR Media & Broadcast, Oct 7, via ADDX Andreas Volk Munich-D
transformed by Michael Bethge-D via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Oct 7)

> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "D. K?hler" <>
> Sent: Friday, October 07, 2011 10:03 PM
> Subject: [A-DX] Erinnerung: RTI direkt aus Tainan & KBC-Tests
> Guten Abend,
> Kleine Erinnerung, ich hatte n?mlich alles vergessen: Morgen startet KBC
> mit seinen mysteri?sen Testsendungen auf 6095 kHz um 0900 UTC.
> Stream und mehr Details unter
>, darunter jedoch nicht die Angabe
> des Senderstandorts.
> Sch?nen Abend & sch?nes Wochenende!
> 73, Douglas


Message: 2
Date: Sat, 8 Oct 2011 16:13:27 +0200
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <>
To: "DXLD" <>, <>,  "HCDX"
Subject: Re: [HCDX] [dxld] Myanmar 7290 ?
Message-ID: <E6F306EAE8A6476F91C54442C2B6F414@HNPC2>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

MYANMAR  5985.831 ...x.834 wandered  Female voice heard with Myanmar 
frequency annmt around 1350 UT Oct 8. Typical gongs at 1355 UT.

Nothing heard on 5835 kHz now.

MDF Myanmar Defence Forces, Taunggyi, at present 1410 UT on 5770.016, just
above threshold in Eastern Europe.

Re. 7290 - engineer typo of 7189v ?

7290 at present 1358 CNR 1 Beijing in Mandarin heard.

Re 7200:
7205 Ethiopian white noise jamming hit Asmara Eritrea and also co-channel 
Radio Liberty Lampertheim in Russian sce. 1400 UT, Oct 8.

above logs all on remote SDR receiver reception in Finland and Russia.

73 wb

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jose Jacob" <>
Sent: Saturday, October 08, 2011 3:22 PM
Subject: [dxld] Myanmar 7290 ?

> By chance I heard some Burmese (?) station mostly with music on 7290 kHz
> this morning (8 Oct 2011) around 0100 to past 0200 UTC.
> Myanmar on new freq?
> 73 Jose Jacob, VU2JOS India
> UnID S.E.Asian st on 5835kHz
> Posted by: "Sei-ichi Hasegawa"   h.seiichi
> Fri Oct 7, 2011 8:22 am (PDT)
> Some Japanese Dxer receives the UnID S.E.Asian st. on 5835kHz from around
> 1100 to now (1500UT).
> Mainly local pops, sometimes short announcement by female. Sound like
> Burmese?
> by peace J at 1421UT on Oct.17.
> S.Hasegawa
> Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post
> Messages in this topic (3)
> 3b. Re: UnID S.E.Asian st on 5835kHz
> Posted by: "Sei-ichi Hasegawa"    h.seiichi
> Fri Oct 7, 2011 8:26 am (PDT)
> Sorry.
> by peace J at 1421UT on Oct.17.
> by peace J at 1421UT on Oct.7.
> S.Hasegawa
> From: Sei-ichi Hasegawa <>
> Sent: Saturday, October 8, 2011 12:22 AM
> Subject: [dxld] UnID S.E.Asian st on 5835kHz
> Some Japanese Dxer receives the UnID S.E.Asian st. on 5835kHz from around
> 1100 to now (1500UT).
> Mainly local pops, sometimes short announcement by female. Sound like
> Burmese?
> by peace J at 1421UT on Oct.17.
> S.Hasegawa
> Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post
> Messages in this topic (3)
> 3c. Re: UnID S.E.Asian st on 5835kHz
> Posted by: "Robin L. Harwood"   robroy7rh
> Fri Oct 7, 2011 9:29 pm (PDT)
> I wondered where they went. They obviously shifted from 7186.7. Yes it
> is Myanmar
> Robin L. Harwood VK7RH
> Norwood, Tasmania 7250
> -- 
> Thanking you,
>                                                  Yours sincerely,
>                                                   Jose Jacob, VU2JOS
>                                          National Institute of Amateur
> Radio
>                                                     Hyderabad, India
>                                                     cell: 91  94416 96043 


Message: 3
Date: Sat, 8 Oct 2011 17:49:27 +0200
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <>
To: "DXLD" <>, "HCDX"
Subject: [HCDX] ERI / ETH
Message-ID: <C708C1C14D594C4BAE0CB5A815B5C2A6@HNPC2>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

ERITREA/ETHIOPIA   Ethiopian white noise jamming at present on 7130 kHz
(7119-7141) and similar on 7205 kHz against Asmara Eritrean services like
VoBroad Masses, on 7204.985 kHz, as well as 7130.026 kHz and much stronger 
on 7174.990 kHz, latter is in the clear - no jamming at present. 73 wb


Message: 4
Date: Sat, 8 Oct 2011 11:14:27 -0700 (PDT)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs October 7-8, 2011
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

** ALBANIA. 13735, Oct 7 at 1841 open carrier, 1842 R. Tirana IS, 1845 English 
sign-on, so confirmed resumed, but too poor to copy. Is daily except Sundays.

7425, altho still missing UT Oct 7, was on Oct 8 at 0353 check with music, to 
conclude the 0330 English broadcast UT Tue-Sun (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** ANGUILLA. 11775, Oct 8 at 1317, missing, uncovering weak Asian signals 
instead; next check 1514, DGS is back on (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake Oct 8, before 1300:
 7970, poor at 1248
10300, good at 1252
11500, open carrier with hum, at 1252, i.e. not Firedrake but perpetual 
TAJIKISTAN SNAFU; no FD on 11510 either
11990, poor at 1253, underneath CNR1 jammer, // 10300
13920, JBA at 1256
14700, very good at 1256
16100, very good at 1258

After 1300:
16100, very good at 1324, none in the 17s, 18s
15900, very good at 1318
15285, very poor at 1323, vs het from 15288 V. of Tibet
14700, good at 1325
12230, good at 1326 --- a new spot, first log here, but first reported Oct 1 & 
2 by Rick Barton, AZ, and Giampiero Bernardini, Italy
11990, no FD at 1327, just CNR1 echo-jamming now
10300, absent at 1328
 7970, poor at 1329

After 1400:
17560, poor at 1413: vs V. of Tibet via Madagascar: unheard

** CUBA. 11760, Oct 8 at 1309, RHC open carrier, unlike modulated 11690, 11730, 
11830, 12040. Still OC at 1316, 1328, as it vies with Indonesia (9525), 
Tajikistan (11500), Morocco (15345) et al. for honors in 
who-can-waste-the-most-watts contest (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GERMANY [non]. 15620, Oct 7 at 1837, Hausa broadcast suffers from squeal de 
WEWN 15610 spur around 15619. It`s DW, 250 kW, 295 degrees from Kigali, RWANDA 
and also USward at 1800-1857 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 9525-, Oct 8 at 1250, dead air with flutter, a VERY long IAD 
during Japanese hour from VOI; still DA at 1303, 1316; 1318 finally English 
modulation comes up for a minute or so, gone again, on and off; by 1336 more or 
less stayed on during music portion as signal weakened (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** IRAN. 11620, Oct 8 at 1307 Qur`an, 1310 cut abruptly and rudely to 
announcement, news theme and items starting with Iran, then other countries in 
the area. Is VIRI Urdu service, 1300-1427, 500 kW, 178 degrees from Kamalabad, 
and thus not aimed at Pakistan, or us (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA NORTH [non]. 5985, Saturday Oct 8 at 1330, Shiokaze from JSR Tokyo, 
JAPAN, opening in Korean with piano music, poor with usual Myanmar 5986v het 

** MAURITANIA. 7245, Oct 8 at 0603 chanting, IGIM had just come on, and not 
abutting 7250 VATICAN [q.v.] for a change (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** MEXICO. Post-sunrise MW DX Oct 8, UT; woke up too late:

1040, Oct 8 at 1237 UT, ``Frecuencia Mega, n?mero uno`` between news items. 
Cant? likely leads to this one, heard several times before:
1040 XEGYS La Primera + FM 90.1 Guaymas, Son. 5,000 250
Back in May, fellow MexDXer John Wilkins in CO thought the call had definitely 
changed to XEGIS, also heard ``Frecuencia Mega`` as in DXLD 11-27

For Mexican national anthem info, played all over the dial circa 1200 UT in two 
basic versions, orchestral and choral, some sources with the lyrix and English 
but for only a few of the original ten stanzas; since on some stations it goes 
on and on for some 5 minutes, it`s multi-stanzaed but haven`t counted them. It 
would be nice to know when to anticipate the final beat to be prepared for 

more lyrix here:

again skipping some of the stanzas; have they been withdrawn?
It`s really war-mongering, but then so is the Star Spangled Banner. In the case 
of Mexico the inspirational enemy was the unnamed USA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** MOROCCO [and non]. 15341, Oct 8 at 1302, IMM missing from here and not on 
15345v either, allowing HCJB Australia to be clear on 15340 during S. Asian 
song, presumably with Christian lyrix imposed. At 1509, 15345 had come on, but 
unmodulated (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA. 24080, Oct 8 at 1454, open carrier, so suspect 2 x 12040 harmonic as 
first reported 25 Sept by Juergen Lohuis, Germany, heralding the return of SWBC 
harmonics 23+ MHz! Unfortunately it is fading down; at 1458 I can barely hear 
the typical Russian tone go on and off, 1500 modulation starts but JBA. 

At 1458 also checked fundamental 12040, but it`s still infested by Cuba and the 
Chinese radio war. HFCC shows 12040 at 15-22, 250 kW, 260 degrees from Moscow 
site with VOR; Aoki shows 12040 starting at 16, same parameters for VOR in 
English, and BTW, both agree that VOA Tinang in Chinese was supposed to finish 
an hour earlier at 1500 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SAN MARINO. 24940-USB, Oct 8 at 1450, T77C with quick contest contacts, kept 
asking for ``Number One`` -- meaning US call area 1 = New England? Anyhow, 
several of his contacts were from there. 12 and 10m were full of signals, and I 
luckily picked this one to log from a rare country. shows:


How many active HF hams are there in SM, anyway? He also warns to look out for 
a pirate using his call; anyhow, the accent sounded authentic, and no one was 
questioning him (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 5890, Oct 8 at 0552, WWCR is extremely strong this 
time with Brother Scare, but I can still hear pulse jamming in the background. 
That`s what they get for using the same frequency as VOA Spanish earlier, vs 
the incompetent DentroCuban Jamming Command (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** U K. 7325, Oct 8 at 0540 Arabish interview between M on the phone and W in 
the studio; stronger than Russia 7320. 0559 BBC sounder and ``BBC Arabiya`` ID, 
off just before 0600. Is 250 kW, 168 degrees from Rampisham at 04-06 (Glenn 

** U K [non]. 15370, Oct 8 at 1510, no signal from BBC via CYPRUS as scheduled 
Saturdays only at 13-16 in Somali (or English, or French). Did not look for it 
earlier; in case it has just been curtailed, closing earlier rather than 
deleted (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 15809.4 and // 15840.6, Oct 8 at 1506, gospel huxter in American, 
perfectly readable at S9+5 level; you`d easily assume these were intentional 
stations if it weren`t for the huger S9+20 matching signal between at 15825 
from WWCR, which apparently has improved the signals and modulation on its 
WWCR-1 +/- 15.6 kHz spurs. Used to be tough to hear much more than just 
carriers (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. 17580, Oct 8 at 1504, Harold Camping lives! There he drones, 
pontificating about I Corinthians XIII: 12, fair with some hum. Certainly 
nothing about May 21 or October 21. Hadn`t heard him in many weeks of random 
tuning across YFR frequencies. HFCC shows this English hour is 250 kW, 114 
degrees from hummy Ascension; ascending, of course, being exactly what the 
rapture-eligible are counting on (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1585 monitoring: Saturday Oct 8 at 1517 trying WRMI 
9955, but can only hear JBA signal(s), not enough to be certain my voice is on 
one of them. One often wonders whether besides aiming the other way, WRMI is 
also on its 5 kW backup instead of 50 kW.

Further repeats on WRMI: Saturday 1730, Sunday 0800, 1530, 1730, Monday 1130, 
1530, 2130, Tuesday & Wednesday 1530.

On WTWW: UT Sunday 0400 on 5755
On WBCQ: UT Monday 0300v on Area 51 5110v-CUSB
On Hamburger Lokal Radio: Tuesday 0930 on 5980
On WRN via SiriusXM 120: Sat & Sun 1730, Sun 0830

** U S A. 3195, Oct 8 at 0354 check, WWRB is still on this reactivation with 
preacher // weaker 5051 with het. Maybe will be turning off 5051 after 
transition period. Full extent not explored, i.e. when 3195 comes on but it 
goes off after 0400 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 870, Oct 8 at 1241, Spanish ad with 1-800 number, ID ``8-70, Radio 
[algo]``, perhaps Variedades, KLSQ Nevada; making SAH of about 7 Hz with 

** VATICAN. 7250, what`s become of Vatican Radio? Absent from reliable 
frequency, Oct 8 at 0538 check when noticed BBC 7255 with no ACI; still gone at 
0603 when IGIM 7245 also had no ACI (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 6050, Oct 8 at 1331, still hearing a het, one of which has to be 
off-frequency MALAYSIA on 6049.6 or so, but would 10 kW HCJB still be 
propagating 6050.0 so long after 1058 UT sunrise there? I have heard it as much 
as a sesquihour later but this is an additional hour, also an hour past sunrise 

Only other thing listed (besides discounted Brazilian in full day) is PBS 
Xizang which Aoki says is 100 kW, 85 degrees from Lhasa-Baiding 602 site, while 
HFCC says is 100 kW, 290 degrees from Lhasa, both as continuously from 2000 
until 1800 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 6923-AM, Oct 8 at 0543 rock music, 0547 ID as 6925 kHz shortwave, 
this is Radio --- (something, North?), fades, and by 0551 fading weaker, out or 
off? Maybe R. True North. I wish the pirates would make more effort to ID 
clearly, like slow it down, repeat it a few times in a row to compensate for 
fades, don`t have music in background, etc., etc. (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

UNIDENTIFIED. 7225-7230-7235, Oct 8 at 0601, DRM noise has started here, and 
7425-7430-7435, Oct 8 at 0601, DRM noise. I can`t positively ID them without a 
DRM receiver, and since they are listed from different countries, ROMANIA and 
AUSTRIA I conveniently file them both here: 
7230, RRI in German at 0600-0630, 300 kW, 307 degrees from Tiganeshti
7430, BBC in English at 0600-0700, 40 kW, 300 degrees from Moosbrunn
(Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Really 300 kW full AM power??

UNIDENTIFIED. Further evidence that the higher frequencies are propagating now, 
besides ham DX on 12m, Russian harmonic on 24080:

23280-23305, 23577-23602, 23927-23952, Oct 8 at 1455, same-sounding OTH radar 
pulses, all 25-kHz bandwidth associated with CYPRUS, but it seems there are too 
many possible sources to be sure.

24450-24840, weak CODAR pulses audible thruout this range Oct 8 at 1456, 
stronger at the low end (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)


Message: 5
Date: Sun, 9 Oct 2011 07:21:06 +0200
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <>
To: "DXLD" <>, "HCDX"
Subject: Re: [HCDX] [dxld] ERI / ETH
Message-ID: <5F3B28C485C54DC582B084659FC65EEA@HNPC2>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

ERITREA/ETHIOPIA   Ethiopian white noise jamming at present on 7130, 7175,
and 9720 kHz, (7123-7138, 7168-7182, 9714-9726 kHz broadband) against Vo
Broad Masses 2 (Dimtsi Hafash) from Asmara Eritrea, on 7130.027 S=5-6 weak,
7174.990 S=8 fair, and 9720.031 kHz S=6-7 weak, 0445-0505 UT Oct 9.

Asmara Eritrean services like VoBroad Masses, on 7204.984 kHz, latter is in
the clear - no jamming at present today. Female voice and childrens chorus,
seemingly family hour and childrens program. Free of jamming, S=7-8 fair

7210.002  R Ethiopia Addis Ababa in Amharic or Tigre language, weak just
above threshold signal, 0458 UT Oct 9.

NIGER/ETHIOPIA   A 1000 Hertz measuring tone started at 0458 til exact 0500
UT from Niamey Niger transmitter site, 0500 UT when time pips noted and
Niger National Anthem play started. Voix du Sahel Niamey hit the R Ethiopia
program on 9705.003 kHz. Both programs on very same signal strength level
S=7-8 much fluttery, at 0500-0551 UT Oct 9.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Oct 9)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel"
Sent: Saturday, October 08, 2011 5:49 PM
Subject: [dxld] ERI / ETH

> ERITREA/ETHIOPIA   Ethiopian white noise jamming at present on 7130 kHz
> (7119-7141) and similar on 7205 kHz against Asmara Eritrean services like
> VoBroad Masses, on 7204.985 kHz, as well as 7130.026 kHz and much stronger
> on 7174.990 kHz, latter is in the clear - no jamming at present. 73 wb

End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 106, Issue 9

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