Ruh-roh scooby, I think Radio Sultanate Of Oman is having problems with
it's 15140khz transmitter at Thumrait, Oman.

I've noticed two in the last 2 weeks.

One: Oman is signing off earlier on 15140 then it should. It's supposed to
be on till 2100UTC, but often after AIR signs off at 1715UTC and before RHC
signs on at 1800, Oman is gone. However, yesterday they were on until at
least RHC signed on, as I recorded it.

Two: Sometimes In the afternoon, I've caught something peculiar ..... what
sounds like the transmitter rapidly dropping carrier and coming back up.
Not only can I hear it but I see little while blips on the UTwente
waterfall that keep disappearing. Listen to the linked audio clip below
from today, Sept 24 (Sunday) at 1833UTC.


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