JRX Logs: Thu, July 27, 2017. 
Receiver: Degen DE1103.
Transmitter Country Logs: Brazil/ China/ Cuba/ France/ Germany/ Great Britain/ 
Kuwait/ Madagascar/ Mali/ São Tomé e Príncipe/ South Africa/ USA/.

** 4885. Thu, July 27 at 0102, Radio Clube do Pará, Belém-PA. Men announcers 
talks and comments about football. Station has a very poor signal and 
modulation, 25332 (sometimes 25331).
** 11815. Thu, July 27 at 1738, Radio Brasil Central, Goiânia-GO. Program "Show 
da Tarde" by Ulisses Junior: A interview with economy expert, about FGTS and 
other financial themes; 1748 Program "Radio Brasil Central Saúde"; ID. RBC 
station with a poor transmission, 35332 (sometimes 35333).

** 11825. Thu, July 27 at 1757, China Radio International, Beijing-CHN, in 
Croatian. Man announcer talks with backgrounds, says China many times; 1755 
Ends programming and IS. Very good broadcasting, 45444.

** 4765. Thu, July 27 at 0128, Radio Progreso, Bejucal-CUB, in Spanish. Woman 
announcer talks news about Cuba; ID; Political announcements. Program "La Onda 
Musical" with a genuine cuban music. Very poor transmission, 25432.
** 5025. Thu, July 27 at 0139, Radio Rebelde, Bauta-CUB, in Spanish. Man 
announcer talks. Rebelde with a awful transmission.
** 5040. Thu, July 27 at 0112, Radio Habana Cuba, Bauta-CUB, in Spanish. Man 
talks news; 0117 Woman talks news about summer in Cuba and events of this 
season; ID; "Noticiero Cultural". Fair broadcasting, 35433.
** 6145. Thu, July 27 at 0150, Radio Habana Cuba, Bauta-CUB, in English. Man 
announcer talks news; ID. Fair broadcasting, 35433.

** 15480. Thu, July 27 at 1815, Radio Publique Africaine, Issoudun-F, in 
Kirundi. Man and woman announcers talk and talk. RPA with a fair transmission, 
** 17620. Thu, July 27 at 1805, Radio France International, Issoudun-F, in 
French. Women announcers and man announcer talk world news; ID. Very good 
transmission, 45444.

** 17515. Thu, July 27 at 1713, Bible Voice, Nauen-D, in Ahmaric. Man makes a 
preaching and says Jesus Christus; 1724 A song; 1727 Man announcer talks, in 
english: ID, website and POBox to Canada. BVB with fair signal and modulation, 

** 12065. Thu, July 27 at 1843, KBS World Radio, Woofferton-G, in Russian. 
Woman announcer talks with backgrounds, in perfect russian; Man talks and a 
conversation with a woman. Very good signal and modulation, 45544.

** 9815. Thu, July 27 at 0312, Afia Darfur Radio, Kuwait-KWT, in Arabic. Men 
announcers tals and talk. Fair broadcasting, 35433.

** 6190. Thu, July 27 at 0214, La Voz Alegre, Mahajanga-MDG, in Spanish. A 
song; ID: Musica y mensaje con alegría; Announcements to "Curso Biblico" with 
POBox to Cuba and Florida; 0222 Meditación: el silencio y el pensamiento. Very 
good transmission, 45444.

** 11640. Thu, July 27 at 1825, China Radio International, Bamako-MLI, in 
Hausa. Woman talks; 1828 Man and woman announcers talk; 1829 Ends programming, 
IS. CRI with a rare good signal and fair modulation, today, 45433.

** 9830. Thu, July 27 at 1832, Deutsche Welle, Pinheira-STP, in Hausa. Woman 
and man announcers talk and talk; ID. DW relay Pinheira has a poor 
transmission, with fading, 35332.Parallel log on 15200kHz relay Issoudun-F, 

** 3320. Thu, July 27 at 0243, Radio Sonder Grense, Meyerton-AFS, in Afrikaans. 
Men announcers in conversation; Woman talks. RSG has a fair transmission, 35433.

** 17715. Thu, July 27 at 1900, Radio Nacional - Radio Exterior de España, 
Noblejas-E, in Spanish. Time pips; Man announcer says: Son las 9 en las 
Canarias (9PM) and "Servicios Informativos" by female announcer; 1905 ID: 
"Radio Nacional de España" and next, a program "Radiogaceta de los Deportes": 
news, comments, interviews and game scores. Excellent transmission, 
55555.Parallel logs on 15390, 45433; on 15520, 45444; and 17855kHz, no signal.

** 7305. Thu, July 27 at 0224, Radio Vaticana, Greenville-NC, in Spanish. Man 
talks; A short song; Woman talks, ID and website; 0228 Ends of programming, ID, 
IS. Station with fair signal and modulation, 35433.
** 7315. Thu, July 27 at 0042, La Voz de Vietnam, Furman-SC, in Spanish. Woman 
announcer talks news (programming of Wed, July 26); Announcers present a long 
reporter about 70th anniversary of the "Día de los Invalidos y Martires de la 
Guerra", celebrated on July 27, 2017; 0050 "Figura Vietnamita"; 0058 ID. VOV 
with good signal and fair modulation, 45433.
** 9955. Thu, July 27 at 0302, Radio Miami International, Okeechobee-FL, in 
Italian. Man announcer presents a program "Studio DX": news, comments and many 
station logs. WRMI with a fair signal and modulation, today, 35433.

** 17655. Thu, July 27 at 1757-1805, Voice of America, SM di Galeria, in 
Portuguese. VOA news summary; Announcements about program "Angola fala Só" next 
friday; VOA with good signal and fair modulation, 45433. At 1759-1800, a fast 
interval without modulation and now, programming relay Pinheira-STP with a 
awful transmission.

DXer: Jose Ronaldo Xavier
Location: Cabedelo-PB, Brazil (UTC-3)
RX (s): Degen DE1103
Antenna: Longwire
|  | Livre de vírus. www.avast.com.  |

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