From: Media Network Newsletter <>
Subject: Media Network Newsletter
Date: Thursday, December 1, 2011, 8:06 AM

   Media Network Newsletter

Hello from Hilversum,
Well, November has ended as the driest November in the Netherlands since 
records began. But December could well turn out to be one of the wettest - I 
just looked at the predictions for the next two weeks, and there's a lot of 
rain coming! But there's no sign of temperatures getting low enough for snow.

Madagascar transmitter tests now completed
Last week's test transmissions of the first of the former Hörby shortwave 
transmitters newly installed at our Madagascar relay station were very 
successful, with reports received from Colombia, USA, UK, Belgium, the 
Netherlands, Austria, Sweden, Russia, Ukraine, Israel and New Zealand. Everyone 
who requested a QSL-card for correct reports on these tests will receive one in 
due course.
The transmitter will shortly be taken into service within the regular schedule, 
where it will replace one of the old Philips transmitters that will be taken 
out of service.
(Source: RNW Programme Distribution)
G6 International Broadcasters to work closely together
The Group of Six (G6) International Broadcasters met in Kyoto on 21 to 23 
November 2011, and issued the following Joint statement:
“All members of the Group of Six agree on our shared values of freedom of 
expression, democratic principles, the strengthening of human rights and free, 
open and independent media.
“To this end the G6 members agree to further develop and enrich the 
international media environment by close collaboration within the context of 
our shared values. We will focus on joint projects that strengthen each other’s 
ability to provide enhanced content to multiplatform audiences across the 
globe. Our collaboration and joint projects will also strengthen each 
organization’s ability to provide unique content to its own target markets and 
build on our ability to provide an even more comprehensive offering of content 
to our audiences into the future.
“The G6 acknowledges that the media markets around the world, including 
technological developments and changes to the way audiences consume media, 
provide many challenges to international broadcasters, and we agree that by 
working together, our shared values and objectives are much more likely to be 
The Group of Six consists of the following broadcasters:

NHK World
Radio Australia
Radio Canada International
Radio Netherlands Worldwide
Radio Sweden

Media Network Weblog
Here are the stories we've published since the last Newsletter. Click on any 
headline to go direct to that item in the Weblog:
Thursday 1 December 2011

Britain fines Iran’s Press TV

Wednesday 30 November 2011

Internal conflict forces Georgia’s Maestro TV off air
Latin America: community radio stations under attack
China’s first 3D television channel launches in January
Radio Vlaanderen Internationaal will close on 31 Dec
India: Digitalisation of DD and AIR is a ‘high priority’
Pakistan may summon BBC as news channel blocked
VOR brings Russian radio drama to Indian audiences
Radio VOP charts way forward

Tuesday 29 November 2011

BAZ invites applicants for radio licences for urban centres
Pakistan cable operators ban foreign news channels
Pro-CBC group goes to the mat against potential cuts
New Korean TV channel targets mobile viewers
Anti-merger strike at Radio France International

Monday 28 November 2011

Cambodian PM renews attacks on US broadcasters
China to ban commercials during TV dramas
West Java radio/TV stations told not to air porn songs
New online radio relays North Korean propaganda programmes - South paper
BAZ seeks applicants for television station licence

Sunday 27 November 2011

Iran to launch eight digital TV channels

Saturday 26 November 2011

Al-Jazeera building new spheres of influence
Boss of Radio/TV Martí to appear on C-SPAN
China state TV gets new boss: Xinhua

Friday 25 November 2011

Mauritania opens airwaves to private broadcast media
UK broadcaster Asian Sound plans Arabic service
Zimbabwe new radio licences a ‘farce’: Tsvangirai’s office

The next Newsletter will be on Thursday 8 December 2011. Good listening!

Andy Sennitt
Media Network
Radio Netherlands Worldwide

© Radio Netherlands Worldwide



Thursday 1 December 2011


All stories listed here, and all the latest media headlines, can be found in 
the Media Network weblog
 RSS feeds:

Complete feed
Feed for consumers
Feed for media professionals


This newsletter is produced weekly
 at Radio Netherlands Worldwide

 RNW frequency schedule
 winter 2011 - 2012


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