JRX Logs: Saturday, April 2, 2016.

+12060, Apr 2, 2016. 2022-2032, R. Algérienne, Issoudun. The Holy Qur´an chant; 
OM talks in arabic. Good broadc, 45444.

+11780, Apr 2, 2016. 1116-1122 R. Nac.da Amazônia, Brasilia, in portuguese. 
Infectious diseases expert talks abt Zica virus and consequences for health; 
talks abt the intensive combat to Aedes aegypti. Fair signal and modulation, 
+11780, Apr 2, 2016. 1630-1658, R. Nac. da Amazônia, Brasilia, in portuguese. 
YL/OM: Interview w/ a brazilian, former champion in judo olympic; mx; folks 
theme and a mx Bandeira do Divino by singer Ivan Lins; ID, EBC stations group. 
Fair broadc, 35333.
+11925, Apr 2, 2016. 1100-1115, R. Bandeirantes, S. Paulo, in portuguese. OM 
presents "Jornal da Bandeirantes", news abt "Lava-Jato" criminal facts; ID, 
Anns. Fair signal and modulation, 35433.

+15245, Apr 2, 2016. 1752-1758, Voice of Assenna, Issoudun. OM talks in 
tigrinya lang; mx pause; other mx. OM talks, very exciting. Fair signal and 
modulation, 35433.

+11760, Apr 2, 2016. 1123-1130, RHC, Bauta. OM invite people to May 1st 
commemorations; ID; YL talks, in spanish, abt  La Jornada de Mobilización 
Nacional en honor al Día Intl. de los Trabajadores; YL talks abt cuban 
educative system. Very good signal and modulation, 45444.
+11840, Apr 2, 2016. 2245-2257, RHC, Bauta. OM talks in spanish; ID; Cuban 
history and the heroes of the fatherland; IS ID.Good signal, fair modulation, 

ERITREA (Target)
+15245, Apr 2, 2016. 1810-1820, Eritrean Forum Radio, Issoudun. Music; YL/OM 
talks in tigrinya lang. Weak signal and poor modulation, 35332.

+11995, Apr 2, 2016. 2034-2040, RFI, Issoudun. YL talks in french; mx pause. 
Good signal and fair modulation, 45433.
+21690, Apr 2, 2016. 1700-1723, RFI, Issoudun. IS, 7pm in Paris,ID. RFI nxs in 
portuguese; YL makes a interview w/ citizen Cape Verdean; 1713 Weekly 
Press-variety news. Very good broadc, 45544.

NIGERIA (Target)
+12050, Apr 2, 2016. 1801-1806, Dandal Kura R.,Ascension. OM talks in kanuri 
lang. Very good broadc, 45544.

+9605, Apr 2, 2016. 0101-0120, KBS, Furman. OM presents KBS News in spanish; 
Noticias Plus; A song. Very good signal and modulation, 45544.

+12095, Apr 2, 2016. 1743-1748, BBC, Dhabbaya. YL talks in arabic, child voice; 
YL/OM, conversation, mx. Good signal and fair modulation, 45433.

+17655, Apr 2, 2016. 1725-1740, Voice of America, SMG. OM presents nxs, in 
portuguese, from Angola; mx, ID, freqs. Fair signal and modulation, 35433.

+13765, Apr 2, 2016. 2013-2020, Vatican Radio, SMG. OM talks news in english; 
The Pope talks in italian; ID. Very good signal and modulation, 45444.

DXer - José Ronaldo Xavier  (JRX)
Cabedelo, PB, Brazil  location (UTC-3)
RX (s)  Sony ICF-SW100S & Tecsun S-2000
Portable Telescopic  antenna

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