Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain

"Marconi Radio" <>
25/09/2016 11:12:28
New schedule of Marconi Radio International valid until the end of October 2016

Greetings from Italy!

Please be advised that our weekly broadcasts on Thursdays have been cancelled. Marconi Radio International will be on the air according to the following schedule, valid until the end of October instead: on Tuesdays only (This means on 27 September as well as on 4, 11, 18 and 25 October 2016), from 1700 to 2100 UTC. The frequency is 7700 kHz USB mode and power 100 watts!.

MRI encourages reception reports from listeners. Audio clips (mp3-file) of our broadcasts are welcome! We QSL 100%. Our electronic mail address is: marconiradiointernational (at) - Please don’t forget to include your postal address as some lucky listeners will also receive a fresh off the press QSL card which can be seen on our Facebook page at this web-address:

Last but not least, we need your help! If you are a DX blogger, or use social networks, please post an announcement on your own blog and/or Facebook or send out a tweet the day before the broadcast. You can also forward this message to a friend. This should help increase our potential audience.

We hope to hear from a lot of shortwave listeners about our transmissions.

Best 73's

Marconi Radio International (MRI)
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

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