Hi Dave,

Typical of V. of Tibet, via Tajikistan. See the Aoki list entries on all these 
split, jammed frequencies, tho the exact ones and times may not match what you 

Glenn Hauser

--- On Sat, 9/1/12, Dave Valko <djva...@verizon.net> wrote:

> UNID.   15518   Unid. pres.
> Clandestine  Tlk by M in Asian lang. and remote rpt at
> 1228.  Jammed by mx jammer on 15520.  Both moved
> at 1230.  This moved up to 15543 w/M continuing, mx
> bridge, then more tlk.  Jammer showed up on
> 15545.  Then found it had moved to 15553 at 1252 w/mx
> jammer on 15555.  Lite Chinese-like mx at 1254 then
> diff. M at 1259.  Mx and canned anmnt by M, 1300 prob.
> ID anmnt.  Then found it on 15562 w/more tlk at
> 1304.  Mx jammer found it at 1308:23 on 15560. 
> Found it had moved again to 15567 at 1322.  Changed
> freq again to 15603 at 1333, and jammer followed to
> 15605.  15603 went off at 1400.  Was not
> //15487.  Wish I had the Perseus recording this cat and
> mouse game.  Who was this??  (31 August)
> UNID.   15527   UNID. pres.
> Clandestine   Had the Perseus going this
> morning and found it here coming on the air at 1159:40 with
> the jammer coming on 15530 at 1202:20.  The stn was too
> weak to copy.  Changed freq at 1212:50 to 15518, at
> 1230:22 on 15543, at 1236:17 on 15553, at 1303:15 on 15562,
> at 1317:30 on 15567, and everytime the jammer
> followed.  Stopped the recording before it had moved to
> 15603.  So its using the same freqs in the same order,
> but changes at different times.  Not as good as
> yesterday.  Who is it??  (1 Sept.)

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