** BIAFRA [non]. 11530, Dec 21 at 1900-1906 check, R. Biafra via WRMI is off 
again, having come back yesterday. Propagation certainly OK, with big open 
carrier from 11760 Habana. But 11530 has new life as a diverse-programming 
channel at 20-21; see USA: WRMI (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. 11885, Dec 22 at 0039, CRI English chat show has YL mentioning that 
``Jesus Christ was born in a barn``, in discussion of Xmas festivities. Is this 
official ChiCom policy? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 11950, Dec 22 at 0038, RHC `Mesa Redonda` TV soundtrack diversion hour 
is propagating tonight at S9+5, but undermodulated, not distorted. Only //, 
6000 is S9+25 undermodulated and also distorted. Something`s always wrong at 

** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. See USA: WRMI for cancellations of Brother 
HyStairical. Preliminary observations of other stations:

WWRB: BS still on 9370, S8 at 0030 Dec 22, and by 0104 has switched to very 
strong 3185. If it`s not BS himself speaking, need to listen a little longer to 
be sure it`s not some other gospel huxter program. But these two have been 
dedicated to nothing but BS.

WBCQ: 7490 too weak to copy for VORW before 0200 Dec 22 but confirmed on 
webcast, then after 0200 still with BS. Suspect WBCQ will be the last to go, as 
Allan Weiner has asserted that he ``loves`` that man. Times:
On 7490 only: M-F 23-24; Mon 01-04, Wed & Sun 02-05, Fri & Sat 02-04 

WHRI: Not yet investigated the various BS scheduled times, not even the new 
6040 before 2400. 

WWCR: not checked much yet, but here is the complete Overcomer sked according 
to their online pdf program sked dated Dec 4, UT days!:

 3215: M-F 06-10, Mon 02-03, Tue-Sat 05-06
 5890: M-F 06-13, Tue-Sat 04-06, Sat 06-13, Sun 05-13, Mon 05-06
 5935: Sat 2300-2430, M-F 23-24
 6115: Wed 23-01 Thu
 7490: Sun 15-16
 7520: Mon 00-02
 9350: Sat 21-23
 9980: M-F 13-21, M-F 23-24, Sat 13-24, Sun 13-24
12160: Sun 18-20, Sat 19-21
15795: M-F 11-12

MW Stations: major ones with Overcomer were KAAY-1090 Little Rock AR, WCKY-1530 
Cincinnati OH, and WWVA-1170 Wheeling WV, skeds as in my previous post. Harold 
Frodge says no longer heard on KAAY after 0300 UT Dec 22 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1909 monitoring: confirmed Thursday December 
21 at 2230.5 on WRMI, 5850, good. Not confirmed UT Fri Dec 22 on WBCQ 
9330v-CUSB: once again, NO signal detectable (neighbors: 9265 WINB S9, 9370 
WWRB poor S4-S8; 9395 WRMI fair; even the other more propagable WBCQ, 7489.8v 
is JBA carrier now). Next:
Sat 0030   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Sat 0729   HLR  6190-CUSB to WSW
Sat 1531   HLR  7265-CUSB to WSW
Sat 2030v  WA0RCR 1860-AM ND
Sat 2230   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Sat 2300   WRMI 11580 to NE
Sun 0200   WRMI 11580 to NE
Sun 0410v  WA0RCR 1860-AM ND
Sun 1130   HLR  9485-CUSB to WSW
Mon 0030   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Mon 0400v  WBCQ 5130v Area 51 to WSW
Mon 0430   WRMI 9955 to SSE
Tue 0030   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Tue 0030   WRMI 7730 to WNW
Tue 2030   WRMI 11580 to NE [or 11530 to SSE? See WRMI logs], 9455 to 
           WNW, 7780 to NE [may be canceled] [or #1910?]
Tue 2130   WRMI 9455 to WNW [or #1910?]

Full WOR schedule via all media, and podcast access:

** U S A. 11580 & 11825 & 7780, like 3+ hours earlier, Dec 21 at 1858, WRMIs 
which would have been carrying Overcomer, are still off the air. Power is still 
on and 9955 is still running with TOM, while 9395 & 9455 are audible with 

Not checked again until 2036 Dec 21, when 11580 is still off during an hour 
when it had been carrying diverse programming! 9955 with TOM // 9980 WWCR: not 
BS now but a British Voice, presumably TOM since it`s same on 9980. 

NOW, the diverse programming: today Thu Dec 21 at 2036 being Voice of the 
Report of the Week, to be heard not on 11580 but on 11530 instead (which was 
OFF the air too at 1900-1930 when sometimes it carries Radio Biafra, like 
yesterday). VORW is also // on 9455, but another mostly-BS frequency, 7780, 
which this hour had been // 11580 & 9455, remains off. So is 11530 instead of 
11580 a permanent change for the 20-21 diverse hour? Or possibly a mistake? If 
on same antennas as before, now 160 degrees on 11530, ex-44 on 11580.

Not checked again until 2230 when 11530 is off and 11580 is back on during the 
Argentina relay hour in Italian. 11825 and 7780 still off.

11825 & 7780, next check at 0024 UT Dec 22, still off, and so is 7570, the 
formerly all-BS XMTR 11 on the schedule from 2300 to 1400, via a 315 degree 
antenna right across North America with the biggest of the 7 MHz signals, even 
better than 7730 here, and which would be ideal for diverse programming. At 
this time all the other frequencies are nominal: 5850, 5950, 9955, 11580.

9395, WRMI had been carrying BS at certain hours, and it still is, at 0030 
check Dec 22, // 9370 WWRB. An oversight to be deleted too?

7730, XMTR 13, which had been on before 0100 with VORW, is OFF at 0103, as it 
would have switched to BS all evening. Should be back at 06 for RAE in 
Japanese. Meanwhile VORW is playing again! As I see it was already scheduled:

9395 // 9455 // 5850, UT Fri Dec 22 at 0103, now all three are carrying the 
VORW hour (and so is 7490 WBCQ). 5850 is the new one here, replacing TOM which 
had started at 0100. 

After 0200, 5850, XMTR 12, is now off along with all three 7 MHz channels! 5850 
should be back at 07 for RAE in English. 11580 remains on for another hour with 
Ukraine and Prague, JBA, and off at 0300, no more BS there either. 

A lot of WRMI diverse programming has been ``attached`` to TOM transmissions. 
Let us hope that they will not become collateral casualties of this affair, but 
chances are there could be some cutbacks, with not as much spare time available 
(nor spare cash!). 

BS had been implying that his SW contracts were valid until yearend, so some 
other stations may be waiting until then to take him off, especially if they 
cease to be paid. But kudos to Jeff for not waiting, after depending so much on 
BS for the entire existence of multi-transmitter WRMI.

The WRMI skedgrid has still not been updated to show any of this, as of 0200 UT 
December 22. Nor is there anything on WRMI FB about Stair; last post there was 
Dec 16, about a special Dec 22:

``WRMI Radio Miami International, December 16 at 2:51pm · Las Noches con Mirka 
presenta un programa especial de Navidad y Año Nuevo el viernes 22 de diciembre 
de 5:00-6:30 pm hora de Miami (2200-2330 UTC) en 9955 kHz y streaming via 
www.wrmi.net. Feliz Navidad de todos nosotros en WRMI`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 
LISTENING DIGEST) See also SOUTH CAROLINA [non] for preliminary observations of 
his other outlets

** U S A. 12105, Dec 21 at 1902, WTWW-3 with Xmasmx, and much louder on 9930 
WTWW-2. 12105 still on at 0037 Dec 22, very poor Xmasmx, now much louder on 
5085 WTWW-2 with unmodulated parasites (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1540.12, Dec 22 at 0020 UT, KGBC Galveston TX off-frequency tonight 
with Houston ad, music, hetting 1540. Amid all the QRM I thought I was also 
hearing some Brazuguese, but if so, surely not from Brasil (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

This report dispatched at 0356 UT December 22
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