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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: SRDA on 6120kHz (Wolfgang Bueschel)
   2. Glenn Hauser logs February 27-28, 2012 (Glenn Hauser)
   3. New on RNZI - Serials connect ANZACs (Radio Heritage Mail)
   4. Logs from NH-USA, Feb 27-28 (Scott R. Barbour Jr.)
   5. Radio Nacional da Amaz?nia back in 6180 (Jorge Freitas (Yahoo))


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2012 13:11:15 +0100
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <>
To: Karel Honz?k <>,       "HCDX"
Subject: Re: [HCDX] SRDA on 6120kHz
Message-ID: <6FB51D0421A043228BA8483E02616372@HNPC2>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-2";

DSWCI - Anker's list DBS-#13  show

B   6120  75   B   Super R?dio Deus ? Amor, Sao Paulo, SP  [?Oct-Feb] 24hrs
Port  //  9592 kHz.  MARch 2011

73 wolfy  dswci #1331

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Karel Honz?k" <karel-honzik @>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 11:33 AM
Subject: [HCDX] SRDA on 6120kHz

BRAZIL  6119.99  SRDA Sao Paulo
This morning (Feb 28, 0640UTC) I was surprised by this signal which
was in parallel to 9565 and 11765kHz. This frequency (6120) is
missing from the BRAZIL section of WRTH 2012 (p.111) as well as
another active SRDA frequency of 9585 (Sao Paulo). In the SHORTWAVE
STATIONS OF THE WORLD section (p.568 on) there is a former user of
6120kHz - Radio Globo - listed.

SRDA = Super R?dio Deus ? Amor
Karel Honzik, CZE, hcdx Febr 28


Message: 2
Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2012 09:58:05 -0800 (PST)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs February 27-28, 2012
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

** CHINA [and non]. Firedrake Feb 28:

9935, good at 1440 and until 1500* --- no target audible before or after 
closedown. Apparent new frequency, not in Harold Frodge`s latest Flaming Goose 
Report, nor in Steve Handler`s restricted charts of Chinese Jamming SW 
Broadcasts, both of which have only 9905 in the 9900s. 

As usual we go to Aoki for an idea of why FD could be here, but no likely 
target on 9935 or anywhere in the vicinity, not even a jumparound listing for 
Sound of Hope, but still the probable impetus, as they can land wherever they 
like and 9935 is surely a tempting open frequency --- until Firedrake finds it, 
which doesn`t take long.

The only station anytime anywhere listed on 9935 is ERT3 Makedonia station --- 
HFCC has it for 10 hours from 250 kW Thessaloniki, which is surely imaginary, 
while Aoki has it from 1600 for less than 2 hours via 100 kW Avlis. 

11500, JBA? at 1442
12300, good with flutter at 1444; no others up to 19 MHz by 1449

** CUBA. 7365, Feb 28 at 0631 as I am checking Vatican on 7360, usual residual 
pulse jamming, twice per second, long after R. Mart? is finished with the 
frequency. RM has NO history of unexpectedly appearing out of schedule on its 
frequencies! But the paranoid DentroCubans are taking no chances! The also do 
it on other vacant VOA and R. Mart? channels. It`s just like the neighborhood 
feral cat who keeps pissing on our front door to mark ``his`` territory (Glenn 

** GUAM. 11675, Feb 28 at 1504, S Asian song by YL, fair, and figured it could 
be AIR, but only listed is KSDA in Telugu, 100 kW, 285 degrees at 1500-1530 
daily. However, gone at 1524 recheck as conditions were worsening, but maybe 
closed early (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA. 11670, better than // 9445, Feb 27 at 2119 I intune AIR GOS, 
sufficiently listenable with some flutter despite (because of?) K-index just 
reported as 5 by new robofem WWV announceress, so since it happens to be 
Monday, once a classical music recital concludes, I settle in to listen to 
their weekly 2120-2135 mailbag `Faithfully Yours` with usual W&M hosts. 

It turns out they only deal with four reports; scarce listener input, or just 
very selective? I figure I will always recognize at least some of the names on 
any mailbag show, from the limited universe of active reception-reporting SWLs: 
To wit:

1, can`t catch his name, but from Assam, NE India. Says he is new host of the 
Indian DX Report on AWR Wavescan, congratulates the GOS on now having its very 
own QSL and wants one. This takes the entire first five minutes, as the hosts 
read and comment on his comments, etc.

2, Costa Constantinides, Cyprus; yes, we know him, 4.5 minutes.

3, Dennis Allen, Australia; we know him too, just got some of his items in 
Australian DX News; 2 minutes.

4, Alvin McCrory(?), USA; don`t know him, but report was from 10 November; are 
the others that old? He listened at 1909-1945 on 11670 with SINPO 54434; sent 4 
IRCs but they reiterate that return postage is NOT WANTED. 2.5 minutes for him.

Every one of them reported on a transmission which was not to their target 
area! and the OM found that ``very interesting`` each time. He filled quite a 
bit of the time by giving the schedules and frequencies where they ought to be 
listening, except of course the American who is not supposed to be listening at 
all, but admittedly they have got a lot of reports from North America lately. 
Concluding with W&M unison, ``Faithfully Yours!``.

2135 on to popular Indian vocal music, which was faded out abruptly at 2150 
when it was time for `Economic Review` as MEGO caused tuneout. (E = ears) 

** MALAYSIA [and non]. 6050-, very poor Feb 28 at 1423 past 1433, music and 
some talk with intonation suitable for Indo-Malay, presumed RTM Kajang. Trying 
to pinpoint the frequency with BFO, compared it to WEWN 12050 and decided it 
was on the hi side of 6050, but then stepping 5 kHz compared to several other 6 
MHz signals, decided it was on the lo side, which is usual. So WEWN must also 
be off-frequency. As always, that has the squishy spurs to confuse things too. 
Confirming that same Malaysia site was propagating, but with ten times the 
power, the usual het on 5965v with CRI (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MAURITANIA. 7245, Feb 28 at 0626, IGIM is on and chanting, good signal 
tonight, and adjacent VATICAN 7250 never showed up to compete with another 
Abrahamic religion (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NIGERIA. 7275, Feb 28 at 0629 as TUNISIA goes off, a weaker but respectable 
signal is left on exactly the same frequency, but it`s just barely modulated, 
presumably FRCN Abuja as it continues to bury itself under Sfax most of the 
time. Since it`s zero-beat and JBM, hard to tell it is there while IWT is on 

** OKLAHOMA. 6520, Feb 28 at 0636, ESPN sports talk // and synchro with local 
KCRC-1390, but this is not a harmonic. Math works for 4 x 1390 = 5560 plus 
KGWA-960 = 6520. 

I was also hearing a local mix on 7580 Feb 26 at 2057 which disappeared before 
I could tell whether it was from KCRC-1390 or KGWA-960, also not a simple 
harmonic. FYI/FMI only; these may be receiver-produced or more likely 
re-radiation from some metal struxures in the KGWA-KCRC-WOR HQ area. We also 
get various weak combinations on 2350, 2780, 2880, 3310, 3740, 4170, 6950, some 
of which are true harmonix (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 7325, Feb 28 at 1411, during CRI break, very poor signal 
with talk in unknown language, mostly YL, 1417 with a particular sense of 
urgency; presumably preaching from Wantok Radio Light, which used to run gospel 
music all night, but no music heard today. About our only chance for verifiable 
details would be recognizable tunes, if they keep a playlist, but no luck so 
far. Better than usual, but it will take superb conditions to make anything 
here out of this 1 kW pipsqueak (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ROMANIA [and non]. 7265, Feb 28 at 0626 vacant instead of RRI French from 
0600; but at 0629, 7310 was on about to start RRI English, after BBC Ascension 
had finished its French on 7305. These RRI signals are generally weakening with 
the onset of spring and earlier sunrises, more light on the path (Glenn Hauser, 

** TUNISIA. Re my previous log of hummy carrier on 10510, which Tarek Zeidan 
identified at another time with IWT audio: Wolfgang B?schel has the reason why 
it`s appeared on 10510: 17735 minus 7225 = 10510 kHz. There might also be a mix 
in the opposite direction but much less likely to propagate: 17735 plus 7225 = 
24960 kHz. Of course this mix could not happen until they moved another 
transmitter from 9725 to 17735 recently (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 
See also NIGERIA

** U S A. 9990, Feb 27 at 2117, WTWW-2 is missing again/still, while 
superstrong WWCR-4, 9980 does the honors of splattering around WWV [q.v.], 
presumably until 2200. Look for a possible change of programming on 9990/5085 
from March 1 with a new client following test with Brother Scare in February 

** U S A. 9330-CUSB, Feb 28 at 0641, WBCQ with dead air again; around 1430 next 
check, Radio 2:11 back in business (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 10000, Feb 27 at 2118, WWV propagation info has been converted from 
delivery by a variety of real human beings to a robofem voice! The stitches are 
not too bad, but still obvious: SF 106; A 18; K21 5!; last and next 24 hours, 
both with minor geomagnetic storms reaching G1 level. Now if they would only 
re-program `her` to ``repeat`` each number, as long as there be enough time in 
the half-sesquiminute available, which there usually is.

Well, that didn`t last long. Next check for propagation report on WWV 10000, 
Feb 28 at 1518, was back to human male voice: SF 106; A 16; K15 1; minor 
reaching G1; none. Also the marine weather report at 1510 was still by a human 
YL. Enunciation by their various humans often leaves something to be desired 

** U S A. 7811-USB, Feb 28 at 0644-0646, AFN reconfirmed with Jim Hightower 
commentary, this time on Karl Rove`s problem with Clint Eastwood`s ``Halftime 
in America`` SuperBowl commercial; 0646 on to `NIH Health Matters` capsule 

** U S A. 1660, Feb 28 at 0648 UT, classical music from KUDL Kansas City KS 
audible beneath stupid sports talk about the Colts, either Fargo or Waco, both 
of which are ESPN. The *only* regularly audible classical station on AM in 
mid-America is doomed, as Feb 27 press reports emerged that Entercom is 
converting 1660 from ``Radio Bach`` to ``KMBZ Business Channel``, effective 
March 5, but ``soft launch`` expected sooner. The ex-KXTR classical CD 
collexion has already been given to Kansas Public Radio (go away, you elitists).

Sigh, I knew it wouldn`t last. In fact, I am quite surprised classical on 1660 
lasted as long as it did. Apparently they are not going to keep it on an FM 
IBOC channel either, has been HD2 on 96.5. Their website leads to nothing but a player which is still classical 
for now (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Stories about this (and that Dave Alpert is not also the DXer in LA):
(via Artie Bigley, OH, DXLD)
(via Tim Kridel, ABDX, IRCA via DXLD)

** VATICAN [and non]. 7250, Feb 28 at 0628, expecting VR via SMG to pop on with 
bigsig replacing nosig from Gardens, but never showed up by 0634, 0654. Can`t 
be propagation as VR`s usual weaksig for Africa on 7360 was audible; and at 
0654, 7225 TWR Polish was sufficient via AUSTRIA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

UNIDENTIFIED. 7804 approx., Feb 28 at 0642, as I was tuning by feel for 
AFN-7811, heard some SSB music and figured this was it until I looked at the 
dial, but then it went off before I could nail the frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, 


Message: 3
Date: Wed, 29 Feb 2012 21:26:47 +1300
From: "Radio Heritage Mail" <>
Subject: [HCDX] New on RNZI - Serials connect ANZACs
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

Media Release
Radio Heritage Foundation
February 29 2012

RNZI Airs New Radio
Heritage Documentary
Radio Serials Connect
ANZAC Listeners

Join us from Monday, March 5 2012 to share long time favorite radio
serials for Australian and New Zealand listeners on the Mailbox
program from Radio New Zealand International.

In the 1930's, radio serials were produced by the thousands in
Australia, and many of these transcriptions found their way across
the Tasman and onto the New Zealand airwaves of the ZB commercial
stations which celebrate their 75th anniversaries this year.

You can listen directly via shortwave radio from RNZI in New Zealand,
or audio on demand [for the following month] with full details of
current broadcast frequencies [both DRM and analog] and times
possible for your area as well as audio downloads at 

The stars of Fred & Maggie [The Everybody's] were mobbed when they
visited New Zealand in 1939, and New Zealander Jack Davey was shortly
to become production head of the powerful Colgate-Palmolive Unit and
one of the most popular quiz masters and radio entertainers in

The New Zealand 'Radio Record' magazine published weekly program
schedules for the radio serials heard from 2CH and 2GB in Sydney so
that Kiwi listeners could stay up to date with the soap operas every
evening as the Australian radio signals covered the Tasman.

You'll hear the theme music to such great shows as 'The Air
Adventures of Biggles', 'Dr Mac', 'The Grey Shadow', 'When Cobb & Co
Was King' and 'Dad & Dave' from Snake Gully.

So join us from Monday, March 5 2012 as we enjoy some early
Australian radio serials with a shared ANZAC history on the Mailbox
program from Radio New Zealand International [].

You can also use our fully up to date Australian AM, FM and Digital
Radio Guides at our global website 

Use our Google Search to find more features about broadcasting in
Australia, including over 50 features about individual stations from
the mid-1940s in the Long Lost Australian Radio Guides series.

Radio Heritage Foundation is a registered non-profit organization
connecting popular culture, nostalgia and radio heritage. Our website
is To be removed from this mailing list email
'Please Remove' to Voluntary annual donations
of A$25 help us expand our radio heritage projects . 

Remember: Like us on Facebook and you could win the wonderful new
book 'Australian Radio History'. Just visit,
click on our Facebook link and you're in the draw. Entries close
March 31 2012.


Message: 4
Date: Wed, 29 Feb 2012 01:42:03 -0800 (PST)
From: "Scott R. Barbour Jr." <>
To: "" <>,
        "" <>,
        "" <>,
        "" <>,
        "" <>
Cc: "" <>,
        "" <>,
        "" <>
Subject: [HCDX] Logs from NH-USA, Feb 27-28
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

3945 VANUATU presumed R. Vanuatu Port Vila 0914-0946 Feb 28; Continuous talk in 
unid language thru BoH; mx at 0940; back to talk at 0945; v. weak under band 
noise w/ the perpetual ham net on 3947L not appearing until 1010 recheck. 

4785 UNIDENTIFIED 1019-1035 Feb 27; LA mx w/ M announcer between selections; 
presumed Spanish though not 100% sure; presumed ad/promo at 1029; (T) ID & 
sounded like "..onda corta.." made it through; back to mx at 1031; fair at t/in 
& rapidly deteriorating under band noise; unusable by 1035; I see that D. 
Sharp-Australia, recently logged Campinas, Brazil here but I suspect either a 
Bolivian or Peruvain. GeoClock 9.0 grey line favored both, while Campinas, in 
eastern Brazil, was well into local daytime; monitored frequency on the 28th 
from 0930-1030+ & heard nothing; not even a carrier. (Barbour-NH)

5010 INDIA AIR Thiruvananthapuram 0018 Feb 28 Hindi; Carrier at t/in; IS & 
Vande Mataram; announcer at 0022 though not much to work with; weak under band 
noise. (Barbour-NH)

7550 INDIA AIR Delhi 2218-2230* Feb 28 EE; "Live" interview w/ crowd noise; 
fast paced & hard to detail; cut for studio announcer at 2222 w/ mentions of 
Oman & Karachi; W announcer at 2223 w/ next day's program sked between mx bits; 
GOS AIR ID at 2229; freq schedule & off at 2230; fair; // 9445 Bangalore-good; 
// 9910 Aligarh-poor. (Barbour-NH)

9310 KAZAKHSTAN WYFR Almaty 1158-1232 Feb 27 listed Filipino; WYFR jingle mx & 
contact info; filler mx; IS at ToH; W announcer w/ ID & s/on ancment; M 
announcer in listed Filipino at 1202; mx at 1219 w/ talk over; presumed prg 
intro at 1220; more M announcer w/ talk thru t/out; fair. Kazakhstan supposed 
to go silent 3/1, though a few DXers monitoring on 2/28; V. of Orthodoxy & BVB; 
heard either nothing or v. weak audio & pulled the plug mid-transmission. 

Scott R. Barbour Jr. Intervale, N.H. USA
NRD-545, MLB-1, 200' Beverages, 60m dipole


Message: 5
Date: Wed, 29 Feb 2012 10:09:35 -0000
From: "Jorge Freitas \(Yahoo\)" <>
To: <>, "Hard Core DX"
        <>,        <>
Subject: [HCDX] Radio Nacional da Amaz?nia back in 6180
Message-ID: <002601ccf6ca$3e3fb150$babf13f0$>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="iso-8859-1"

Lenildo da Silva, reports that the R?dio Nacional da Amaz?nia is back in the
frequency 6180 kHz. I confirmed the listening at 1000 SINPO 35433.


6180 kHz, R?dio Nacional da Amaz?nia, portugu?s para o Brasil (desde
Bras?lia, DF), 09:00-09:03 (UTC), quarta-feira, 29 de fevereiro de 2012.
Not?cia sobre as enchentes que atinge o Estado do Acre. De acordo com o
locutor, o n?mero de afetados j? passa proporcionalmente, o n?mero de
atingidos pelas chuvas no Rio de Janeiro e Santa Catarina. Em seguida, um
ouvinte liga para o programa. O apresentador pergunta-lhe se estar a ouvir
pelos 49m, ele informa que n?o e afirma que ? pela parab?lica. SINPO: 55544.
(Lenildo da Silva, S?o Jos? de Piranhas-Paraiba, Brasil, via ?no mundo do




Jorge Freitas
Local time -2 UT
Feira de Santana Bahia  
12?14?S 38?58?W - Brasil
Degen 1103 - All listening in mode of filter Narrow the 6 kHz.
Dipole antenna, 16 meters - east/west
Escutas (listening, my blog):  <>




End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 110, Issue 29

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