I think there may have been a time in the eighties or seventies when they had 
their crap together... likely with more American involvement and technical 
expertise. The U.S. over the decades has pour billions in aid into Egypt - (30B 
between 1979 and 2003) and here in the 21st Century, little to show for it - 
supremely crumbling infrastructure - a generally dysfunctional and basket case 
society with a repressive regime in power.

Their SW service may sound like heck... but at least they have one, eh?

Colin Newell - SYSTEMS UVic - Victoria - B.C. CANADA -- Eh...

> On Oct 1, 2017, at 5:18 PM, Paul B. Walker, Jr. 
> <walkerbroadcast...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Like this would be any surprise to anyone? Anyone whos been Dxing knows
> what a waste they are.
> Today was a GOOD day, quality wise for Radio Cairo's English Service on
> Shortwave at 9800khz but it still sounded like utter garbage.
> This worthless broadcast has been going on for DECADES. Usually transmitter
> modulation is like 10 percent and audio quality is OK to GOOD or
> transmitter modulation is pretty decent at 70-80 percent but audio quality
> is over modulated and distorted.
> The fact the music is "listenable-ish" and you can somewhat understand the
> speech make it a GOOD DAY in the book of Radio Cairo broadcasting
> standards, but still pure garbage by any normal broadcasters standards
> This could be a GOOD station, they often put a GIANT signal into North
> America but the audio quality fall incredibly far short of anything
> acceptable and enjoyable
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