** BRAZIL. 6080.025, Dec 27 at 0638, JBA talk with a bit of pulse 
jamming; a VOA English frequency from São Tomé at 03-07 (with beam 
changes at 05 & 06), but would not expect it to be this far offset, 
while I do not have anything on 6080.00 this late. Presumed R. 
Marumby, Curitiba, which is active but seldom logged here, recently 
reported elsewhen by Manuel Méndez, Spain; and by Rudolf Grimm in 
Brasil: ``Radio Marumby, Curitiba (on 6080.02 kHz)`` as QRM to Gruss 
an Bord (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA [non]. 13650, Dec 27 at 2258, huge S9+45 open carrier, 2300 
CRI IDs in Chinese and Portuguese, the language this hour via CUBA. 
Sufficient modulation level. Not a trace of CCI from NHK in Thai 

** CUBA. 6165, Dec 27 at 0638, RHC English is S9+20 but very 
suptorted, unreadable: wiggle that patchcord! Or pick another //: 
6100, S9+10/S8 with OK mod
6060, S9+10/20 with good mod
6000, S9+30/20 with sufficient mod
5940, S9+20, overmodulated, distorted
Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** CUBA. 13780, Dec 27 at 1503, this RHC is off, nominal close at 
1500. 13700 is on but spurless. BTW, Wolfgang Bueschel on Dec 18 
measured 13780 considerably off-frequency, one thing which is unusual 
for RHC. ``Much surprise odd fq on lower sideband 13779.967 kHz signal 
from Bauta site, S=9+40dB at 1300 UT``. I need to measure it too 
before 1500 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PHILIPPINES. 9795, Dec 27 at 2254, S7-S8 keyboard variations on 
``Jesus Saves``, FEBC Iba prior to 2300 broadcast in Mon language 

** U S A. 6586-USB, Dec 27 at 2246, New York Radio contacting many 
planes, specifying primary and secondary frequencies (such as 8918, 
5598, 3016), making SelCall tests; North Atlantic coordinates cited; 
refers to Santa Maria, meaning flights which will be passed on to 
Azores ATC. EiBi shows 6586 is NY Radio CAR-B channel along with CAR-A 
on 6577, the latter shared 24 hours with Piarco Radio, Trinidad as 
CAR-B for it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 4980, Dec 27 at 2240, WRMI with Supreme Master TV, now 
regular at 21-24 and even acknowledged in disgraced FB. But of more 
significance, // SMTV programming is *also* on stronger 5950 and 
strongest 9395, *instead* of DW English via WRN via WRMI. Programming 
is a drama with music, slow syllables in uncertain language but not 
English which appears later in the hour. SMTV is metastasizing into 
more and more frequencies.

I had previously found SMTV 4980 plus 5950 and 9395 during the 23-24 
UT hour on Dec 25. Today Dec 27 at 2321 check, 4980 // 9395 during 
slow Chinese? and music, while 5950 is dead air, with ACI from real 
Chinese on 5945.

Another case of WRMI schedules not matching what they are really 
doing. The skedgrid at http://www.tinyurl.com/WRMIfqs as of early UT 
Dec 28 still claims 5950 & 9395 at 22-23 are with WRN; at 23-24, 5950 
with Radio France International (English), and 9395 with System G. 
Checking the System G program schedules below, 9395 at 23-24 UT is 
supposed to be Oldies M-F, VORW Sat, YWS Sun. 9395 at 22-23 is 
supposed to be RAE in Italian M-F, Oldies & Walking in Power both Sat 
& Sun and both // 7780. There is no program sked for System E = WRN 
(and never had been) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 13685-13695, Dec 27 at 1505, DRM noise is back from WINB, 
missing yesterday, and still the totally lopsided version: noise in 
the top half, multiple carriers beating in the bottom half.

13688, Dec 27 at 2259, RTTY again today, suspected of also emanating 
from WINB transmitter (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 12050, Dec 27 at 2238, no signal from WEWN Spanish, nor on 
night frequency 5970; while there is a JBA carrier still on English 
day frequency 15610. Schedule at http://ewtn.org/radio/freq.htm claims 
12050 runs 14-24 at 155 degrees, and 5970 runs 00-14 at 160 degrees. 
Two time columns are labeled CST and UTC, 6 hours apart. IIRC, WEWN 
skeds used to be in EST, but I called them out for that since Alabama 
is in CST.

As long as RCM be absent from 12050, R. Ndarason International, via 
Ascension at 1800-2100 should be unblocked; haven`t tried it yet 

UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-Atlantic JBA MW carrier search, Dec 27 at 2306-
2319. Again after first noticing a 1 kHz het upon 1090 without really 
trying: 531, 549, 621, 684, 774, 837, 882, 909, 999, 1044, 1053, 1089, 
1215, 1413, 1431. This time I`m using the JRC with N/S inside 
shortwire (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 0114 UT December 28
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