** CUBA. 6145, Oct 2 at 0543, now it`s this RHC English frequency which is off, 
remaining on 6100, 6060, 6000 during music --- but the last of The Cuban Five, 
5040 is in wrong language, Spanish! with sports report. Something`s always 
wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NEW ZEALAND. 11725, Oct 2 at 0539, RNZP/RNZI is here, despite online sked 
showing nothing during this hour. Starting at 0359, 11725 must be running two 
hours instead of one, before 9630 take over at 0559. As of 1515 UT October 2, 
``How to Listen`` sked has still not been corrected (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** TAIWAN [and non]. 6075.520, Oct 2 at 1420, VP signal in Chinese? talk, vs a 
weaker carrier on 6075.00. NDXC/Aoki, which refuses to bother with precise 
frequencies, shows RTI in Chinese on ``6075`` at 1400-1700, which is certainly 
being *jammed; more likely RTI is the one off-frequency, altho that hardly 
helps. NDXC/Aoki also lists an unID CNR station on ``6075`` at 2100-1500. I try 
to // 6075.520 to any of the numerous CNR frequencies on 49m and higher bands, 
many of them jammers, but all are just too weak to make a match on second 
receiver (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 13564-CW, Oct 2 at 1429, GNK beacon is very poorly audible vs CODAR. 
This is in Madison WI, last logged Feb 16, despite almost daily random scans of 
the 13550-13570 band --- Just one day since I also heard K6FRC one kHz higher 
after a long break. LWCA roster shows:

13563.99,  GNK,  Madison WI,   10 wpm last reported in August
13565.035, K6FRC Patterson CA, 10 wpm last reported in July

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1897 monitoring: confirmed UT Monday October 2 at 0300 
on Area 51 webcast, and also audible at 0327 before conclusion on WBCQ 5130.33, 
fair S9+10 (but not on 3250). Also confirmed after 0330 UT Monday Oct 2 on WRMI 
webcast, but 9955 is very poor in noise level. Next:
Mon 2330   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Tue 0030   WRMI 7730 to WNW

** U S A. 1080, October 2 at 0235 UT, KRLD Dallas TX ending CBS TV `60 Minutes` 
segment I saw earlier about the Webb space telescope (lacking stunning 
visuals!); 5 minutes of local radio ads; 0240 UT resume next 60M story about a 
millionaire teen soccer star, in this crazy world of ours. Anyhow, CBS-owned 
radio station is playing audio track of the TV show at 0200 UT Mondays, 3 hours 
after nominal original telecast (but which was delayed a semihour due to a 
different stupid ballgame). IIRC some CBS radio stations used to run this 
closer to original airtime 6 pm CT Sundays (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** U S A. 1520, October 2 at 1317, KYND Cypress/Houston TX is still running the 
``please buy time here`` loop like yesterday, beneath modulating KOKC (Glenn 

UNIDENTIFIED. 15344.076, Oct 2 at 1433, JBA carrier. Such an off-frequency 
immediately brings to mind RAE Argentina, and also Morocco, both of which have 
been gone from SW for months and years respectively. Yet NDXC/Aoki still lists 
a full schedule for RAE! No other stations are on 15345 at anyhour per that, 
HFCC and EiBi. 

RAE was going to reactivate as soon as they could get replacement parts, but if 
so, it`s no better than it used to be. Seems to fade, but this could also be 
from a local device, so others please check for anything around 15344 (Glenn 

This report dispatched at 1548 UT October 2
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