JRX Logs: Thu & Mon, June 2 & 6, 2016.
+15345. June 6, 2016. 1702-1710, RAE, Gral Pacheco-ARG, in Spanish. YL/OM tlks, 
ID, mx. Poor signal and barely audible modulation, 25321.

+13580. June 6, 2016. 1837-1858, Bangladesh Betar, Dhaka-BGD, in English. 
Songs; 1843 OM: ID and songs in english; ends at 1958. Good signal and fair 
modulation, 45433.

+11735. June 6, 2016. 1759-1810, R. Transmundial, Santa Maria-RS, B, in 
Portuguese. ID, Addr, website, freqs; Anns; pgm "Entre Amigas"- today, abt how 
to organize your home: do it yourself. Good signal and modulation, 45444.
+11780. June 6, 2016. 1350-1358, R. Nac. da Amazonia, Brasilia-DF, B, in 
Portuguese. YLs: conversation abt home medication; Anns, ID. Fair and unsettled 
signal and modulation, 35322.
+11925. June 6, 2016. 1810-1815, R. Bandeirantes, São Paulo-SP, B, in 
Portuguese. OM tlks news. Good signal, but severe interference by BSKSA on 
11930 and poor modulation, 42432.

+9355. June 2, 2016. 1955-2003, CNR1 Jammer/Firedrake, in Mandarin. A 
continuous chinese instrumental musics. Good signal and fair modulation, 45433.
+9430. June 2, 2016. 2150-2156, China Radio Int., Urumqi-CHN, in french. YL/OM 
tlks, ID. Good signal and fair modulation, 45433.
+11825. June 6, 2016. 1744-1750, CRI, Beijing-CHN, in Croatian. YL/OM presents 
a "Chinese Class". Good signal and modulation, 45444.
+11875. June 6, 2016. 1751-1757, CRI, Urumqi-CHN, in Russian. YL/OM tlks, 
conversation; 1757 s/off. Very good broadc, 45544.

+9325. June 2, 2016. 1950-1955, Radio Cairo, Abis-EGY, in hausa presumed. YL/OM 
tlks. Good signal and extreme distorted modulation, 45431.

+9950. June 6, 2016. 1826-1835, AIR, Khampur-IND, in English. Indian mxs; YL/OM 
tlks, ID, news presumed. Fair signal and poor modulation, 35332.

+11875. June 6, 2016. 1904-1910, IBRA Radio Ibrahim, Woofferton-G, in Fulfulde. 
A song; OM tlks, preaching presumed. Good signal and modulation, 45444..

+17850. June 6, 2016. 1344-1350, Radio Liberty, Lampertheim-D, in Russian. 
YL/OM: conversation  Fair signal and modulation, 35433.

DXer: José Ronaldo Xavier (JRX).
Location: Cabedelo-PB, Brazil (UTC-3).
RX (s): Tecsun S-2000.
Antenna: Portable Telescopic.

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