Today 2 Hertz down now ...

KOREA SOUTH/REP OF    Voice of Freedom program on 5920v wandered.

5918.210 kHz measured on monitoring at 1200 UT on March 12, on
remote Perseus SDR unit in Tokyo Japan, S=9+10dB signal strength.
Hwaseong bcast transmission.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 12)

ps. surprise, surprise,
for the very first time heard the German language sce
of Radio Thailand Bangkok
on noon-UTC bcast via IBB-BBG US relay site at Udorn Thani
in north-eastern Thailand.

5875 kHz in 49 mb to East Asia at 276degr azimuth, zone 49 Burma, Laos,
Thailand, French Indochina all target, 1145-1159:40 UT - TX off.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" Sent: Sunday, March 11, 2018
Subject: Re: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs March 11, 2018

KOREA SOUTH/REP OF    Voice of Freedom program on 5920v wandered.

5918.212 kHz measured on monitoring at 2225 UT on March 11, on
remote Perseus SDR unit in Seoul Korea, S=9+5dB signal strength.
Hwaseong bcast transmission.

5915.000 kHz even - S=9+15dB
VoF suffered heavily by CRI English program from 150 kW older unit
at Beijing tx site, towards easterly 95degr azimuth requested in Far East
Asia target.

Also next door 5925 kHz CNR 5th program at 2235 UT March 11,
played and sung European western world Opera music
of seemingly VoZongzhua program (like written in WRTH 2018),
latter S=9+15dB too in Seoul.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 11)

KOREA SOUTH/REP OF    Voice of Freedom program on 5920v wandered.

Thanks to Wolfie for his continued monitoring, which also corresponds to
my daily checking of VOF:

Voice of Freedom.
5918.221 kHz measured on monitoring at 10.05 UT on March 10, on
remote Perseus SDR unit in Seoul Korea, S=9+15dB signal strength.
Hwaseong bcast transmission.

QRM interference of nearby
5915 kHz CRI Huhhot Russian sce, S=9+20dB strength in Seoul, Rep. Korea.
5925 kHz CNR5 Beijing tx site #491, S=9+25dB.

others also
6039.978 kHz PBS Nei Menggu Huhhot, at 10.10 UT S=8 signal in Mongolian

9399.977 kHz PHL  FEBC Manila Iba in Mandarin at 10.15 UT S=9+20dB

5918.334 kHz measured on monitoring at 0011 UT on March 10,
"Song of Joy" singer version noted at 0013 UT on March 10.
Nice pop music program, my taste of 25...30 years or more back era...
9.8 wideband audio modulation, great sound.

5918.351 kHz measured on monitoring at 1111 UT on March 9,

5918.368 kHz measured on monitoring at 2111 UT on March 8

5918.388 kHz measured on monitoring at 1630 UT on March 8
73 wolfie (df5sx), via dxld March 11
(Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, USA)

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