checked in 1400-1700 UT time slot range, today July 23.
Via various SDR remote units in Ce and EaEurope, and Japan East Asia.

 621 VoKOR Chongjin-Nanam, heard in Japan, bubble jamming in background
     {24hrs KOR jamming?, or rather strange studio feed mixture with
     jamming?, need more investigation in coming winter season..., wb.},
     at 1430 UT underneath of far stronger co-channel NHK Nihon Japanese
     local station near Nara-JPN, tiny heard of VoKORE Russian at 1430 UT.
 620.976 VoKOR Chongjin-Nanam heard LIKE AN EXOTIC radio station,
     at 1603 UT with clear ID in GERMAN !!
     At northern Japan S=9+20dB signal at 1600-1657 UT.
     \\ 3250 kHz S=9+15dB, 9425 kHz S=9+15dB, 12015 kHz S=9+5dB.
     Pyongyang BS 1800-1857 UT, latter not noted in Aoki Nagoya list.
1053 CBC Nippon Hoso, signal ahead of southern KOR Bubble machine jamming
     at 1435 UT.
2349.755  KCBS Sariwon-KRE site tent., very tiny S=4,
     violine light music programming,
     \\ 2350v, 2850, 3220v, 3920v, 3959, 3976v distorted audio, 6100,
     11680 kHz. 1438 UT.
2850 KCBS Pyongyang program, S=9+30dB in Tokyo-JPN. At 1440 UT.
3219.895 KCBS Pyongyang, Hamnung site registered, soldier chorus
     at 1606 UT, tiny poor S=5-6, \\ not southern KOR jammed.
3250 VoKOR Pyongyang, in German ! ID at 1603 UT. S=9+15dB in Nara-JPN.
3320 Pyongyang BS, fair S=9+15dB, not southern KOR jammed.
3912 Voice of the People-KOR S=9+30dB, heavily NoKRE jamming at 1557 UT.
3919.988 KCBS Pyongyang program, registered via Hyesan, very tiny
     modulation just under threshold.
     Also small tiny southern KOR noise jamming.
3959 KCBS Pyongyang program, Korean light music, at 1601 UT rather tiny
     S=5-6 signal, + southern KOR noise jamming.
3976 Pyongyang BS - rather distorted audio - like FM mode spurious,
     no real carrier peak, S=9+15dB. JAMMING FREE.
3985 Voice of the People-KOR S=9+30dB, heavily NoKRE jamming.
4450 Voice of the People-KOR S=9+30dB, heavily NoKRE jamming.
4557 Voice of the People-KOR S=9+30dB, heavily NoKRE jamming at 1555 UT.
6003 Echo of Hope-KOR, ahead of very tiny NoKRE bubble jammer signal.
6015 KBS Seoul Korean sce, NOT jammed by KRE, S=9+20dB.
6100 KCBS Pyongyang program, via Kanggye site, Korean light music,
     at 1553 UT S=9+20dB signal.
     \\ 2350v, 2850, 3220v, 3920v, 3959, 3976v distorted audio, 11680 kHz.
6250 Echo of Unification, Pyongyang-KRE, terrible soKOR jamming S=9+20dB.
6348 Echo of Hope-KOR S=9+30dB,hit by NoKRE jamming equal signal at 1551UT
6360 hit by NoKRE jamming S=9+20dB, at 1550 UT.
6400 Pyongyang BS, Korean progr at 1549 UT, S=9+30dB, JAMMING FREE.
6480 hit by NoKRE jamming S=9+20dB, at 1548 UT.
6518 Voice of the People-KOR S=9+30dB, hit by NoKRE jamming at 1547 UT.
6600 Voice of the People-KOR S=9+30dB, hit by NoKRE jamming at 1546 UT.
7210 VoKOR Kujang, Fr at 1824 UT, S=9+25dB signal, \\ 9875 11635 11910kHz.
9425 VoKOR Kujang, Ru at 1544 UT, S=9+15dB, S=9+20dB at 1830 UT.
     At 1615 UT German sce. \\ 621v 3250 12015 kHz.
9435 VoKOR Kujang, En at 1544 UT, S=9+15dB. But hit by CRI Kashgar in Urdu.
     At 1623 UT VoKOR French sce.
9875 VoKOR Kujang, Fr at 1826 UT, S=9+15dB signal, \\ 7210 11635 11910kHz.
9890 VoKOR Kujang, En at 1624 UT, S=9+20dB signal, \\ 11645 kHz.
11635 VoKOR Kujang, Fr at 1828 UT, S=9+15dB signal, \\ 7210  9875 11910kHz.
11645 VoKOR Kujang, Ar at 1543 UT, violine orchestra music progr,
     En at 1625 UT S=9+20dB, \\ 9890 kHz.
11680 KCBS Pyongyang program, Korean light music,
     at 1626 UT trumpet music S=9+20dB signal.
     \\ 2350v, 2850, 3220v, 3920v, 3959, 3976v distorted audio, 6100 kHz.
11710 VoKOR Kujang, En at 1540 UT, Fr at 1620 UT,
     very tiny and suffers by co-channel terrible mixture
     of CNR1 Beijing in Mandarin, S=9+10dB,
     from 1600 UT also AIR Delhi, from 1615 UT AIR Persian sce.
11910 VoKOR Kujang, Fr at 1830 UT, S=9+20dB signal, \\ 7210 9875 11910kHz.
12015 VoKOR Kujang, Ru at 1538 UT, S=9+5dB. German S=9+20dB at 1820 UT.
13760 VoKOR Kujang, En at 1535 UT, Fr at 1620 UT, S=9+5dB.
     Bad selection by co-channel CRI Kashgar 1100-1857 UT
     co-channel mostly in English and Mandarin.
15245 VoKOR Kujang, En at 1530 UT, Fr at 1619 UT, En 1800-1857 UT
     S=9+10dB, covered by CRI Kashi in English 1500-1557 UT.
     Terrible audio mixture of BOTH VoKOR En  a n d  French of
     \\ 7210 9875 11635 11910 kHz -- on same signal level !

vy 73 wb

----- Original Message ----- From: "Dave Valko" <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2013 1:59 PM
Subject: [HCDX] Loggings from 15-23 July

CLANDESTINE   6003   Echo of Hope    Finally in the clear without jamming
for once.  1010 alternating tlk by M and W in KR.  1016 very brief soft
choral mx, presumably ending the feature, then another feature w/more tlk
by M.  1023:55 choral singing again briefly, then Korean mx w/poss. pgm
intro by M then W, followed by tlk by W.  1029 dramatic orchestral mx
w/same W outro, then pres. ID by same W over choral mx again.  1030 easy
traditional Korean songs w/brief anmnts by M.   Pretty steady to 1100 ToH,
then faded.  Even when V.O. the People is unjammed, this has always been
jammed.  Wish I would've been there at the 1000 ToH.  (21 July)

Hard-Core-DX mailing list

----- Original Message ----- From: "Ron Howard"
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2013 4:45 AM
Subject: [dxld] RE: Lack of some North Korea jamming

--- In, Ron Howard wrote:

Hi Glenn,

Interesting situation regarding some of the usual North Korea jamming not
being heard.

July 20, I found South Korea (KBS Hanminjok Bangsong 1) with no jamming at
all on 6015 at 1329 and subsequent monitoring. A rare event! Did not think
to check other jammed frequencies.

July 21, I was notified by Dave Valko (PA) and John Herkimer (NY) that
other frequencies were in fact also not being jammed. At 1326, I found
6003 (Echo of Hope) in the clear, as well as 3912 (Voice of the People)
totally clear too, but not so for Shiokaze. Heavy North Korea jamming on
5985 for the 1330 sign on. July 21 again had 6015 free of any jamming at
1328. Thanks to Dave and John for today's alert.

Down for maintenance on some of their jamming txs? Needs more monitoring.


South Korea on July 22:
Voice of the People (presumed) on 3912 at 1258; no jamming: .**

Echo of Hope (VOH) (presumed) on 6003 at 1313, with jamming and adjacent
QRM: .

KBS Hanminjok Bangsong 1 (presumed) on 6015 at 1410; no jamming: .

North Korea jamming on 5985 at 1314 (pre-Shiokaze 1330 sign on): .

Hard-Core-DX mailing list

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