Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain

Logs in Reinante
Tecsun PL-880, Sangean ATS-909X
Cable antenna, 8 meters

ALASKA, 11870, KNLS, Anchor Point, *0800-0824, 06-07, English, religious comments and songs. Interference from WWEN with progam in Spanish on the same frequency. 22321. (Méndez)

9644.9, Radio Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo, 2037-2050, 03-07, soccer comments, live, match France-Iceland. //11925. 14321. (Méndez)

9514.9, Radio Marumby, Curitiba, 2018-2027, 04-07, Portuguese, religious comments and songs. 14321. (Méndez)

9664.8, Voz Missionaria, Camboriú, 2030-2043, 04-07, Portuguese, religious comments. 24322. (Méndez)

9724.8, Radio RB2, Curitiba, 2024-2036, 04-07, Portuguese, religious comments, religious songs. //11934.6. 13321. (Méndez)

11735, Radio Transmundial, Santa María, 1945-1956, 05-07, Portuguese, religious comments. Interference from Zanzibar. 21321. (Méndez)

11815, Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 2040-2050, 02-07, Portuguese, soccer comments. Interference from Arabia (11820). 22321. (Méndez)

11925.1, Radio Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo, 2012-2035, 02-07, Portuguese, soccer, live match Alemania vs Italy, identification: "Na Radio Bandeirantes". 23322. (Méndez)

11934.6, Radio RB2, Curitiba, 2028-2037, 04-07, religious songs and comments, Portuguese. // 9724.8. 13321. (Méndez)

CUBA, 4765, Radio Progreso, La Habana, 0032-0040, 01-07, Cuban songs. 34433. (Méndez)

ECUADOR, 6050, HCJB, Pichincha, 0449-0500*, 01-07, music, German, comments, identification, anthem, identification in Spanish, time signals and close. 24322. (Méndez)

FINLAND, 11690, Scandinavian Weekend Radio, Virrat, 0450-0504, 02-07, pop music en English. 14321 Also 11690, 1938-1950, 02-07, pop music and comments in English. 13221 (Méndez)

5920, HCJB Germany, Weenermoor, 1925-1936, 03-07, religious songs and comments, German. // 7365 and 3995. 14321. (Méndez)

6005, Radio Mi Amigo, Kall Krekel, 0701-0718, 02-07, pop music, English, identification: "Radio Mi Amigo". 14321. (Méndez)

6190, Hamburger LokalRadio, Goehren, *0600-0700, 02-07, English, identification: "Hamburger LokalRadio", comments, at 0630 Glenn Hauser's program "World of Radio". 14321. (Méndez)

GUATEMALA, 4055, Radio Verdad, Chiqimula, 0503-0520, 01-07, English, religious songs and comments. 14321. (Méndez)

LIBERIA, 6050, ELWA Radio, Monrovia, *0529-0536, 03-07, tuning music, religious program, English. 14321. (Méndez)

MALI, 9635, Radio Mali, Bamako, *0800-0811, 03-06, tuning music, French, identification, comments. 14321. (Méndez)

TAJIKISTAN, 4765, Tajik Radio, Dushanbe, 1935-1943, 05-07, Tajik, comments. 24322. (Méndez)

ZAMBIA, 9680, Voice of Hope, Lusaka, 0503-0536, 06-07, English, religious comments and songs, identification: "This is The Voice of Hope". 24322. (Méndez)

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