heard 2 hrs YFR from Al Dhabbaya and also VoTurkey co-channel in the
73 wb

BANGLADESH   Radio Bangladesh sked on their website: The latest schedule of
Radio Bangladesh External Services is available in the following link (which
matches with what was monitored):

Bangladesh 7250 - Last WRTH 2010 sked is all on 7250 kHz and seem to be
following it and in between maybe as a test filler with Bangla. Good
signals. TX has a bit of a hum.

1230-1300 SoEaAS/SoAS       1745-1815* EUR VOIslam    1815-1900 EUR
ARABIC    1600-1630 ME
BENGALI   1630-1730 ME      1915-2000 EU
HINDI     1515-1545 SoAS    NEPALI 1315-1345 SoAS

Monitoring Observations of Radio Bangladesh External Services, yesterday on
7250 kHz. 1230-1300 English   1315-1345 Nepali   1400-1430 Urdu
Around 1600-1630 Arabic, 1630- Bangla
(The sked above is incomplete, more monitoring needed)

Email id announced is
<betar.external @>
(Jose Jacob-IND  VU2JOS, DXindia Aug 8)

Bangladesh Betar - new transmitter built up on 7250 kHz, test transmissions
of foreign service. Quite good reception this evening from Bangladesh Betar
external service, resumed on 7250 kHz with a new transmitter.

Heard here from tune-in at 1630 UT when it was carrying Bengali until s/off
1730 UT. After a 15 minute pause, the English service commenced at 1745 UT
with ID, programme preview and news - currently in progress. English to
Europe is scheduled to continue until 1900 UT. Announced as "Bangladesh
Betar overseas service". Great to hear this back on SW, it must be at least
3 years since the old 7250 kHz transmitter failed.
(Dave Kenny-UK, BrDXC-UK Aug 7)

7250  Dhaka audio quality IS NOT CLEAN.

At 1414 UT Aug 7th, local Asian subcontinent lady singer performed. Around
1405 UT, seemingly news reading. But at 1340 to 1347 UT close-down heard
1020 Hertz test tone continously. BCasting pause after 1347 UT, switched OFF
totally. From 1400 UT onwards heard accompanied by a 140 to 160 Hertz buzz
HUM tone also, also heard during pauses when music stopped and control level
is high, at 1418 UT. !

[later]  Re 7250 kHz co-channel, before Vatican Radio Rosario starts at 1840
UT, heard both Radio Bangladesh AHEAD with ID at 1818 UT on even 7250 kHz,
here on S=9+25dB level,

and PROBABLY AIR Malayalam from Goa Panaji til 1830 UT on
o d d  7249.979 kHz.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 7)

Bangladesh Betar - 7250 kHz.
Meanwhile, BB has kept 7250 in the HFCC registration books; note the nominal
azimuth changes:
7250 1200 1300 49    DKA 250 140 BGD NBA
7250 1300 1400 42    DKA 250 320 BGD NBA
7250 1400 1500 41    DKA 250 290 BGD NBA
7250 1500 1600 41    DKA 250 305 BGD NBA
7250 1600 1730 39,40 DKA 250 290 BGD NBA
7250 1730 2000 27    DKA 250 320 BGD NBA

but that has not kept other stations from using it, some of which may now
want to reconsider, disregarding those in the 20-12 UT period: Goa, India to
Iran, and as already noted worse, China with an hour in Nepali from Xi'an,
and worst of all, Vatican to Europe when BB is aiming at Europe too;
additional SMG transmissions at +1155-1840 conveniently expired June 30:

7250 1500 1600 53,57 XIA 500 252  Nepali     CHN CRI RTC
7250 1600 1830 39,40 PAN 250 300  Pers/Mal.  IND AIR AIR
7250 1840 1900 28N   SMG 250 4    Latin      CVA VAT VAT
7250 1900 1930 28N   SMG 250 4    Mul        CVA VAT VAT
7250 1930 2020 27    SMG 250 326  Fr/En      CVA VAT VAT
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Aug 7)

Khabipur 10 most modern SW curtain antennas by Made in China design,
in north-eastern corner at 60/240 and 125/305 degr azimuth.

Also older lower dipol antennas and non-dir corner-reflector-like antenna,
south-westerly at 45 65 115 155 225 245 295 335 degr azimuth.

And a lot of more WOODEN registrations of Dhaka too:
17660 0000 0200 49,54 DKA 250 135
15125 0300 0400 41    DKA 250 305
6165 0400 1000 41    DKA  50 0
15320 0500 0600 40    DKA 250 305
9590 0700 0900 37,38 DKA 250 290

15105 1100 1300 49,54 DKA 250 135
7250 1200 1300 49    DKA 250 140
9550 1200 1300 49    DKA 250 140
11995 1200 1300 49    DKA 250 140
13605 1200 1300 49    DKA 250 140
13700 1200 1300 49    DKA 250 140
15505 1200 1300 49    DKA 250 140

6170 1300 1400 42    DKA 250 320
7250 1300 1400 42    DKA 250 320
9550 1300 1400 42    DKA 250 320
11915 1300 1400 42    DKA 250 320
11995 1300 1400 42    DKA 250 320
13700 1300 1400 42    DKA 250 320
7200 1300 1600 41    DKA  50 0
6195 1300 1800 41    DKA  50 0

7250 1400 1500 41    DKA 250 290
9550 1400 1500 41    DKA 250 290
11995 1400 1500 41    DKA 250 305
13700 1400 1500 41    DKA 250 290
13715 1400 1500 41    DKA 250 290
15505 1400 1500 41    DKA 250 290
5995 1400 1600 41    DKA  50 0

7250 1500 1600 41    DKA 250 305
9550 1500 1600 41    DKA 250 305
11995 1500 1600 41    DKA 250 290
13700 1500 1600 41    DKA 250 305
13715 1500 1600 41    DKA 250 305
15505 1500 1600 41    DKA 250 305
15320 1500 1700 39,40 DKA 250 290

13700 1600 1700 39,40 DKA 250 290
15505 1600 1700 39,40 DKA 250 290
17695 1600 1700 39,40 DKA 250 290
17825 1600 1700 39,40 DKA 250 290
7250 1600 1730 39,40 DKA 250 290
9550 1600 1730 39,40 DKA 250 290
11995 1600 1730 39,40 DKA 250 290
11915 1700 2000 27    DKA 250 320
13700 1700 2000 39,40 DKA 250 290
15505 1700 2000 27    DKA 250 320
6170 1730 2000 27,28 DKA 250 320
7105 1730 2000 27,28 DKA 250 320
7250 1730 2000 27    DKA 250 320
9550 1730 2000 27    DKA 250 320
11995 1730 2000 27    DKA 250 320
7210 2300 2400 44    DKA 250  45

----- Original Message ----- From: "Partha Sarathi Goswami, Siliguri, W.B., India" <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2012 7:21 PM
Subject: Re: [dxld] Glenn Hauser logs August 7-8, 2012

It was on at several time frequently but not continuous like yesterday,
already alerted them about the clashes ( ), just now Voice of
Turkey was going on with strong signal....

On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 10:09 PM, Glenn Hauser <> wrote:

** BANGLADESH [and non]. 15520, Aug 8 at 1558, very weak signal with bits
of modulation, presumably Bangladesh Betar, Dhaka, testing its brand-new
transmitter toward Europe at 12-20 UT today, as tipped by Swopan
Chakroborty? Instead of 7250 tested yesterday. 15520 is an old frequency
of theirs, inactive for many years.

In the meantime, other stations have been using 15520, currently
registered in this time period, first the other ``DHA`` = Dhabbaya, UAE
site with YFR at 14-16, the second hour in English; Turkey in English at
1630-1730, Egypt in Fulfulde at 1845-20, so before 1400, 1600-1630, and
1730-1845 should be the best windows.

Recheck at 1608, however, what little signal I had is gone, so suspect it
was really YFR/UAE; is BB really still on?

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