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published by Michael Stutz at

Today's Topics:

   1. important Radio Damascus news (kris)
   2. Glenn Hauser logs July 22, 2012 (Glenn Hauser)
   3. Re: Glenn Hauser logs July 22, 2012 (Wolfgang Bueschel)
   4. July 11-19 logs (Mikhail Timofeyev)
   5. Re: July 11-19 logs (Wolfgang Bueschel)
   6. Glenn Hauser logs July 22, 2012 (Glenn Hauser)
   7. WB morning log July 23 (Wolfgang Bueschel)
   8. Logs (Manuel M?ndez)


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 22 Jul 2012 06:05:56 -0700 (PDT)
From: kris <>
To: Kris Janssen <>
Subject: [HCDX] important Radio Damascus news
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

Sunday, 22nd of July 2012

Dear Radio Damascus listeners

The transmissions of the foreign languages programs of Radio Damascus on the 
short-wave frequency of 9330 Khz (31 meter band) will be interrupted till 28th 
of July. 

The short-wave broadcast will resume starting 29th of July 2012. 

Transmission on the satellites will go on as usual.



Message: 2
Date: Sun, 22 Jul 2012 08:39:16 -0700 (PDT)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Cc: NASWA <>,
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs July 22, 2012
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

** CHINA [and non]. Firedrake July 22, before 1200:
14700 at 1158, JBA; none in the 11s, 12s, 13s, 15s, 16s, 17s

Circa 1230:
11500, poor at 1230
12670, fair at 1231
14700, good at 1233
15555, fair at 1234
16100, fair at 1235; none in the 17s

Before 1400:
13920, very good at 1357; none in the 12s
14700, very poor at 1356
15605, good at 1355; no WEWN 15615 audible, off? WWCR 15825 very poor
16100, very good at 1356
16920, very good at 1356; none in the 17s

** CUBA. 9540, July 22 at 1151, RHC transmitter is back in whack today, after 
blobby strays to 9525 yesterday and 9503 previously. I expect it`s not the last 
time. Now over CRI on 9540 and an echo apart from // 9550 from the other RHC 
site (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EGYPT. 9305, July 20 at 0504, R. Cairo is still buzz-only, further weakening 
well into dayside there. Aoki shows the General Service in Arabic, 'El-Bernameg 
Al-Aam' at 1900-0700, 250 kW, 315 degrees from Abis toward Europe and North 
America. Is it all-buzz, all-the-time now? Well, at least most of the time, and 
if not, with extremely distorted modulation. The incompetence of the Egyptian 
engineers(?) and moreso whoever is ``managing`` these monstrosities knows no 
bounds (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ETHIOPIA [and non]. Re last report: ``UNIDENTIFIED. 15170-15175-15180, July 
21 at 1852 past 1900, unknown DRM signal here, very strong and much stronger 
than 15115-15120-15125 Voice of Nigeria. Could find nothing in DRM schedules or 
fora about this. In fact, only one analog transmission earlier in the day from 
India is scheduled on 15175. But I could also hear a weak AM carrier under the 
noise on 15175. A tree in the forest, falling with no notification to the few 
DRM enthusiasts who might want to listen (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

Sei-ichi Hasegawa, Japan replies: ``Dear Glenn, This signal is not DRM. It is 
the jamming of the DRM type from Ethiopia for Badr Radio.
de Hiroshi``

Oh yes, the AM underneath was a clue; I should have searched DXLD archive on 
15175, to find this in 12-22; so the Badr frequency and the jamming will jump 
around, and only on Fri-Sat-Sun:. 

``ETHIOPIA [non]. RUSSIA, QSL Badr Broadcasting Network via Samara-
RUSSIA 15165 kHz. Badr Broadcasting Network 15165 kHz bestaetigte 
meinen Empfangsbericht innerhalb von 25 Tagen mit unterschriebener und 
abgestempelter PPC. Adresse: Badr Ethiopia, 4701 Sangamore Road, Suite 
#125 South, Bethesda MD 20816, USA.

Eine e-mail brachte keine Antwort. Die Stationen sendet 1830-1900 UT 
im Bereich von 15165 kHz. Auf der Webseite  
werden inzwischen die Frequenzen 15150 / 15155 / 15165 / 15170 / 15175 
/ 15180 kHz genannt, wohl um aethiopischen Jammern zu entgehen.
(Patrick Robic, Austria, A-DX May 18 via BC-DX May 30 via DXLD)

New TDP station - Badr Radio/Badr Broadcasting Network in Amharic, 
1830-1900 15165 SAM 250 kW 188 deg Fri-Sun to EaAF, eff April 20 (DX 
MIX News, Ivo Ivanov-BUL, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews May 1, ibid.)``

But still, 15175 is missing from all the current frequency schedule references. 
Except re-looking at Aoki, not a main entry but:

``15165 Badr Radio 1830-1900 1....67 Amharic 250 188 Samara RUS 05015E 5317N 
BBN TDP a12 15150-15175``

The DRM promoters should be ashamed of availablizing their technology for 
jamming! What I heard sounded just like DRM noise, but I suppose would not have 
decoded to anything intelligible/legible. Could the Ethiopians at least tag it 
``Gotcha, Badr!``? (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA NORTH [and non]. 6070, July 22 at 1142, VOK Japanese service with 
characteristic choral music, making a ripple SAH under still stronger CFRX; so 
VOK is back almost-on-frequency after making an audible het from closer to 6071 
for a few weeks (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MAURITANIA. 7245, Sunday July 22 at 0508, IGIM is on with Arabish talk, in 
an increasingly rare early appearance; fluttery, unusual too for this path 

** OKLAHOMA. 930, July 22 at 1220 UT, WKY, OKC with hard-sell super-hype ``La 
Indomable`` promos and ads, music; no English. Used to default to that foreign 
language for a pubaffs show on Sunday mornings only at 1200-1230, but could be 
just a summer break/vacation. The ads within it had continued to be in Spanish, 
weird. BTW, why is Indomable feminine? Adjectivally, it could just as easily be 
El Indomable, and WKY`s super-hype style is anything but feminine. And I 
continue to be amused that this oh-so Spanish station banishing its long Okie 
legacy has calls made up mostly of letters lacking in Spanish. But at least 
they didn`t abolish the calls; someday it may revert to English (Glenn Hauser, 

** OKLAHOMA. 3450-, July 22 at 1145, ``OK`` HIFER beacon, clear and strong 
enough vs the noise level; weaker but still audible at 1312, but not at 1352. 
Tnx to tip from Kenneth Vito Zichi, Michigan, MARE Tipsheet, who reported:

``3449.9/CW, OK, Hifer 35443+ 0739 14/July -- first time heard in a dog?s 

This one is allegedly quite near me somewhere in northern OK. Nor have I heard 
it in a long time, but my local noise level on 2-5+ MHz is too high. It`s one 
of those secret beacons sending nothing but the ID `OK` over and over. I wonder 
if the late Kirk Allen, Ponca City, had anything to do with it. More on HIFERs 

The latter has a frequency list showing OK last reported January 5, 2012. But 
the log forum,5913.0.html
shows it back by May 25. Someone thinks it may be in Arkansas, and measured 
3449.83. There are many more of these listed, mostly in the western US, in the 
4056-4102 range, worth sweeping with BFO (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING 

** U S A. 12105, July 22 at 0500, WTWW-3 in Portuguese cuts off the air 
abruptly at 0500:15*, no ID and no sign-off announcement. I have never caught 
this service with a sign-on or off, and the IDs appear at odd times during 
programming, rarely at hourtop (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9265, July 22 at 1150, WINB is on here with YL gospel huxter, fair 
signal. Next check at 1232, another one on 13570. WINB never gets its act 
together in portraying its own schedule accurately on website, failing to show 
the Sunday-only early broadcast before 1200 is on 9265 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. 11715.0, July 22 at 1359, KJES, OM in English quoting Bible or 
something, 1400 no ID but switch to YL hymnsinging; sufficient signal but 
undermodulated, and right on frequency, a first! Its appearances are 
increasingly rare; check 11715 at 13-16, 15385 at 18-20, 7555 at 0100-0230 

** U S A. 770, July 22 at 1221, weak but steady signal from ``The Talk Monster, 
KKOB``, Albuquerque NM, ads, medical infomercial. What happened to 
`Perspective` from ABC News, which used to air at 6-7 am MT Sundays? Website 
makes it very hard to find program schedule, not on the main menu but just 
above it inside an ad block:

Undated, still shows ABC`s `Perspective`. Does the show still exist? It used to 
be a must-listen for me when it presented long-form reports, just talking, ? la 
BBC`s `From Our Own Correspondent` which has also been downsized. Then ABC 
dumbed down `Perspective` with tabloid stuff and worked in retreads of TV 
features. Yes, it`s still easily accessible with podcast archive and topic list 
for each at

As for KKOB reception, July official sunrise and switch to non-direxional is 
1200 UT; August 1230. Winter is on the way! (Glenn Hauser, 100+ degree OK, DX 


Message: 3
Date: Sun, 22 Jul 2012 20:54:31 +0200
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <>
To: "HCDX" <>, "DXLD"
        <>, "Glenn Hauser" <>
Subject: Re: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs July 22, 2012
Message-ID: <7BAD931FF8AC4EC6A9EE7AF2CDF730AE@HNPC2>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="utf-8";

Tonight 'seen WHITE NOISE signal' from Gedja Ethiopia
on 15163-15177 kHz wide range.
S=9+10dB in central Europe.

TDP schedule

73 wb

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Glenn Hauser" Sent: Sunday, July 22, 2012 5:39 PM
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs July 22, 2012

> ** ETHIOPIA [and non]. Re last report: ``UNIDENTIFIED. 15170-15175-15180,
> July 21 at 1852 past 1900, unknown DRM signal here, very strong and much
> stronger than 15115-15120-15125 Voice of Nigeria. Could find nothing in
> DRM schedules or fora about this. In fact, only one analog transmission
> earlier in the day from India is scheduled on 15175. But I could also hear
> a weak AM carrier under the noise on 15175. A tree in the forest, falling
> with no notification to the few DRM enthusiasts who might want to listen
> (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)``
> Sei-ichi Hasegawa, Japan replies: ``Dear Glenn, This signal is not DRM. It
> is the jamming of the DRM type from Ethiopia for Badr Radio.
> de Hiroshi``
> Oh yes, the AM underneath was a clue; I should have searched DXLD archive
> on 15175, to find this in 12-22; so the Badr frequency and the jamming
> will jump around, and only on Fri-Sat-Sun:.
> ``ETHIOPIA [non]. RUSSIA, QSL Badr Broadcasting Network via Samara-
> RUSSIA 15165 kHz. Badr Broadcasting Network 15165 kHz bestaetigte
> meinen Empfangsbericht innerhalb von 25 Tagen mit unterschriebener und
> abgestempelter PPC. Adresse: Badr Ethiopia, 4701 Sangamore Road, Suite
> #125 South, Bethesda MD 20816, USA.
> Eine e-mail brachte keine Antwort. Die Stationen sendet 1830-1900 UT
> im Bereich von 15165 kHz. Auf der Webseite
> werden inzwischen die Frequenzen 15150 / 15155 / 15165 / 15170 / 15175
> / 15180 kHz genannt, wohl um aethiopischen Jammern zu entgehen.
> (Patrick Robic, Austria, A-DX May 18 via BC-DX May 30 via DXLD)
> New TDP station - Badr Radio/Badr Broadcasting Network in Amharic,
> 1830-1900 15165 SAM 250 kW 188 deg Fri-Sun to EaAF, eff April 20 (DX
> MIX News, Ivo Ivanov-BUL, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews May 1, ibid.)``
> But still, 15175 is missing from all the current frequency schedule
> references. Except re-looking at Aoki, not a main entry but:
> ``15165 Badr Radio 1830-1900 1....67 Amharic 250 188 Samara RUS 05015E
> 5317N BBN TDP a12 15150-15175``
> The DRM promoters should be ashamed of availablizing their technology for
> jamming! What I heard sounded just like DRM noise, but I suppose would not
> have decoded to anything intelligible/legible. Could the Ethiopians at
> least tag it ``Gotcha, Badr!``? (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST)


Message: 4
Date: Sat, 21 Jul 2012 11:24:54 +0000
From: Mikhail Timofeyev <>
Cc: HCDX DX <>
Subject: [HCDX] July 11-19 logs
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset=UTF-8;  format=flowed;  delsp=yes

6060 2222-2252 ARG Radiodifusi?n Argentina al Exterior, Buenos Aires,  
19/07, Spanish, YL public talk with some mentions of Buenos Aires and  
applause, OM talk, etc. - poor with QRM from Sichuan PBS, heterodyne  
and local noise, best in LSB, // 
  with some delay

5915 2148-2201'02* ZMB Zambia National BC, Lusaka, 19/07, Vernacular,  
OM phone talks with listeners, final choral national anthem - fair- 
poor with strong QRM from 5920 (VOR) and local noise, also VOA open  
carrier starting from 2157 and Yankee Doodle from 2159'12

15345.30 2125-2137 ARG Radiodifusi?n Argentina al Exterior, Buenos  
Aires, 19/07, German, OM talks with frequency announcement, Argentine  
songs, 3 time pips at 2130 - almost good with fading and local noise

6059.89v 2108-2120 B Super Radio Deus de Amor, Curitiba, 15/07,  
Portuguese, OM sermon - poor-fair till 2109'41, then poor due to one  
more carrier near 6060 and local noise, // 
  approx. with 23 sec. dealy

6055 2035-2054 RRW Radio Rwanda, Kigali, 15/07, Vernacular, Gitaramo  
program with OM/YL talks and singing ("Gitaramo - a cultural tradition  
of sharing stories, song and dance while sitting around a warm fire")  
- good with slight fading, // 
  with 24 sec. delay

4949.75 2009-2020 AGL Radio Nacional de Angola, Mulenvos, 15/07,  
Portuguese, OM/YL talks, pop music - weak under local noise, best in LSB

4750 1704-1712'18* BGD Radio Bangladesh, Shavar with prolonged  
schedule, 15/07, Bengali, OM news - poor-fair with local noise

9650 1649-1654'40* AFS Radio Sonder Grense, Meyerton, 15/07,  
Afrikaans, OM/YL talks - weak-poor with local noise and splashes from  
9655 (IRN)

9705 1605-1631 ETH Radio Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, 15/07, English, weekly  
musical program with piano and saxophone music, local song, YL ID, OM  
news - good with local noise, // 9558.47 poor and tentatively 7234.54v  

15340 1514-1530'08* AUS HCJB, Kunurrura, 15/07, English,  
Christianityworks program from Sydney, final song and HCJB  
announcement - almost good with slight fading and local noise

6010 0033-0047 B Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte, 15/07,  
Portuguese, OM talk, pop and rock songs - weak-poor with local or DRM- 
like noise, best in LSB to avoid BHR in USB

6180 0002-0017 B Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia, 15/07,  
Portuguese, OM dialogues with listeners, Brazilian song - almost good  
with CRI in English in the background, // 
28159/ with 9 sec. delay

5940 2339-2350 B Radio Voz Missionaria, Camboriu, 14/07, Portuguese,  
OM sermon - fair and better with local noise

6080.03 2318-2328 B Radio Marumby, Curitiba, 14/07, Portuguese, YL/OM  
dialogues - poor-fair with local noise, best in LSB with 4 kHz  
bandwidth, // with 12  
sec. delay

11665 1912-1934 MLA RTM Sarawak FM, Kajang, 14/07, Malaysian, YL/OM  
talks, wetern pop and rock music such as Still Loving You, etc. - poor  
with local noise and QRM from 11660 (BBC *1930), // 9835 weak-poor

7234.45v 1825-1840 ETH Radio Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, 12/07, Vernacular,  
OM talks, local pop songs - poor-fair with splashes from IRN (7240)  
and audio delay during some minutes, // 9705 fair and better with QRM  
from NGR

9745U 0020-0032 BHR Radio Bahrain, Abu Hayan, 12/07, Arabic, non stop  
traditional OM singing - fair and better with local noise and slight  

7295 1536-1550 MLA RTM Traxx FM, Kajang, 11/07, English, OM/YL short  
talks with commercial and ID jingles, western pop songs - fair-almost  
good with local noise, best in AM SYNC with 6 kHz bandwidth

9835 1434-1512 MLA RTM Sarawak FM, Kajang, 11/07, Malaysian, Quran OM  
singing, OM (mostly)/YL talks, etc. - fair with local noise and  
splashes from both sides, best in AM SYNC with 4 kHz bandwidth

12104.96 0340-0403 USA WTWW, Lebanon, 11/07, Portuguese, OM religious  
talk with music in the background, OM English ID at 0402 - fair and  
better with local noise, best in LSB, //


Mikhail Timofeyev
Location: North-East part of the St.Petersburg city
Receiver: Drake R8A
Antenna: long wire (30 m) 


Message: 5
Date: Sun, 22 Jul 2012 21:36:43 +0200
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <>
To: "HCDX" <>,     "DXplorer"
Subject: Re: [HCDX] July 11-19 logs
Message-ID: <1C430A597F6544B8B065BBC2B3AAD0F1@HNPC2>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="utf-8";

Visible on Perseus screen on 4949.753 kHz at 1915 UT July 22.
Remote receivers in Germany, Italy and Austria.
73 wb df5sx

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mikhail Timofeyev" Sent: Saturday, July 21, 2012 1:24 PM
Subject: [HCDX] July 11-19 logs

> 4949.75 2009-2020 AGL Radio Nacional de Angola, Mulenvos, 15/07,  
> Portuguese, OM/YL talks, pop music - weak under local noise, best in LSB
> 73! Mikhail Timofeyev
> Location: North-East part of the St.Petersburg city
> Receiver: Drake R8A
> Antenna: long wire (30 m) 


Message: 6
Date: Sun, 22 Jul 2012 20:27:50 -0700 (PDT)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Cc: NASWA <>,
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs July 22, 2012
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

** COSTA RICA. 17850, July 22 at 1836 and still at 2203, REE relay with VG 
signal minus spurs all over the band as often the case last few days. I`m sure 
they`ll be back again before long (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EGYPT. More chex for R. Cairo`s English broadcasts on new frequencies, ex 

11890, July 22 at 2200, good strength but just-barely-modulated, a sure sign of 
R. Cairo as now scheduled at 2115-2245 to Europe.

9965, July 22 at 2321, YL pause in news for ID as North American service of R. 
Cairo; but quite distorted as usual on this frequency which is followed by 
Arabic after 0030.

Already confirmed the third English sesquihour from 0200 is still on 9315, not 
9720 as in WRTH July update (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ETHIOPIA [and non]. 15165-15170-15175, Sunday July 22 at 1835, weak DRM 
jammer audible and also weaker AM carrier on 15170, no doubt as explained in 
previous report, Ethiopia vs Badr Broadcasting Network, which is Islamic 
evangelism, but how political is it? Enough to jam. Today it`s 5 kHz lower, so 
the Ethies have no problem in tracking it to whatever different frequencies on 
Fri-Sat-Sun. There was no DRM around at first check 1832, and no movement at 
1845 halfway into the show, so this evasion is not effective. It might be if 
BBN, via TDP via Samara, RUSSIA, were prepared to jump around during each 
broadcast, altho that is also a good way to lose listeners even if the 
frequency is momentarily away from the DRjaM. Today this was quite weaker than 
Nigeria DRM on 15115-15125, unlike yesterday. 

Wolfgang B?schel also found it centered on 15170 today: ``Tonight 'seen WHITE 
NOISE signal' from Gedja Ethiopia on 15163-15177 kHz wide range. S=9+10dB in 
central Europe.``

The TDP schedule at shows only 15165 for 
Badr Radio. Ironic that TDP, a big promoter of DRM, is victimized by it (Glenn 

** KUWAIT. 15540, July 22 at 1833 check, fair signal with western pop music, no 
English news as normally appears at 1830-1835, or never on Sunday? (Glenn 

** MEXICO. A bit of sporadic E analog TV DX July 22, UT:

2035 on 4, F?rmula Uno racing coverage the dominant signal, also with CCI here 
and weaker stuff on 2, 3 and 5. Racing was wrapping up at 2100.

2046 on 4, Galavisi?n promos, not sure if same station as above, anyway both 

2059 on 2, net 7 bug UR during movie or drama. XHTAU Tampico is always the 
prime suspect when southward

All faded by around 2110, and outside later saw the antenna was still pointed 
NNE toward Canada from yesterday`s DX, rather than SSW, oops. (The rotor 
control is out of sight and I have to be sure to feel which way the notch is 
pointing.) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Best photos of some of my DTV DX from MN, IA, NE and KS July 21, 2012 
are now at
I have a LOT more in my collexion going back some 50 years, but when will I 
ever have time to process them? (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)


Message: 7
Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2012 08:56:17 +0200
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <>
To: "HCDX" <>, "DXLD"
Subject: [HCDX] WB morning log July 23
Message-ID: <9A532D866A4448EEA56254B5B9E2BD25@HNPC2>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

Noted some strange VERY ODD frequency broadcasts this morning, maybe due of
hot temperatures, some TX oscillators wandered away ... ?

BRAZIL/CANADA/GERMANY   To be a mess on this channel,
three peaks noted on 6070v at 0415 UT July 23.

Strongest most powerful probably CFRX Toronto-CAN on 6069.955 kHz. Another
the German low power hobby stn Radio 6150 Ingolstadt Rohrbach on even 6070
kHz channel, and 3rd adjacent channel stn on 6070.033 kHz, latter most
probably Brazilian Radio Capital, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, bcast Super Radio Deus
? Amor program in Portuguese language.

... and 880 Hertz heterodyne whistle tone annoying on v6160 kHz channel,
6160.861 kHz English talk heard at 0422 UT, most likely CKZN St. Johns, New
Foundland ?

The other domestic Canadian CKZU Vancouver noted at 0535 UT July 23 on
similar odd 6159.981 kHz.

On the contrary CBC Radio Nord Quebec program in excellent (non accented)
U.K. English heard on very even 9625.000 kHz S=9+10dB level at 0455 UT. Same
signal level from same Sackville-CAN relay bcast Voice of Vietnam program in
Vietnamese on 9555.000 kHz, scheduled daily at 0430-0528 UT.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 23)

CROATIA/GERMANY   Three channels used in 75 mb this morning 0340-0355 UT
July 23.

3955 Radio 700 from Kall-Eifel in western Germany, S=7-9 much fluttery
signal, did broadcast modern German Schlager pop mx at this hour.
Station ID at 0350 UT.

Much stronger Croatian Radio on 3984.810 kHz, modern Croatian lady pop
singer heard.

3995.002 kHz HCJB Weenermoor broadcaster with S=6-7 signal on air too.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 23)

ERITREA   noted this morning 15 kHz up from usual 7175v kHz, now on 7189.991
kHz, HOA music today at 0426 UT July 23. Omdurman Sudan in Arabic on usual
even 7200 kHz.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 23)

ETHIOPIA  wandered steady in 7234.360 .... to 7234.405 kHz frequency range.
Around 0430 UT July 23. Program is Voice of Peace and Democracy from
Gedja-ETH, S=7 fair signal, HoA music at 0431 UT.

6110.039  Radio Fana in Amharic from Addis Ababa Gedja site
at 0419 UT July 23.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 23)

ERITREA/ETHIOPIA   radio war. Strange enough and still a puzzle is the WHITE
NOISE jamming (or is that an unid DRM broadcaster?) on 9705 kHz (9698 to
9711 kHz range) heard with S=8 signal at 0445 UT.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 23)

FRANCE/JAPAN   11970  Came across of NHK Radio Japan World distinctive music
box interval signal even before 0458-0500 UT. Is daily English service relay
at 0500-0530 UT via Issoudun France 500 kW powerhouse.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 23)

MADAGASCAR/UAE  Some of the Sudan/Somalia morning all news outlets heard
around 0500-0515 UT. Sudan Radio Service Darfur in Arabic on odd 11800.039
kHz from Al Dhabbaya-UAE 0400 til 0500 UT.

And Al Dhabbaya UAE relay on odd 15549.956 kHz, Radio Tamazuj til 0429 UT,
followed by Radio Dabanga 0429-0557 UT.

Also Dabanga radio program in Arabic for Sudan via MDG relay heard at 0510
UT on 15400.009 kHz.

And UAE relay of Radio Damal, Voice of Somali People in Somali was on very
even nearby 15700.000 kHz, scheduled at 04-07 UT.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 23)

NIGERIA  6089.847  Likely the powerful signal from West Africa in our
European morning hour: Radio Nigeria Kaduna in Hausa hetting Universal Radio
of Caribbean Beacon, Anguilla island on even 6090 kHz at 0417 UT July 23.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 23)

SWAZILAND   4774.993  TWR Africa from Manzini Swaziland, in Vernacular,
S=7-8 signal here in Germany, sermon by two male and female - announcer.
0356 UT July 23.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 23)

USA   9367.722 at 0455 UT July 23, and later on at 0540 UT noted on lower
9367.713 kHz, WTJC Morehead City, English sce, youg boys/mens sermon chorus

2300 Hertz frequency deviation is a lot in FCC rule standards ....
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 23)

UNIDENTIFIED LOCATION  15750  US mission prayer, like Brother Stair TOM
heard on 0520 UT July 23, not strong about S=8 signal in Germany. "your end
is near", "establishing your heart", "go away devil",... a.s.o.
UNID site mentioned by Bulgarian DX Mix recently, scheduled 05-06 UT /
Sats -07 UT. Very exact frequency x.000 kHz, lately performed from Yerevan
Gavar relay site in Armenia.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 23)

UNIDENTIFIED LOCATION  5969.927  at 0408 UT July 23, S=6 signal on threshold
level. Probably could be RTM Radio Transmundial from Santa Maria, RS Brazil
??? Still a puzzle.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 23)


Message: 8
Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2012 09:18:47 +0200
From: Manuel M?ndez <>
To: DX Listenig Digest <>
Subject: [HCDX] Logs
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Manuel M?ndez
Lugo, Spain

Logs in Reinante, Cantabrian Sea, Lugo
Sony ICF SW 7600 G, cable antenna, 10 meters

5952.5, Radio Pio XII, Siglo XX, 2245-2305, 22-07, Bolivian music, 
comments, male. Weak, best on LSB. 14321. (M?ndez)

6135, Radio Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, 2250-2307, 22-07, male, 
Spanish, comments. Very weak. 14321. (M?ndez)

BRAZIL, 4805, Radiodifusora do Amazonas, Manaus, 2305-2313, 22-07, male, 
soccer comments, Portuguese. 14321. (M?ndez)

4955, Radio Cultural Amauta, Huanta, 2253-2315, 22-07, female with 
comments in Quechua and Spanish. Best on LSB. 13321. (M?ndez)

4775, Radio Tarma, Junin, 2250-2312, 22-07, Andean music, comments, 
clear identification by male at 2300: "Onda Media, 1510 kHz, onda corta, 
4775 kHz, banda de 60 metros, Frecuencia Modulada, 99.3 kHz, Radio 
Tarma, Jun?n, Peru, America del Sur,". 24322. (M?ndez)

4747, Radio Huanta 2000, Huanta, 2258-2314, 22-07, male, comments in 
Spanish. 14321. (M?ndez)

End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 115, Issue 23

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