** CUBA. 6060, Dec 28 at 0510, RHC is in Spanish here // weaker 6100 
and also 5040; while 6000 & 6165 are in English. After 0500 we would 
expect all to be in English (and 6100 never in Spanish). 12000 is JBA 
at 0512, presumed 2 x 6000. 11700 & 11840 fundamentals are still on in 

So on this date, the Spanish/English handover at 0600? It`s still a 
tossup what will be where in the 05-06 hour. By next check 0652, 6100 
& 6060 have changed to English along with 6000 & 6165. Something`s 
always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 9570, Dec 28 at 1436, S9+10 of dead air, obviously the CRI 
relay frequency not turned off at 1400. Meanwhile, another transmitter 
is running CRI English as usual on 15700. Something`s always wrong at 
RadioCuba (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 13780.005, Dec 28 at 1439, RHC is close enough to on-
frequency, unlike 13779.967 where Wolfgang Bueschel found them on Dec 
18. 13700, Dec 28 at 1439, no FM spurs today. Something`s not wrong at 

** CUBA. 14997 & 15283, Dec 28 at 1829, JBA carriers; by 1853 I barely 
have enough audio on 14997 to make a match to 15140 RHC Spanish. So 
this must be the *same* transmitter putting out the same +/- ~143 kHz 
spurs before 1600 when Arnie`s B18 schedule had 15140 changing from 
Quivicán to Bauta. 

I had been suspecting this, since the modulation on 15140 itself is 
just as distorted and rough in the afternoons as in the mornings. Just 
one more bit of dis/misinformation from RHC, disproven by careful 
monitoring. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** DENMARK [non?]. 15806, Dec 28 at 1827 and 1852 on different 
receivers, JBA carrier, but probably something local rather than World 
Music Radio, which Stig Hartvig Nielsen says has been on 15805 since 
December 24 with 200 watts at 07-20 daily until January 7, then 
weekends only; admittedly unlikely to be heard with low power on 
poorly propagating band. He will not QSL reports via remote receivers. 
If someone definitely get it on 15806, I shall reconsider (Glenn 

** KUWAIT. 11629.760, Dec 28 at 1432, JBA carrier from R. Kuwait. Also 
like this yesterday. Very strange, as until then, was a good strong 
signal with Qur`an, and others from the region on 25m are still good 
today, Turkey and Romania. Why has the Kuwait signal dropped out so 
much? Still JBA carrier at 1519, when I also note Saudi 11745 is JBA, 
but it`s never been very strong (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** SAUDI ARABIA. 1521, Dec 28 at 1910, JBA carrier hetting 1520 KOKC 
OKC, earlier than ever only 38 minutes after local mean noon here, but 
2 megawatts into lowsun ionosphere presumably propagates it well into 
Western daytime. I am open to any other explanation of why such a 
carrier should show up here in the afternoon hours before sunset, and 
not in the evening when we know Duba is off overnight. Despite WRTH 
2019 as 1500-0300, MWlist shows 1700-2230 only, with all MW & SW //s:
Bearing from here is about 38 degrees, but probably too weak to DF. 
Path crosses Hadrian`s Wall, as far north as 59 degrees N, just south 
of Iceland & Greenland, where it`s already post-sunset (Glenn Hauser, 

** TURKEY. 12035.73 approx., Dec 28 at 1426, VOT English is still on, 
tailing with IS and IDs in unID next language. I hasten to measure it 
but goes off at 1428 before I have pinned it to third decimal place. 
It`s been a few days since the last offness, unlogged when it is 

11815.007, Dec 28 at 1430, VOT Turkish talk is almost on-frequency 
today (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 5950, Dec 28 at 0625, another check of this WRMI to find out 
what they are running tonight: it`s a low-key conversation with a 
woman who wrote an apocalyptic SF book and is making a film, about 
Florida in the near future becoming independent as authoritarianism is 
taking over the USA. The project started in 2010 and she never thought 
in eight years it could be coming true. 

Her comments are clear, but her interviewer is off-mike with an accent 
and mumbling, hard to understand. I keep listening for some clue about 
the name of the book, the film or the author, but they are never 
mentioned as the long interview finally ends abruptly at 0648, when it 
is immediately followed by Radio Praga opening in Spanish! with a `fin 
de semana` feature about the Pilsen beer factory. 

The unID English discussion almost seemed like an original rough 
recording which needed to be edited and fixed up for broadcast, at 
least with an outro clearly giving the pertinent details. I did gather 
that the book is available on Amazon and the protagonist is named 
Rachel (sp?) with no last name, to hide her ethnicity. 

So was this from Radio Prague? Can`t find anything like it at radio.cz 
concerning recent broadcasts. Or was it RFI which had been occupying 
this hour recently? Nothing at rfi.fr either. Any ideas? It seems like 
WRMI is just playing random files at random times, rather than 
plugging into WRN or RFI (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 15770, Dec 28 at 1858, pro-Jesus gospel huxter, unlike 
Supreme Master TV which is the only thing WRMI schedules on this 
frequency; indeed, 1859 outro as `Christ Gospel Broadcast` in 
Jeffersonville IN, and then ID as ``21525``, Radio Africa Network. 
21525 is also on but JBA. This is hardly the first time that RAN 
programming has shown up on other WRMI frequencies; is it just too 
complex to arrange all those Systems, transmitters, frequencies and 
antennas? But at 1900, 15770 into stories about animals doing rescues, 
now we`re talkin` SMTV as indeed IDed at 1904; and in Spanish at 1912.

As a multilingual myself (not including Vietnamese, Chinese), I can 
handle some multi-lingual broadcasts, but it seems to me SMTV is 
driving away droves of listener-viewers by constantly mixing up 
languages on its single channel. What a business model! You never know 
when it`s going to be in English or for how long (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. 12050, Dec 28 at 1825, WEWN is S9+10, back on with praise 
song in Spanish, so never mind hearing Ndarason uncovered. Other 
Spanish frequency 5970 was still absent last night. Now, no signal on 
15610 for WEWN English but it is not opening until 1900 (Glenn Hauser, 

** U S A. 650, Dec 28 at 1906 UT, weather and ID for ``AM 650, KGAB``, 
Rush theme. This is at the limit of groundwave on a quiet summer day, 
but now could as well be early skywave from Cheyenne WY. KLTT 670 
Denver is always in daytime, noise level permitting (Glenn Hauser, 

This report dispatched at 2027 UT December 28
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