** ANGUILLA. 11650-11695, 11765-11790, 11850-11880, all very 
approximate, Nov 6 at 2150, intermittent modulation spike spurs 
matching PMS on 11775. I first noticed this when checking 11880 for 
RHC, see CUBA. All disappear when 11775 goes off at 2156. Fortunately, 
so-called Caribbean Beacon usage of 11775 is quite sporadic. Such 
spurs had been reported previously:

``11775, Caribbean Beacon at 1726 with OC to 1729 when a sermon by the
late Dr. Gene Scott came on // 13845 (WWCR) to 1731 and OC to 1732 and
back to the late Dr. Gene Scott – Very Good Oct 13 – I guess Pastor
Melissa Scott's satellite feed was acting up as the carrier never
dropped dead but the still very dead Dr. Gene Scott kept dropping
dead. Also this one was noted later acting up by showing up plus and
minus 100 kHz (Mark Coady, Selwyn, Ontario, Kenwood TS440S or Ten-Tec
Argonaut II and 40 and 80 meter off centre-fed dipoles, ODXA iog via
DXLD) So spurs on 11675 & 11875? Seek those (gh)`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** ARGENTINA [non]. 7780, Nov 6 at 2100, WRMI with disco-vamping theme 
music from RAE, no opening in German until 2102.5. 

7780 // much stronger 9395, Nov 6 at 2203, RAE via WRMI in Italian.

Above M-F only. Note that RAE English on 9395 UT Tue-Sat, is now 
scheduled one hour later at 0200-0230, as yet unconfirmed by 
monitoring. Nov 7 at 0200, 9395 is JBA!

And the one on 9955 has also shifted one UT hour later, RAE Portuguese 
at 12-13 instead of 11-12 during the DST season, no doubt confusing to 
Brazilians who have their own different DST changes to consider (Glenn 

** CUBA. 6000 // 6165, UT Tue Nov 6 at 0200, RHC beginning 6-hour 
English span of 1-hour shows repeated over & over & over & over & 
over, previewing content including ``DXers Unlimited with Arnie Coro`` 
--- what? That`s supposed to be a Sunday+UT Monday show; has it moved, 
an announcer slip, or playback of yesterday instead of today`s 
produxion? Did not listen to any full hours following to deconfirm.
Something`s always wrong at RHC. The mitweek edition should now be 
imminent on UT Wednesday Nov 7.

Not checked again until 0711 Nov 6, when 6165 & 6100 & 6060 & 6000 are 
all on, plus 6020 VP leapfrog of 6100 over 6060 another 40 kHz below. 
But tonight at 0716, 5040 is off, unlike last night when it 
accompanied the others into the sixth hour. Something`s always wrong 

** CUBA. 13740 // 13700, Nov 6 at 1452, RHC Spanish still on both, 
starting `Estampas de Cuba` which is not about stamps but scenery; now 
that the 1400 CRI English relay has moved to 15700, other transmitter 
on 13740 can stay on without risking collision. But at 1504 recheck, 
both of them are off. The exact nominal spans for each may not be 
known until a sesquiweek or so when Arnie issue a new delayed B-18 
schedule (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX, LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 11880, Nov 6 at 2200, no signal yet; RHC seems confused, or 
undecided, about what to do with its second English hour of the day to 
``Africa``. Had been at 2300 here during A-season, but in previous B-
season shifted *earlier* to 2200. Nov 5 it was sporadic after 0000 
along with 5040. Recheck at 2350 Nov 6 finds 11880 on again with poor
-fair signal and barely modulated, distorted cutting in and out, like 
before seemingly Kriyol, while 5040 is still in Spanish. 

After 0000 UT November 7, 5040 is definitely in English, somewhat 
suptorted still at 0030 check. By now 11880 is a JBA carrier, maybe 
something else. RHC never used to run it after 2400 (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** GERMANY [non]. 5950, Nov 6 at 0713, WRN via WRMI, African-accented 
interview in English so is it RFI or DW? 0715 ID in passing as DW-
Africa, as sked from WRN this hour. See also USA: WRMI (Glenn Hauser, 

** JAPAN [and non]. 11815, Nov 6 a 1406, NHK World Radio in Japanese 
is atop CCI from TRT, within a few Hz of each other today! By 1458, 
however, near the end of this collision, Turkish music is dominant 

** MEXICO. 6185, Nov 6 at 0600:26, XEPPM goes from othermusic without 
a break right into choral Mexican NA, S9-S7 and then quick ID as a 100 
kW station, i.e. their MW 1060 XEEP which is nominally only 20 kW at 
night! And I do believe it is very night. SW supposedly signs off now, 
but instead starts playing more music medley; what happened to the RFI 
Spanish news relay which used to go on at 0600 at least on MW? Manuel 
Méndez, Spain has the answer to the WOR iogroup, since he was 
listening at the exact same time, earlier and later:

``6185, Radio Educación, Ciudad de México, 0447-0619*, 06-11, Spanish 
and Portuguese songs, at 0600 anthem, ID “1060 AM, medio siglo de 
acompañar la transformación social, política y cultural de México, 
100.000 watts de potencia, desde la Ciudad de México, Radio Educación, 
una emisora del Servicio Nacional de Comunicación Cultural, crea, 
colabora, comparte”, classic music, at 0607 Radio France International 
news in Spanish, “Las noticias de Radio Francia Internacional”, at 
0619 close. At first 35433 and later 25422`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** NIGERIA [non]. 11580, Nov 6 at 1408, Radio Nigeria, Kaduna, via 
WRMI back to northern Nigeria, yet hefty S9+10 in reverse to OK; is 
playing some really wild rustic music, great fun to listen to; but at 
1450-1457+ recheck it`s crapped out to dead air, WRMI doing nothing 
about it. This has happened before, or defaulting to fill music, 
Oldies, or other programming (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN. 9690 // 11940 // 12030, Nov 6 at 2155, REE same Spanish 
programming now, while a previous day after 2200, 9690 // 11940 had 
split from 11685 // 12030 for separate shows, the latter `Africa Hoy`. 
Also, circa 2030 I am still hearing that low het from off-frequency 
Nigeria below 9690 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TURKEY. 11815.00, November 6 at 1406, TRT collision with NHK finds 
Japan the winner, today only a few Hz apart rather than ~700. But by 
1458 recheck, VOT music is atop as Japan is about to sign off. The 
other TRT, English is also not askew, on 12035.0 with poor signal at 
1406 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 15580, Nov 6 at 2105, end VOA news and into ``VOA-One, all 
the hits and more!``, rock music, blasting in, wideband; what a pity 
they do not emit any classical music this way (or *any* way). 

[non] 9485, Nov 6 at 2158, similar music but not // 15580, maybe way 
out of sync? Much weaker. Unlike 15580, this one at 2200 plays the 
standard ``VOA, Washington DC`` sign-off and Yankee Doodle Dandy, as 
it is getting whished by DRM noise which has started centred on 9490. 
9485 is really the 2130 VOA Bambara service via BOTSWANA, while 9490 
is Romania starting its DRM Spanish (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1955 monitoring: confirmed second 
SW airing at new shifted time of 0200 UT Tuesday November 6 on WRMI 
9955, fair-good. Also confirmed the third, Tue Nov 6 at 2054, the 2030 
on WRMI 7780, fair S9-S8. Next:
1030 UT Wednesday WRMI   5950 to WNW
2200 UT Wednesday WRMI   9955 to SSE
2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ   7490v to WSW
0729 UT Saturday  HLR    6190-CUSB Germany to WSW
1200 UT Saturday  Unique 9265 via WINB to WSW
1531 UT Saturday  HLR    9485-CUSB Germany to WSW
1700 UT Saturday  WRN    5950 via WRMI to WNW
2030vUT Saturday  WA0RCR 1860-AM non-direxional
0400vUT Sunday    WA0RCR 1860-AM [nominal 0415], ND
1130 UT Sunday    HLR    7265-CUSB Germany to WSW
2130 UT Sunday    WRMI   7780 to NE
2230 UT Sunday    WRMI   9955 to SSE
0230 UT Monday    WRN    5950 via WRMI to WNW
0400vUT Monday    WBCQ   5130v Area 51 to WSW
0430 UT Monday    WRMI   9955 to SSE

** U S A. 5935, Nov 6 at 2355, Brother Scare anticipating end of his 
ministry since Jesus is almost recome. Yeah, sure; can hardly wait. 
First noticed with bigsig on 11870 = 2 x 5935, as I am checking out 
Cuba 11880 on the PL-880 with external antenna plugged in. Maybe 
receiver overload, as soon on the R75 I am not hearing 11870 but 5935 
is S9+40. WWCR of course, but own schedules are contradictory. 
Transmitter sked effective Nov 4 shows WWCR-2 starting 5935 at 2300. 
But program sked still dated Oct 1! Shows 5935 starting at 0000 UT = 7 
pm CDT with DGS, not Scare, and no Scare anytime on 5935 (Glenn 

** U S A. WRMI skedgrids via
have now been redated effective Nov 4 --- the individual System 
program skeds, not really updated, still showing 5950 with various 
outdated programming, while the frequency blox at the top now label 
5950 as World Radio Network at 15-03 & 05-08 daily, 285 degrees from 
XMTR 5, but no details. See also GERMANY [non]; and ARGENTINA [non].

Furthermore, Radio Martí is no longer mentioned anytime on 5950, so 
maybe that different programming is over & done with, and we can also 
only hope, the jamming it attracted even beyond its own hours (Glenn 

UNIDENTIFIED. 15330-USB, Nov 6 at 1454, colloquial Spanish 2-way 

This report despatched at 0207 UT November 7
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