** CUBA. 13700, Nov 9 at 1407, this RHC is already off today while 
13740 remains on. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** CUBA [non]. 7355, 7375, 7435, etc., Nov 9 at 0708, NO Radio Martí 
frequencies on this band --- and none are scheduled after 0700, just 
5980 and 6030, both heavily jammed. Nor 11860, which was originally 
registered overnight in the latter A-season, in addition to daytime 

** GUAM. 11580, Nov 9 at 1340, talk in language; at first I assume 
would be Radio Nigeria, Kaduna, via WRMI as scheduled, but unseems 
Hausa, and gone at 1347 recheck. So it`s really FEBA Radio India via 
GUAM scheduled until 1345* in Kannada on Friday. Aoki doesn`t say 
which Guam station, but HFCC shows KTWR. I suppose those are better 
bedfellows than AWR & FEBA could be (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 
DIGEST) see NIGERIA [non]!

** JAPAN. 774, Nov 9 at 1238, via DX-398 with internal antenna only, 
NHK-2 with enough audio to hear English lesson with Japanese mixed --- 
our #1 TP signal, 500 kW JOUB, Akita. See UNIDENTIFIED for all the JBA 
carriers too (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NIGERIA [non]. 11580, Nov 9 at 1340, WRMI missing again, no Radio 
Nigeria, Kaduna relay, instead FEBA Radio India via GUAM, q.v. Guess 
what, the latest WRMI skedgrid checked Nov 9 at 1657 shows that Jeff 
White and sidekix Anonymous Axolotl (? vanished before I could copy 
spelling) and Anonymous Quagga have removed RN,K completely from the 
sked leaving 11580 blank 24 hours to Africa. 

Reactivated Ivo had uncovered more relays of this via ISSoudun, 
France, including 17690 at 11-15 UT, but nothing audible there at 
1415; Europe surely propagating poorly anyway, tho the Saudi trio 
17895/17705/17615- are detectable. However, Wolfgang Bueschel was 
hearing RN,K via ISS Nov 9 at 0555 on 7335, while overrun Cuban 
jamming blox it here (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS. Tho we know both SAIpan and TINian are 
out of commission for many months at least, latest B-18 HFCC dated 
1108 still shows many transmissions from them. Some have surely been 
moved to other sites now following Typhoon Yutu destruxion, others 
just off, but USAGM has failed to update registrations and does not 
answer my requests for accurate new info. Confidentiality about this 
cannot be justified (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TURKEY [and non]. 12035.730, Nov 9 at 1403, VOT is VP in talk, 
presumably `Letterbox` now on Friday. Half an hour earlier I had only 
a weak signal on 12035.0 which must have been KSDA in Thai, but no 
sign of TRT off-frequency then.

11815.00, Nov 9 at 1405, NHK music is atop the collision with on-
frequency TRT Turkish, a medium-SAH apart today (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. 7310-7315-7320, Nov 9 at 0708, finally hearing WINB-style 
DRM noise on this frequency registered 0700-0900 M-F. By ``style`` I 
mean normal DRM noise on the plus side, very ``rough`` noise on the 
minus side just like had been on 15665-15670-15675, then replaced by 
13685-13690-13695 in the daytime as again roaring S9 Nov 9 at 1406 
(but never on weekends). BTW, 7315-AM is also available to WHRI at 

There continues to be a dearth of info on what *programming* is on 
these DRMs, and what kind of *data* is also being transmitted, even 
among DRM enthusiasts, who don`t seem to care about content. A recent 
WINB twit says the 09-11 test on 9265 to Europe is being received well 
oppositely in NZ (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 7505, Nov 9 at 1320, distorted music, Chinese announcement 
from WRNO, S9+20/30. Presumably running until nominal 1400* now post-

** U S A. 580, Nov 9 at 1256 UT, with WIBW KS nulled as much as 
possible, something else in English with ads, one mentioning Montrose, 
i.e. KUBC in SW CO, 5/1 kW U2, 500 watt PSRA. Night pattern goes 
slightly east of north with very minor lobe thisaway; day pattern ND. 
Official November sunrise is not until 1345 UT! (Dec: 1415) (Glenn 

** VATICAN. 12075, Nov 9 at 1418, talk with heavy echo, long/short 
path apparently, from R. Azadi (Free Afghanistan), IBB service 250 kW, 
80 degrees via SMG site, violating Separation of Church & State (let 
alone Mosque). Long path is 3.55 X farther than short path. Latest 
Aoki/NDXC shows further 12075 usage: 1430 switch to R. Ashna via 
Kuwait; but latest HFCC says Vatican continues to 1500, then switch to 
Thailand. Which is it? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-Pacific JBA MW carrier search, Nov 9 at 1241-1253, 
after first hearing audio from always checked first, 774 JAPAN, q.v.: 
567-NW, 594-NW, 603-NW, 612-NW, 693-NW, 738-NW, 747-NW, 828-NW, 873-
NW, 882(2), 936-NW, 945-NW, 1008-NW(2), 1017, 1044-NW, 1098-NW(2), 
1134-NW, 1548-WSW, 1566-NW. By the time I`ve finished, 774 has faded 
down quite. Local sunrise: 1303 UT (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX 

UNIDENTIFIED. 880, Nov 9 at 1304 UT, with KRVN nulled, seems WSW/ENE, 
opening Spanish hyper wake-up DJ show. 406 area code mentioned, I 
thought, but that`s Montana with an English 880. More likely WIJR 
Highland IL near St Louis MO (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENIFIED. 4869.904, Nov 9 at 1315, very poor carrier, but off-
frequency attention-getting, since that`s where RRI Wamena, INDONESIA 
used to be, as last reported February 23, 2017 by Ron Howard, DXLD 17
-09. Ron found it missing after that but Atsunori Ishida last logged 
it on April 3, 2017:
Other Indos have surprisingly reactivated lately; stranger things have 
happened. AIR Kingsway had been on the + side of 4870 but currently 
not on before 1330 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 7600-USB, Nov 9 at 0711, 2-way in colloquial Spanish. I 
won`t call these intruders, rather all the broadcasters in the 7 MHz 
fixed band (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 11415-USB, Nov 9 at 1350-1401+, net of Indonesian 
stations, some of them melodic, believe to be pirate QSOs. One strong 
enough, most of the others quite weak (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

This report dispatched at 1759 UT November 9
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