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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

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published by Michael Stutz at

Today's Topics:

   1. Logs 21+22/1 (LIAGKAS ZAXARIAS)
   2. Re: [dxld] Koran chanting on approx 9190.96 (Wolfgang Bueschel)
   3. Re: [dxld] Re:  Bangladesh Betar on 4752 (Wolfgang Bueschel)
   4. Glenn Hauser logs January 29, 2013 (Glenn Hauser)
   5. Re: Glenn Hauser logs January 29, 2013 (Glenn Hauser)
   6. Glenn Hauser logs January 29-30, 2013 (Glenn Hauser)
   7. DX and Shortwave meetings of 2013 (Risto V?h?kainu)
   8. $5074* Funding Shortfall Deadline (Radio Heritage Mail)


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2013 14:24:28 +0200 (EET)
Subject: [HCDX] Logs 21+22/1
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"; format=flowed


4976 UBC Uganda 0446 ?UBC news? S9

15160 Australia 0439 news S0

1476  Arabic station with Arabic songs of 70-80s S6 on horizontal antenna

1260 ERA Rhodos with S9+20 signal


9819.3 R 9/7 0402 ? with adverts  and a web address S5 Same time 11765 RDA is 
S9 , 11780 is S3  and 11815 is S5

11885 XJPBS 0405 with talks S5 max


Message: 2
Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2013 17:01:59 +0100
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <>
To: "HCDX" <>, "DXLD"
Subject: Re: [HCDX] [dxld] Koran chanting on approx 9190.96
Message-ID: <1753EA19703E4B0FAD152B22BF59749F@HNPC2>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

Scheduled at Al Fitahab
100 kW ITU antenna type #804
log-periodic horizontal
804 LPH 16/33.9/3.1/36.9/1.5/26/600  
visible 3 x revolving type horizontals at
15 35 12.68 N  32 26 44.46 E  

7200 Sudan 03-22 UT, 210 degr,
9505 Sudan 04-08 UT, 110 degr,
           16-22 UT, 210 degr.

Reported also in the past on
11650 and 15725 kHz.

PTT Khartoum was 9220 kHz,
Khartoum Air 9212 and 9231 kHz.
{according Klingenfuss lists}

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Partha Sarathi Goswami, Siliguri, W.B., India" <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2013 2:17 PM
Subject: Re: [dxld] Koran chanting on approx 9190.96

> On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 4:53 PM, Robin L. Harwood 
> <>wrote:
> Glenn was Sudan from Omurdan  at one time on 9200? It would fit the
> timeframe
> and content. It didn't sound as if it was a spurious transmission either.
> Robin Harwood VK7RH
> Norwood, Tasmania 7250
> It could be as recently I found 7200 kHz also with better signals, so it
> needs to be monitored if the 9200 reactivated and drifted down to 9191
> kHz
> 73s


Message: 3
Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2013 17:09:37 +0100
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <>
To: "HCDX" <>, "DXLD"
Subject: Re: [HCDX] [dxld] Re:  Bangladesh Betar on 4752
Message-ID: <1A605297633849E0BFBB1F9E22AD8F54@HNPC2>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

BGD 4752 - heard today Jan 29th at 1115 UT on remote rxs in Finland and far
northern Sweden.

But now at 1655 UT seemingly an Indian subcontinent language by male voice,
radio seemingly aligned back now on exact 4750 kHz.
73 wb

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Steve" <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2013 4:38 PM
Subject: [dxld] Re: [HCDX] Bangladesh Betar on 4752

Hi Everyone......I have been copying Bangladesh Betar on 4752kHz although
the frequency tends to drift.....not heard thus far today 29th Jan.
Steve. UK.
Flex Radio 1500.
Half size G5RV.

--- In, "Wolfgang Bueschel"  wrote:
> Yes Jorge,
> Bangladesh Betar is now heard with like Holy Quran singer program at 1630
> UT
> Jan 28
> on exact 4752.000 kHz, as has been always from last week onwards.
> 73 wb
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Jorge Freitas"
> To: ; "Hard Core DX" ;
> Sent: Monday, January 28, 2013 4:47 PM
> Subject: [HCDX] Bangladesh Betar on 4752
> 4752 28/Jan 1521 Bangladesh, Bangladesh Betar in Bengali. Om talk. QRM
> at 1528. At 1529 instrumental music. A few seconds without modulation. At
> 1530 Yl Starts the program in English, ID. Listening in radio remote from
> Twente, NL. Recorded in 33333
> (Jorge Freitas-B)
> 73 Jorge Freitas
> Feira de Santana Bahia
> 12?14?S 38?58?W - Brasil


Message: 4
Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2013 09:18:10 -0800 (PST)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs January 29, 2013
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

** CHINA. 7435 // weaker and SSB QRhaMed 7220, Jan 29 at 1358, Radio Exterior 
de Espa?a interval signal is still being played by the confused ChiCom before 
CRI`s Nepali broadcast; both via Kunming site, but SARFT master control in 
Beijing is to blame (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. Circa 1510 Jan 29, RHC fails to transmit a galaxy of spurs surrounding 
11760 today, unlike yesterday; what`s wrong? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** EAST TURKISTAN. 4850, Jan 29 at 0057 weak signal with some program 
modulation vs hi local noise level. Must be PBS Xinjiang, Kazakh service, 100 
kW, ND from Urumqi as per Aoki, at 2340-0325; nothing else scheduled. BTW, 
following my recent remark, I see that Aoki has corrected all the spellings 
from ``Urumqui``! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also ETHIOPIA 

** ETHIOPIA [and non]. 9565.6v, Jan 29 at 1512, big het no doubt caused by the 
always-off-frequency Ethiopia. It`s making a pitch on my keyboard primarily at 
E5 = 659 Hz, but shifting irregularly a semitone higher to about F5 = 698 Hz. 
Approached another way by counting the clix at 40-Hz steps above 9560 on the 
DX-398, I get 13 = only 0.52 kHz, so possibly the other weaker station it is 
hetting is slightly below 9560? Unlikely, as it must be CRI Chinese via 
Kashgar, only other thing scheduled. And before 1600 it`s not R. Ethiopia, but 
the clandestine service for Eritrea, V. of Democratic Alliance, until 1530 in 
Tigrinya Tue/Thu/Sat, other days Arabic per WRTH (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** GUIANA FRENCH [and non]. Suspicious open carrier, which I am tentatively 
pinning on Montsin?ry due to previous behavior, e.g. on 11995, leaving 
transmitter on air long after end of scheduled broadcasts:

11740, Jan 29 at 0612, fast SAH upon weak station in French, which is ROMANIA, 
not what one might guess from old schedules, Vatican which now does not start 
here until 0700 (altho we know how unreliable they are too). 11740 is of 
course, the NHK GUF relay in English to NAm at 0500-0530 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** MALI. 5995, Jan 29 at 0610, open carrier, S9+18, seems too strong for MALI, 
which does start around 0600 typically with very low modulation. But nothing 
else is scheduled. Considering the civil war in Mali, it`s fortunate that the 
government radio station stays on the air at all, but some modulation would be 
helpful. REE Costa Rica had previously in A-12 been on here by mistake, but 
tonight it`s on proper 5965 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU. 5980, Jan 29 at 0052 I start monitoring for the new R. Chaski, Cuzco. 
Good sign: there is CCI from two stations, but also splat from CRI Habana 5990 
which is about to finish. At 0059 I am hearing both music and a Chinese 
announcement. Chi station timesignal ends at 0100* and off the air, still 
hearing instrumental music, maybe with a religious tinge? Muffled announcement 
follows. I have a pretty good ear for Spanish, but I could not recognize it as 
such, so Quechua? After another bit of music like a fanfare, more talk and now 
I definitely pick out a few Spanish words. This cuts off the air abruptly at 
0104:50*. So altho I have not heard an ID, I am now positive it is R. Chaski. 
The Chinese station would be CNR1 jammer of VOA Tibetan via Sri Lanka. And no 
Cuban pulse jamming audible now, despite R. Mart? in the madrugada.

News about R. Chaski from other sources: Thomas Nilsson in Sweden heard it 
January 23 during an earlier window at 22-23 UT and contacted the station. 
Reply came from one Bruce Maddux, so it would appear English is fine. He said 
they had begun in November after many years off the air, and Thomas was the 
first international listener to contact them. (We all have been remiss in not 
finding it before PFA did!) Station says schedule is 05-10 & 17-20 local time, 
rather than -22 as PFA first reported. 20 local = 01 UT, so this closure and 
the previous one I heard UT Jan 26 a few minutes after 01 fit that schedule. 
Thomas` recording of it a few days later:
This was on exactly 5980.018. Seemed zero-beat with the ChiCom jammer to me, no 
SAH noticed. 

Rafael Rodr?guez in Colombia says it rebroadcasts the signal of Red Radio 
Integridad, matching the webcast at 
so expect to hear that ID as well as R. Chaski.

BTW, Pedro F. Arrun?tegui in Lima has more Peruvian news for us: R. Ondas del 
Sur Oriente, Quillabamba just moved Jan 28 from 5120 to 4835.03, heard at 
2310-2422 // Radio Felicidad 1110 in Lima, romantic music, but with local 
programming starting at 00 UT. His clip of it has been posted to the DXLD yg.

Not sure what the evening schedule is, when I never heard it on 5120, but last 
February, Dave Valko found the transmitter on long before modulation started in 
the mornings, 1104 one day, 1041 the next. 

I wonder if the QSY also signifies it has become duly licensed and thus 
eligible for an in-band frequency. WRTH 2013 showed *no* callsign on 1 kW 5120, 
and a schedule of 10-03. I guess previous Peruvian on 4835, and still in Aoki, 
of course, R. Mara??n, is long gone. Quillabamba will now collide with Sikkim 
in the mornings and/or VL8A as long as it keeps on 60m instead of 120m; and 
WWCR 4840 ACI on the air from 01 to 13 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SAUDI ARABIA. 15435, Jan 29 at 1507, the Buzzing Service of the Kingdom of 
Saudi Arabia is back! Nothing but a big buzz; at least it`s not spreading to 
other frequencies (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)


Message: 5
Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2013 10:33:23 -0800 (PST)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Subject: Re: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs January 29, 2013
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Sigh: another correxion needed: in the body I referred to 9560 twice instead of 
9565. Also adding jamming and other comments. Replace previous item with this:

** ETHIOPIA [and non]. 9565.6v, Jan 29 at 1512, big het no doubt caused by the 
always-off-frequency Ethiopia, longpath? nominal 9560, and sometimes varying 
even below that. This is making a pitch on my keyboard primarily at E5 = 659 
Hz, but shifting irregularly a semitone higher to about F5 = 698 Hz. Approached 
another way by counting the clix at 40-Hz steps above 9565 on the DX-398, I get 
13 = only 0.52 kHz, so possibly the other weaker station it is hetting is 
slightly below 9565? Unlikely, as it must be CRI Turkish via Albania, only 
other thing scheduled. And before 1600 it`s not R. Ethiopia, but the 
clandestine service for Eritrea, V. of Democratic Alliance, until 1530 in 
Tigrinya Tue/Thu/Sat, other days Arabic per WRTH. Also weak residual 
Dentro-Cuban pulse jamming audible, despite Radio Marti usage of 9565 only at 
20-24 UT (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)


Message: 6
Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2013 21:34:17 -0800 (PST)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs January 29-30, 2013
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

** EGYPT. Early UT Jan 29 there were several reports on the DXLD yg of Qur`an 
on 9190v. What could it be? Tarek Zeidan later identified the accent as 
Egyptian, and the prayers were for dawn, which should not start until around 
0300 UT in Cairo. But early the next UT day, Wolfgang B?schel in Germany 

``R Cairo 9191.013 kHz at 0012 UT on Jan 30: S=9 signal in Germany. EX 
0000-0700 9305 ABS 250 kW 315 deg NoAM Arabic General Service. Separate program 
in English on 9965 kHz. 73 wb`` To which I replied:

``I rather suspected this, and am about to check it too, but the ex-frequency 
should be 9905, which replaced 9305 months ago. Glenn``

Then at 0057 UT Jan 30, I start monitoring, but nothing to be heard around 
9190. Or 9905. 9965 is on the air. (There is also a weak blob of something 
around 9258 which turns out to be a spur from Guiana French q.v. 9490.) Note 
that Cairo formerly used several frequencies in the 9200-9300+ range, but never 
intentionally below 9200. 

I have noticed previously that the 9905 transmitter altho scheduled straight 
thru 00-07, often was not on the air during the first hours of that span (nor 
was 9305 which it replaced). 

At 0105, as I have the BFO on 9190 at 0107, I briefly hear a VFO swishing back 
and forth across --- maybe that`s the Cairo transmitter, very unstable, but it 
doesn`t stick. 

Another check at 0249: still no 9190; some wandering signal like a sounder 
crosses weak WINB 9265, soon up across 9285. At 0255 I find that 9905 is on the 
air with Qur`an; 9965 other Arabic service is just barely modulated; 9720, the 
English frequency is just a humbuzz; and still nothing around 9190. Other 
monitors were not hearing it tonight either, except Wolfy earlier. It appears 
at this time that Cairo is back to abnormal (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** GUIANA FRENCH. 9258, Jan 30 at 0057, weak blob of something detectable 
despite the T-storm noise from northeast of here. After I have checked out Peru 
and Egypt, I look further for spurs of the 9490 Montsin?ry relay at 00-02 of 
RMI`s Radio Rep?blica: there they are again, 9374 and matching 9606, plus and 
minus 116 kHz from 9490. Unlike last night, this time besides the big hum, 
there is some modulation of R.R. on both of them, a lofi phoneline feed. 

I look for others closer to 9490: yes! Weaker ones on 9526 and 9454, hum-roar 
just barely modulated, fortunately not interfering with anything; these are 
plus and minus 36 kHz from fundamental. There is yet another pair, however, 
which do interfere plus and minus 70 kHz from 9490: about 9420 vs Greece, and 
9560 in S Asian language, scheduled as Vatican in Tamil. The first-heard blob 
on 9258 now obviously comes from this too, as it is 232 kHz below 9490, double 
the other spurs at 116 kHz, and further has a match on 9722 vs the just barely 
modulated Cairo English on 9720, all heard around 0116.

Summarizing all these spurs, all approx., maybe plus or minus 1 kHz, as the 
blobs don`t have sharp carriers for accurate measurement:
low   high   separation from fundamental 9490
9258  9722   232 kHz
9374  9606   116 [strongest ones]
9420  9560    70
9454  9526    36
The last two are likely really matched, one pair the doubles of the other, just 
like the further pair of pairs above them.

These spurs closely match the displacements previously heard in the 02-04 
period from the NHK Japanese relay on 5960 from Montsin?ry; a quick check 
tonight at 0255 did not produce them, vs the high noise level, but have been 
heard many times before, e.g. 5844, 5890, 5924, 5996, [6030, masked by Cuban 
radio war], 6076, which are also 36, 70 and 116 kHz above and below the 
fundamental. Now I need to look for plus and minus 232 = 5728, 6192.

It was not necessary to monitor these on my main receiver with longwire, but 
only with the DX-398 on the porch, and a shortwire, with better frequency 
readout. All of these, of course, should be totally suppressed to avoid 
interfering with other stations and to maintain a `clean` operation (Glenn 

** PERU. 4835, Jan 30 at 0112, no sign of R. Ondas del Sur Oriente, as per 
Pedro F Arrun?tegui`s report the night before. I need to check an hour earlier 
before WWCR come son 4840, but even with BFO I cannot detect a carrier on 4835, 
yet can hear CODAR sweeps; it`s a poor South American night, weak signals e.g. 
on 4885 Brasil, 4790 Per?. Recheck at 0255, still just CODAR. So was it on the 
air during this period? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU. 5980, Jan 29 at 2259, checked for R. Chaski, Cuzco, when Thomas 
Nilsson in Sweden has heard it, but as expected this is too early here, 
nothing. Jan 30 at 0058 another try at R. Chaski, much like last night, mixing 
with Chinese, presumed CNR1 jammer, but unlike last night, there is quite a lot 
of storm noise from the Mississippi Valley area. Again the ChiCom goes off at 
0100* after timesignal, and I still hear music; 0100:30, muffled announcement 
again I can`t recognize as Spanish; 0101:45 fanfare music and talk again like 
24 hours earlier; 0103:20 more music, talk with Spanish intonation, and cut off 
the air at 0104:52* give or take a few sex, a close match to last night 
0104:50* --- looks like they let a timer turn it off, regardless of the 
programming in progress. It`s fortunate that they do run a few minutes past 
0100 in the clear (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)


Message: 7
Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2013 08:13:46 +0200
From: Risto V?h?kainu <>
Subject: [HCDX] DX and Shortwave meetings of 2013
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed; DelSp=Yes

Here is a list of some radio (especially shortwave and DX) related  
meetings of this year. I hope this is of interest. Updates and  
corrections (deadline February 15) are very welcome to

Shortwave Radio Meetings - 2013

Date: February 6-10
Location: Solingen-Wald, Germany
Description: DX Camp
Organization: Radiofreunde NRW
More info:

Date: February 13
Description: UNESCO World Radio Day

Dates: March 1-2
Location: Plymouth Meeting (near Philadelphia), PA, USA
Description: Winter SWL Fest
More info:
Expected attendance: 150

Date: March 2 (1430-1700 BST)
Location: Reading International Solidarity Centre (RISC), 35-39 London  
Street, Reading RG1 4PS, England
Organization: Reading International Radio Group
Expected attendance: 20
More info:
Note: Reading DX meetings are held with about 2 months interval (next  
one on May 11th)

Dates: March 17-19
Location: Alexanderplatz, Berlin
Description: Radiodays Europe, a conference on radio and its future
More info:

Dates: March 29-April 4
Location : Hoherodskopf, Germany
Description: DX-Camp
Organization: RMRC
More info:

Dates: May 15-17
Location: Birmingham, AL (at WEWN)
Description: Annual NASB Conference
Oganization: National Association of Shortwave Broadcasters+DRM  
Consortium, USA
More info:

Dates: May 17-19
Location: Dayton, Ohio, USA
Organization: Dayton Hamvention
Expected attendance: 20000
More info:

Dates: May 31-June 2 (tentative)
Location: Gothenburg, Sweden
Description: DX-Parlamentet 2013, the annual meeting of the SDXF
Organization: The Swedish DX-Federation (SDXF)
More info:

Dates: June 14-16
Location: Ish?j, Copenhagen, Denmark
Description: Annual General meeting of DSWCI
Organization: Danish Short Wave Club International (DSWCI)
More info:

Dates: June 28-30
Location: Friedrichshafen, Germany
Description: Ham Radio, biggest annual hamfest in Europe
Expected attendance: 20000

Dates: August 2-4
Location: Ut? Island, Finland
Description: The Annual Summer Meeting
Organization: The Finnish DX Association
Expected attendance: 80
More info:

Dates: August 24-25
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Description: Big ham fair with a SW sector (Japan SW Club stand & lectures)
Organization: Tokyo Ham Fair
Expected attendance: 30000
More info:

Dates: September 6-9
Location: Figueira da Foz, Portugal
Description: European DX Conference, the annual meeting of EDXC
Organization: European DX Council (EDXC)
Expected attendance: 50
More info:,

Dates: September 6-11
Location: Berlin, Germany
Name: IFA Internationale Funkausstellung
Description: Consumer Electronics Fair - Including Radios

Dates: September 13-17
Location: Amsterdam, Holland
Decsription: IBC 2013
More info:

Dates: September 21-22
Location: Gwalior, India
Description: Hamfest India

Dates: October 1-6
Location: Wohnste bei Sittensen, Germany
Description: DX Camp
Organization: Hamburger Freunde des Rundfunkfernempfangs
More info:

Dates: October 10-13
Location: near Berlin, Germany
Description: DX Camp
Organization: Berliner Empfangsamateure
More info:

Date: November 30
Location: Hannover, Germany
Description: Interradio
More info:

Risto V?h?kainu
Helsingin yliopisto
p. 050-529 2909


Message: 8
Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2013 19:28:38 +1300
From: "Radio Heritage Mail" <>
Subject: [HCDX] $5074* Funding Shortfall Deadline
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

Radio Heritage Foundation
The Co-operative Global Radio Memories Project

January 30 2013

$5074* Donations needed to give
free website access to 10,000! 
Donors go in draw to win $240*
donated book gifts

Several major new content features are scheduled for 2013, including
the 200+ Australian Radio Pioneers Memorial project, the 25 Years Ago
in Radio series, new easy to use radio guides covering AM and FM
radio in Hawaii, New Zealand and the Pacific whilst work continues on
preparing to launch the new interactive website on our 10th
anniversary in January 2014.

All done by volunteers, and supplied free to thousands of people all
over the world thanks to the kindness and generosity of our donors.

To keep the Radio Heritage Fund operational - so 75,000 people can
continue to access for free in 2013/14 - please
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**All donations received between September 1 2012 and January 31 2013
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Your donations have covered 44% of the operating costs
September 01 2012 - January 31 2013

**Operating costs for the period are $9,004*
**Donations to date are $3,930*

Can you make a donation before the end of this week to reduce the
gap? AND, to go into the draw to win $240* worth of great reading,
shipped anywhere in the world. We know the Christmas and New Year
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**From April 1 2013, the operational costs will be frozen at $412 a
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Registered charity
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Radio Heritage Foundation
The Co-operative Global Radio Memories Project

****This message will be sent a total of 3 times because people are
often away or busy and don't have time to check messages daily, and
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that is actually read. We're sorry if this bothers you. Thanks for
your patience. ****

End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 121, Issue 29

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